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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Also, Becky tapped to Askua so more than likely she's gonna turn up to the Women's RR later (I HOPE!)
  2. Shane O Mac looking like Chris Burke from "Life Goes On" after hitting a shooting star press to win the tag team titles!
  3. I'd give it a solid 4/5 for sure. Subverts expectations all the while ratcheting up the intensity throughout. Love all the actors in it, very well done!
  4. Here I thought $1000 was already retarded for a phone then this gets announced
  5. For real though I wasn't even aware of it. While physically to the eye it isn't QUITE that sexy, the elegance & beauty of it is in the design of what that magnificent car can DO on a track. Need that shit in the next Forza Motorsport PLEASE!
  6. So Grand Tour is off to a rollicking great start, the first 4 episodes of Punisher season 2 are decent, I rented "Standoff" just haven't watched it yet...may do that prior to bed tonight. What are ya'll watching?
  7. Yeah Jeremy's belly grew for sure. Wasn't aware that the "Exorcist" was even a thing! As for the continued disparaging housing market in Detroit, that really sucks.
  8. IDK why we'd need 2 separate threads when its' clearly dedicated to the show and the books aren't out yet. Perhaps if/when it comes to speaking about something NOT in the shows but books only that spoilers are hidden then?
  9. Wasn't James Wan supposedly attached at some point!? I mean if anyone can, why not him?
  10. Whichever team wins between K.C. & Indy I want to go all the way! Mahomes has been superb all season and it's been a pleasure watching so many of his games, true freaking talent. As for the Colts, I wrote them off and then they just came on hot and heavy in the final 1/3 of the season and nobody could do a damn thing to stop them! Going to be a hell of a great game!
  11. Still felt a little "tanky" but not as bad as I remember plus its far more fluid now than the old PS and I was sort of transported back yet it still felt new! Seriously considering buying this purely for nostalgia sake!
  12. "Close" - Noomi Rapace film on Netflix "Punisher" Season 2 - Netflix "Grand Tour" Season 3 - Amazon Prime "Glass" - Theaters "Standoff at Sparrow Creek" - James Badge Dale thriller coming to all VOD services So, what will you be watching D1P'ers?
  13. Really shitty beginning to the year's impending losses. RIP to a true and absolute legend who probably put more guys over than anyone else ever!
  14. Yeah after that first 20-30 minutes the color change is, to me at least, what people must have thought and felt the first time watching "Wizard of Oz" in theaters 80 years ago! The fact that Jackson & company had what, over a 1000 hours of footage and 600 hours of audio to piece together to trim to a 90 minute film showcasing a sort of "Basic experience of your British soldier during WWI" is astonishing. Seeing the 30 minute behind the scenes after (where most in the theater I went to in upstate NY also stuck around for) was fantastic. All the attention and love put into it...truly artistic.
  15. Being a Titans fan, I don't have great feels about tonight's game but I am hoping! Also, a small part of me is kind of rooting for a tie just to see the Steelers longest shot of a chance ever actually come through haha
  16. Definitely a different experience and as it being the first ever episode I have watched of the show alongside two of my buddies and all of us passing the controller around interacting with it, holy hell its trippy as fuck!
  17. ...and yet no one wished me a Happy 38th back on the 18th ya bastards! Still though, hope you had a great birthday @kittykat
  18. IDGAF about data mining, I want to know what those who like/love Destiny think about this major evolution of a character and the incurring MAJOR impact it can potentially have going forward on so many fronts!?
  19. Wait a sec, NO ONE has posted on here in over a week!? Does NO ONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!? In case you hadn't already been spoiled by the leak a few weeks ago, log in, grind out some Blind Well and go see the Queen NOW! Then after that, I present to you the following Byf video as a sort of catharsis to process...
  20. Where's Chris Hardwick and Jenny McCarthy (one does everything and the other ain't doing shit) Why was this brought back Is that not THE most rachet ass ho EVER Why did this show have to go all "urban" I've been outta the game for so damn long, like seriously WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK
  21. Scrolling through Twitter realizing: Not everyone is making it out alive The "In Memory of Stan Lee" stinger How much more definite the end is going to be Why do I want this to arrive and to bear witness to it so badly!? Masochism at its finest I suppose? Still though, between this and the final episodes of GoT, April/May will be both so very cathartic and thrilling as it will be devastating beyond our wildest beliefs and that in and of itself is fascinating and I don't believe, anything any of us have ever really experienced before.
  22. Yep I missed the Banner spot my bad. Now answer me how in the hell Tony's helmet looks like that when his armor is based out of his chest piece? For a minute I thought it may have been Nebula's face or something but that doesn't fit either so wtf!?
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