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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Oh I have used LFG and gained a few new friends from that platform, I'm just saying in general that not only should they implement matchmaking for Nightfall, but also a few of these Redux missions, if they had MM in a strike sort of way implemented and lets be honest, I think their Raid's would get A LOT more play at least in their vanilla versions if they had this as well (only something like 5% of all year 1 players have completed a raid.)
  2. By all means feel free to add me. In terms of the celebration, just need to do the 1AU mission and the one where you fight the final boss in the campaign and I'll be all done with my greens ... then it's onto blue and I have yet to do a single NF the whole time D2 has been out, so that should be so much fun (they REALLY need NF matchmaking BTW)
  3. I'm still stuck on just why in the hell people enjoy their water carbonated!?
  4. Final wrap up of lingering questions from the month long coverage that G.I. did alongside the two lead devs of Awoken:
  5. Watched in IMAX last night and WOW!!! Totally blown away. Palms were sweaty during both the motorcycle chase sequence and the chopper chase, just absolutely batshit insanity knowing it's Tom doing all this! Henry Cavill, sir I think I do think this may be one of your best roles, so kudos to you! The way the story was told and all the payoffs. Also, anyone else notice who the blonde woman "White Widow" is in the MI-verse!? Fun little nod!
  6. Donnie Yen vs. Uko Kwais would be spec-fucking-tacular! Having Reeves in the Saxon part would be pretty cool actually. Also, in this version, can we figure out just how the girl was killed during the melee at the end!? Also, why not have Bolo Yeung show up as a cameo, PLEASE!? (Maybe the guy who gets tricked off the boat?)
  7. I was honestly thinking the same thing last night. Pratt, Zeo, Brad, Vin, Dave and also most importantly, James' brother.
  8. The shortcut once you get into the green room helps out a little bit but hot damn if those enemies are no joke! No even a 360, so I'm not much help regardless of how decent I can be in a jumping puzzle.
  9. Gunn tends to focus on things very intently and ruminate on them deeply. In the last couple years, it has been Trump (which in turn warrants a lot of hate from his supporters which led to this downfall, of that there is no doubt.) Back about 10 years ago was when all the pedophilia stuff related to the director of Jeepers Creepers came out and he was going HAM on the guy for being a sick bastard. Just really sunk his teeth into the issue and didn't want to let it go, for obvious reasons. Now to him, the satirical way in which he was going on and on about it was a continuous one sided conversation, a running "joke" if you will as he found a way to voice his frustration and disgust with that director.I think Disney absolutely overreacted (and honestly I believe that they did so with Rosanne as well actually) and I think it is absolute bull shit that someone on their own personal account cannot vocalize their thoughts and misgivings without some asshats scrutiny and it ends up costing careers.I miss the old days of the internet where anonymity was still viable, alas it is no more and so we are beholden to this social more of "Well if you have something to protect then you need to keep your mouth shut no matter what." Sometimes we all have got to just scream out into the abyss of the internet at what really gets under our skin. It isn't right to hold someone into account for something posted/tweeted nearly a DECADE ago, far before their connection to the current entity in which they find themselves is even relevant.
  10. Abhorrent treatment by Marvel & Disney. Something this man tweeted out YEARS ago and it is completely blown out of context to get headlines more than anything, what the fuck is wrong with this world today.
  11. So Conan has the cast of Predator (2018) on, and Olivia Munn's vagina is all over the stage lmao...maybe she should give some thought next time to what to wear as opposed to just going out like she usually does, as a whore!
  12. Thank you Dave Filoni for doing this! SW: TCW is the 2nd best animated show of all time ever!
  13. Bought my IMAX tickets when they went up, going opening night, can't wait!
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