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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. While my job is F/T, there's always extra shifts in need of coverage so I can average anywhere from 50-70 more often than not. I believe my annual income for the last 5+ years has been 1 hour of OT for every 2.5 worked. (I'm a bit of a workaholic truth be told.)
  2. It wouldn't surprise me. Shawn is essentially on par with Corey in the hierarchy of the band and THIS happening, I mean I don't care WHO you are, you loose a child, everything gets put on hold for at least a little bit.
  3. Wasn't there a thread about the James Wan produced film by either @skillzdadirectaor someone?
  4. I feel fucking awful for Shawn, his daughter was far too young and incredibly beautiful to boot but wtf. Such a wonderful week to celebrate and then this, just awful. That all said, August is gonna kick ass between Slipknot & Tool having new albums out!
  5. Cannot wait for hopefully a 4th and final entry vs. the High Table!
  6. Jesus H Fucking Christ on a cross was this movie badass as shit!! I won't go into detail, don't want to spoil anything but thank god Cecep & Yayan from The Raid films got SERIOUS love in an American movie finally!
  7. Had to restart it a few times but anyone else pick up on the sample of Johann Johannsson's "The Beast" from "Sicario" in the beginning!? Quite an homage to a talent gone far too soon!
  8. Distraught. Pissed. Disenfranchised. Forlorn. Disappointed. What in the actual fuck!?
  9. Yeah considering there is a season 2, the plot threads left going forward, and considering how game Brad & Tom are, that would be insanity! I wonder who else they could get haha That episode was perhaps THE best episode of television I have yet seen all year, legitimately.
  10. Like @skillzdadirectasaid, it wasn't for us, it was FOR Theon. HE needed that forgiveness and verbal pat on the back to let him know it will all be OK, go do what you must but just know in the end you'll be remembered as a good man no matter what, hence why he charged forth.
  11. First off, I NEED to see it a 2nd time, just do not know when. Absolutely floored, loved every second of it. Essentially I ugly cried while laughing hysterically for 3 hours and walked out emotionally drained and hollowed out at just how overwhelmingly awesome the whole thing was. A couple things that haven't been mentioned by others that I would love to throw into the mix: Anxious to see continuing impressions and conversations. Also, can't wait to see what Marvel has to say/reveal at SDCC '19!
  12. I honestly prefer "Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels" myself but "Snatch" is a solid go of it!
  13. Tormund thirsty AF!!! Jamie being the one to knight Brienne = brilliant! The looming air of doom surrounding and permeating every. fucking. scene! So not prepared for next week. It's all coming full circle, all those times our hearts were torn out of our chests will be nothing in comparison.
  14. I am nowhere near to being emotionally ready for this coming week. Hell, it was a relatively "happy" episode but that looming impending doom to come for far too many of those we love is large. I was a weeping sobbing slobbery mess by the end...that end! Why leave off on all things THAT before the army of the dead comes!? WTF!!!!???
  15. The ONLY reason to save rice FTW! Sushi IS all about the rice. Also +1 for flour tortillas as well!
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