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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I must say that the last 2 eps of the 3rd season really had them go out on a high note with the format that we have come to know & love. I'm intrigued by what comes next and most certainly do not want these 3 amazing men to leave anytime soon, it's just that I'm scared to lose Conversation Street, car reviews, having them go round the track, etc.
  2. I feel like my 10pm screening of Thursday night is "too late" so yeah I need to do my best to stay in the dark as much as possible. What's weird is that "spoilers" for Endgame aren't nearly as bad as any/all spoilers for anything GoT related, what does that say?
  3. Here's the thing, being an optimist...IF this is the stop-gap before a next proper "Forza Motorsport" next year with the next Xbox's release, then OK...fine I suppose.
  4. Watching this Clone Wars panel...FUCK IT IS SO GOOD! Legitimately tearing up with joy that we get just a little bit more!
  5. $15 + $5 tip, with that I get a cut, beard trim, eyebrows done, hot towel wrap, and massage!
  6. Well that latter part makes sense about all the shenanigans of DX making Vince jokes for 5 minutes during their speech. As for Road Dogg leaving, I could totally see him going with Billy over to AEW so long as there's a spot for him. May be a little too late for Double or Nothing but just in time for the fall TV deal allegedly hitting Tuesday nights once Smackdown moves back to Friday's.
  7. I am genuinely shocked its only $6.99/month or $70/year. That said however, I'm curious how long that lasts til it's jacked up to $10+/month? Over/under a year? Fuck...guess they got us!
  8. @Spork3245I don't know if you're serious or being facetious but I KINDA love it!
  9. On paper, here's what we have: (2019) - Spider-Man: Far From Home and then ...? (Won't get any announcement(s) until AFTER this is out probably not until SDCC 2019 at the earliest) On the board, there's potential for the following: Doctor Strange 2 & 3 Black Panther 2 & 3 Black Widow Eternals Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Tom Holland's Spider-Man 3quel Allegedly Shang-Chi Even at 3 a year, that's 3 years minimum there at that pace, not to mention IF/WHEN they bring about FF4 (in which theoretically COULD be done such that the FF core AND Doctor Doom are already established in some form and that way we don't need ANOTHER origin story, only just have a couple potential flashbacks of THIS MCU version of their origin wherein there lays potential for further things to be revealed down the road in future sequels, etc.) Add to it, whatever Disney's streaming service and subsequent TV series/1 offs have to show/say for other remaining and living characters post-Endgame that can potentially spin out into future films. ALSO more than likely the potential for a very real Thor 4 AND potential Captain America sequel(s) if A. Surprise! Chris Evans has another contract. B. Bucky or Falcon carry the title. (Personally, I would LOVE to see Evans back for ONE MORE Cap flick with Red Skull back wherein Bucky, Falcon, Widow and others have to team up to stop him!) We have SO much story yet to tell for what's already been established that we don't even NEED Mutants (just yet). Furthermore, a weird "adaptation" of "House of M" wherein Scarlet Witch instead DECLARES MUTANTS EXIST! (Did that just jump the shark? IDK but I kinda like it in THIS timeline of the MCU)
  10. I had read this a few days ago and while initially it was a bit heart breaking, who knows...maybe we get a hell of a finale to BCS that rivals Breaking Bad? Also, knowing we have the movie to look forward to as well is all that much better, the circle shall be complete!
  11. AEW is light a fire in May but I get what you're saying with regards to the TV deal. That ending was a botch no doubt but so long as Beck's is the winner that's what matters more!
  12. We have waited all year for tonight, don't rush it!
  13. Huh, wonder why Corey Graves isn't participating in the ... *ahem* "dance break"!?
  14. Dave's blown out already. Poor guy, no 2nd/3rd/4th takes with the option of a stunt double, just gotta push through bud!
  15. Peyton is super adorably cute AF (total side note haha)
  16. Got a link for the report? I mean he did have his ankle injured Monday on RAW against Corbin. Did he hurt it more tonight trying to recover? Also, its 11pm and we STILL have another 3 matches
  17. Uh oh needle NOSE pliers!? Say good bye to that nose ring lmao
  18. HOLY SHIT!!! That can't be actually a chain RIGHT
  19. Apparently Batista is slapping hands and commiserating with fans while the cameras were off him so that's super cool!
  20. Batista has got some SERIOUS neck/back hair issues going on!
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