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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I WANT to believe but I'll be cautious in any optimism. Personally 3 was the first I saw in theaters, I didn't hate it but it hasn't aged well. The Bale film I didn't hate either and hoped to see what would come thereafter but that was pulled. Genysis was on paper a solid theory but in execution, done poorly. Also, why wasn't it "No Fate" as "No Fate But What We Make"? Grrrrr
  2. So yeah, the official website is all those things of the 90's internet pages we hated when we had dial up and not in hindsight, just so damn much love! https://www.marvel.com/captainmarvel
  3. First saw Pentagon in Lucha Underground, fucking amazing. Then there was his match with Omega at All In last year, total barn burner! Have been lucky to catch him & Fenix in a few matches on TNA (pretty much the only reason why I'll tune in is if I know they're on)...but now TNA streams on freaking Twitch so yeah
  4. Young Bucks vs. Pentagon Jr. & Fenix Jericho vs. Omega (OMEGA OFFICIALLY SIGNED!) Adam "Hangman" Page vs. Pac aka Neville
  5. "...some guy named Pablo something or other. You know, they shot the poor man!" LMAO
  6. Yeah they even comment on that by the end...then James ruined the whole damn thing the limey bastard! lol
  7. I get a slight "Out of the Furnace" type of vibe from it and I really enjoy that film as well so I'm thoroughly pumped for this one! Also, James Badge Dale's last two works have been awesometacular and I'm a big fan!
  8. Tim Sutton directed thriller starring Frank Grillo & James Badge Dale
  9. Look up "Chyna" on Twitter and there's a TON of people taking issue with it not to mention that Beth Phoenix and Kharma did it as well before Nia
  10. I believe it was Cole trying to sell that bull shit @The def star
  11. Nia won the women's belt at Mania last year against the beautiful brat known as Alexa Bliss!!! That said, I took issue when the announcers said Nia was "the first ever woman in a RR match" because fuck that shit, it was Chyna!
  12. WOW wtf!? *WWE Cronie* "Umm Vince told me you have to remove your shirt or I'll be forced to remove you" *flexes security guard muscle* "WTF!? For real!? I bought these tickets for this event...are you even going to replace my shirt?" ~ Random fan being picked on *WWE Cronie* "No you have to give us money for a new shirt."
  13. Overall I would give this year's RR a solid 8.5/9 with docks coming from the Bryan/AJ match finish mostly TBH as that was un-fucking-called for!
  14. We have Elimination Chamber and another PPV all to set up Balor further (preferably an unbeatable "Demon" Balor) leading into Mania in April. Nearly 3 months time to build him up more (and also to do so in service of not losing him to AEW) but yeah Brock has had enough time, we are over it, its time to give newcomers a chance and give a whole new breath of fresh air to the brand as a whole!
  15. Yeah I was NEVER a JJ fan whatsoever and it was so very cathartic seeing Elias bust that guitar on him...now onto the business at hand @The def starhow IN THE ACTUAL FUCK did that match make him look WEAK!? He shot outta the gate with aggressive offense, opened up an old wound on Brock, Balor genuinely made me believe he had a shot until the kimora lock which in story telling, Balor is DAMN lucky he didn't end up "getting his arm broken". Balor HAD to tap out...now just wait for The Demon to appear toward the end of this Royal Rumble or barring THAT then the next time Lesnar appears on RAW, the Demon shall strike and/or come out against the only other possible RR winner (that being Rollins).
  16. Yeah...it was all going so well and then there came that AJ/D-Bry ending...Rowan would you kindly fuck off!?
  17. A lot of highlights from the event on Twitter @Chairslingeralso, hope you're enjoying your vacation!
  18. @Spork3245got any solid predictions or anticipating anything from the festivities tonight? Also, where's the other regs who watch!?
  19. Legit though, a 49 year old part timer doing that move and NOT pulling a Bork...bravo!
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