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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. As a Tumblr user, I found this response to be spot on: "Firstly, and most importantly, this is anti-sex. This move says that sex/sexuality/being sexual is bad. Tumblr has made it official that they do not want sex on their website. Tumblr is happy to have anything on their site, except gore, child pornography, criminal activity, ect; all of these things are considered to be (in broad strokes) bad. Added to this list is now sex, which can only really be interpreted as say sex is as bad as that other content ban on Tumblr. Secondly, this move is going to have some harm to young LGBTQAI+ people. These effects will be limited, but real and damaging, to those who are vulnerable and still trying to come to terms with their sexuality. Tumblr presents these young people with opportunity to view and explore queer pornographic content (in an attempt to help come to terms with their sexuality) while it is easier to hide from, and work around restrictions placed by, authority figures (parents/guardians) who may be hostile LGBTQIA+ people. Cutting this content out of Tumblr will destroy a very good place of young queer expression. Thirdly, this limits artistic expression. The difference between porn and art has always been difficult. Policing what is erotic art, what is pornography, what is nude photography is a tall order and one that can only go wrong. Already, things that aren’t porn have been flagged on my blog, while things that are have gone untouched. Algorithms learn through failure, however I don’t want to be one of the guinea pigs it learns on, trying to figure out how to ban the porn I like. This can only lead to wrongful take downs and problem after problem for those whose blogs straddle the porn/art line that will be so arbitrarily drawn. Fourthly, a double standard has been applied with regards to the gender of nipples. It seems so obvious, and yet a purportedly progressive website like Tumblr has gone a tripped over an obvious catch of censorship. Women’s nipples are considered obscene, for no useful reason reason, and Tumblr seems fine to enforce this narrative. It is sexist, it places gender queer people in an annoying spot, and it will be hard to police what is a female nipple, and what isn’t. And number five, who asked for this? NSFW and pornographic content can already be filtered out if a user so wishes. If those filters aren’t working and content that is unwanted is still coming through: it shows that the filter won’t work when implemented against all pornography, that the problem isn’t that their is pornography on Tumblr but that user’s ability to regulate their feed isn’t working and that the solution of banning this content is disproportionate. Tumblr has every right to do this. It is their platform, they can decide to allow or not to allow whatever they want. However, we as consumers to choose not to use a product if it no longer supplies our demands. It honestly feels like a betrayal and I don’t think that it is good, necessary or desired by the majority. I have personally loved Tumblr for its mix of content. From the funny to the sexy, from fetishistic to political, from dick pics to portraits, all have been present and welcome here. It has always been a delight to me being able to scroll down my feed and see hot women and men having unique, extraordinary sex and then have that immediately followed by a meme from #Auspol. If that isn’t here any longer, I hardly see why I need to be."
  2. Considering I was anticipating this, Rocksteady's new title (confirmed NOT to be happening) and HOPEFULLY a new Splinter Cell announcement, one alone is more than enough for me come Thursday night at the VGA's!
  3. Dave Attell & Jeff Ross have a new special "Bumping Mics" that feature a TON of classic and modern stand up acts as guests so scope that out!
  4. Everything about duck is delicious, and there is no better tasting fat on any animal when rendered off slowly! Also, mmmmm duck liver!
  5. So for those of you in the know, Deadly Class is a hell of an amazing graphic series published by Image Comics and takes place in the mid-80's focusing on teenagers in school...a school for training assassins! It's a totally out there concept and the "clique-ish" behaviors are transcribed between Triads and Nazis and Yakuza as well as Gangsta's from the streets, it's trippy as all hell (sometimes LITERALLY) and written by Rick Remender. Thing is, Deadly Class will be premiering on SyFy January 16th and Henry freaking Rollins is going to be the Poisons Professor which brings us to the point of this post: If you're a fan of any of this or even perhaps just intrigued, then check out this hour long podcast discussing the show and book with these two giants of entertainment coming together!
  6. As a long time fan of Patton's, that last special he did made me legit cry for the last half hour or so, absolutely touching!
  7. That new Ron White was great for sure! The latest Bert Kreischer (Secret Time) was fun and Tom Segura's Disgraceful is perfect! The new 30 minute/6 comics performing in Vegas is solid with Joey Diaz & Brad Williams! Those are the only two I watched out it yet.
  8. Meanwhile I'm slow roasting a whole duck for dinner tonight!
  9. Dry brined the 2 I prepared and they turned out to be the most succulent, juiciest birds of that species I ever roasted!
  10. Just need this to come out to make bank at the box office so Mike gets funding for Trick R Treat 2 FINALLY!
  11. Well at least he won't grow up to shoot up a school now so there's that! #LivesSaved
  12. Devils advocate in me says this: Its almost full bore holiday shopping season, so a lot of people are waiting on sales and/or buying gifts. Also, a contributing factor would be there are far more "games as a service" out on the market than ever before. Also...RDR2 did just launch as well so there's that.
  13. I'm sure he's at peace now, we will always have what he created and shared with us. Even though we all knew it was inevitable, it still hurts so much. RIP sir, Excelsior
  14. ...so yeah guess MAYBE VGA's we'll see something from Rocksteady then...holy fuck it's been like 3 years, SHOW US SOMETHING DAMMIT
  15. HOLY SHIT OBSIDIAN! (Not an RPG guy but that's massive!)
  16. They just made an announcement of a new Fable being worked on earlier in 2018, I doubt we will see it before 2020
  17. Fortune Island, find treasure ... confirmed that FH and Sea of Thieves ARE in the same universe!
  18. Speaking of The Game Awards, nominees will be announced Tuesday!
  19. Look at all that glorious screen pop in lmao
  20. No hard confirmation just HEAVY rumors over the past weeks
  21. Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby boy, XB1X
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