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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. This is why I love ya & why I couldn't agree more. Forza 4 hit is perfectly. I loved going through, ticking off all of the boxes & seeing all of those lovely orange check marks next to everything I have already completed. Maybe if Turn 10 had stuck to that format through 5, 6, & 7, then perhaps a change should be necessitated. However, I still hold out hope that perhaps one day, we can get back there.
  2. I'm glad Luke reviewed this. I too had heavy concern regarding the new redesign of essentially leveling up one car at a time & sticking to a choice handful of cars overall in order to level them all up appropriately. Let's hope that Turn10 truly does revamp this via a patch down the road whenever more free tracks & cars are added before the end of the year. Regardless however, I'll be playing this SO much starting next week. Feels as though I have been waiting for literally EVER to enjoy a new FM!
  3. Was just watching the New Rockstars Breakdown of the first 3 episodes. Apparently that shot of Cricket coming out of that guards' ear, all done practically! A massive 15 foot ear & 1000+ gallons of blood!!! LOVE PRACTICAL FX!
  4. I'm sure there HAS to be a collector out there willing to part w/ hard earned $$$ for it, keep searching!
  5. TBH, as someone who was alive when the whole East Coast/West Coast beef was actually happening, I wasn't ever all that into either Biggie nor Pac.
  6. Like wow, I am legitimately blown THE FUCK away by how quality that trailer really is. There's something there, something inherently Troma there, nestled in between the layers, the heart of what was, still remains! I am going to love this film so hard!
  7. I was preparing shoyu chicken when that scene hit in the background, the noises alone! Seriously though, just so damn happy to be back in The Boys universe. I feel as though the surreal nature of this alternate world is even more emphasized than in the main series. It is SO out there, god dammit I freaking love this universe!
  8. IF true, why in the hell was this guy not arrested fucking YEARS ago as all he's done is run his mouth & take credit.
  9. I'm genuinely curious as to how much Netflix spent monthly/annually on shipping costs alone!?
  10. Not sure if you saw or heard from Darcy, but they will still maintain the double feature format for holiday specials & the like. Granted, I may want the crew EVERY week, but I understand business is business, so whatever the fuck about the every other Friday deal.
  11. Safe to say that nobody has watched yet, I'll definitely scope out episode 1 at least in a couple hours once I'm home from work.
  12. Look, one of you mouthbreathers is never going to copulate with a woman, just hand me your $500 so I can pick up a region free 4K player ffs!
  13. Introducing Jimmy Smits into the show (and let's be honest, really including his presence in damn near anything automatically elevates it!) was a tremendous choice. Thank you @CastlevaniaNut18for continuing to update as you go along, I'm invested (probably more than I should be) about your experience through the series.
  14. The concept of the Vong was one I always thought was interesting, I think in execution, it wasn't handled well. Still though, there are SO many elements of what is now "Legends" that I miss, still have love for, & yearn for to be brought to life ... alas it probably won't come to pass...at least how it is in my head cannon anyways.
  15. I had no idea this was the man from 'The Great Escape' ... awwww man what a hell of a run!
  16. Thinks for thanking of me @stepee! Universal Horror Nights is definitely a dream to experience for sure, preferably the one in Cali but nevertheless. Did get to go to this insane horror/haunted house deal last year with the Mrs. where they had a hayride which was the best I've ever experienced, alongside 5 different houses with varying themes. Place has been around for luke 20 or 25 years, highly recommended @69losto check it out if given the chance. Frightmare Farms FYI!
  17. So Amazon, one of the world's largest companies & wealthiest, cannot even guarantee 2-Day shipping anymore for Prime members, but now you have to pay essentially a luxury tax atop of your membership (which isn't even getting taken care of right to begin with) all so we don't have to be hassled with more BS ... wow completely & totally fucked!
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