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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Saul conned the board, Kim, and US! Also, my heart fucking BROKE for Mike ... he lost a piece of his soul there in that desert under those stars.
  2. MS have acquiesced to the fact that they lost this gen but they have laid extensive, and sure footed ground work going into next gen 2020. Anyone not paying attention or at the very least acknowledging their progress this gen and the strides they have made, the way they only slightly pivoted from what had originally been announced when the XB1 was shown (and where the market has led since naturally so MS saw the writing on the wall it was merely "wrong time wrong place") Phil's ship is being steered right into strong winds at their back and will continue to kick names and take ass!
  3. Tears streamed down my face, that was fucking amazing! Rocky IV is also my personal favorite and I re-watched it constantly as a kid so to see this direct continuation, yes yes HELL FUCKING YES!
  4. Straight up however, looking back and seeing so many of their titles and so much of their content in those deep discount sales on XBL for instance (of which I took advantage of TBH, even it was only because I was limited on time and wanted something cheap when I had time to get "caught up", nonetheless I'm a part of the problem that caused this) but I genuinely believed that Telltale was in the top tier of 3rd party devs with licensed content behind only TT Games (Lego's game devs) but holy shit this totally breaks my heart for the company, the gamers that enjoyed their titles, and most importantly those that worked there. Fucking tragedy!
  5. So did I...until I saw the graph I think those of us who loved Telltale feel the same IKR! Fucking devastating to see it laid out like this. I genuinely thought they were one of the preeminent 3rd party devs and possibly the #1 dev of licensed material in the market, this is shocking as all hell!
  6. I doubt they would rework the system for infusing until at the very least the Winter or Spring updates...but hey who knows? Maybe Bungie is firing on all cylinders finally and knows already what to do next?
  7. While you are right that Season of the Witch is fucking amazing, Halloween II always held a special place in my heart! Saying that, in the :47 second spot is a wink to Mrs Elrod and also at the 1:57 mark is a massive Easter egg for us SotW fans!
  8. (Also, anyone catch the Halloween II and Season of the Witch Easter eggs in the new trailer!!?)
  9. (FYI: Heavy Machine Guns WILL BE RETURNING LATER THIS YEAR - 2:37 mark shows one) Also guaranteed 2 new Raid lairs in the next year AND guaranteed new Exotics for every content drop for Annual Pass members! #BringMeBackBadJuju
  10. As a MASSIVE fan of the trilogy on Genesis, honestly this is a day 1 buy for me (even if the art style does leave something to be desired...was hoping for A LOT more neon!)
  11. Freaking barely! Also, straight up, those cousins...man they freak me right the hell out. SPEAK GOD DAMMIT SAY SOMETHING WOULDYA!?
  12. 29:00 - new mod system and I freaking LOVE IT! 35:30 - 2 hit melees kill a guardian guaranteed in PVP 40:00 - 1:22:00 - Live fire exercise PVP (also Titan Shoulder Charge/Hunter Tether/Stormcaller all buffed and Golden Gun received 2 more seconds of activation!) Triple tap back!
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