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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Reigns/McIntyre Batista/HHH Balor/Bobby Lashley Kurt/Corbin Women's Triple Threat (not necessarily all in that order except for the last)
  2. I am SO happy for and proud of Kofi...however now I'm worried a bit about the Women's Title Match
  3. Is it too early to call that ALL belts are changing hands tonight!?
  4. Just glad the belt is back to being defended REGULARLY!
  5. Mustafa Ali's face smashed against the metal corner of the announce table during that elimination, OUCH! Also, that "I got kids!" guy smacked his head off that...is it a speaker on the side of the barricade!?
  6. 10pm Thursday night for me, even took that overnight off PTO style just for the purpose of seeing it ASAP!
  7. I feel SO bad for Rocket just merely in that reaction shot in the new trailer, he's fucking devastated! Damn animal cruelty right there.
  8. I hadn't ever seen C.H.U.D. nor Castle Freak, really enjoyed the latter quite a bit actually!
  9. Well @johnnynow is the perfect time! Joe Bob will be on every Friday night for the next number of weeks (forgot if its 6 or 8)
  10. Not sure there are any of you who have a subscription to Shudder but we're about an hour into the weekly Last Drive-In w/ Joe Bob Briggs and they're showing C.H.U.D. (Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers) and I am fucking loving it! Pure nostalgia and awesomeness, definitely worth checking out! (This shit is trending all over Twitter ya'll!) *Updates thread whenever there's news*
  11. Is that combo juggle system a new feature (I knew playing co-op you could simultaneously beat up a baddie but that juggle back and forth seems like a new thing?)
  12. Just make a shimmering golden up arrow and a dribbling goopy brown down arrow!?
  13. Being a big fan of WhatCulture Wrestling's "Ups & Downs" w/ Simon Miller, I'd love a "Golden Up" and a "Brown Down" option!
  14. I'm curious, show of hands, who's more excited for the new QT than even Endgame? I'm dying to see them both but gun to my head, I'd choose Quentin's newest film!
  15. Whenever there is a new QT film out, THAT is THE film event of the year.
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