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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Sess & Morgan & Kevin P. made it all what it was meant to be! Hell, I don't even think they will have Adam & Morgan heading up the Bethesda show this year
  2. FXNow I believe is their platform (which I also believe is free) so check it out there!
  3. Solid talent on both sides of the lens, an intriguing and compelling story, it should work.
  4. Interesting way to get Smoke, Rain, & Ermac back in the game. For real though, holy shit balls OP AF!! That fatality, ermahgerd!
  5. OK, I WANT to believe!! MW is the series I love the most and seeing Price back brought such a huge smile to my face! Considering the fact that there will indeed be a campaign, I'm almost sold actually!
  6. I feel like so many of us have been saying this for so many years now to no avail. I honestly thought that WWII was a giant step in the right direction actually and it was my first enjoyable COD experience in years, then last year they're all "Fuck SP!" and I thought that would be the death knell, yet it wasn't. I just hope that this years' title will have a SP campaign as I have a lot of fun with those typically...when it's not inundated with inane "futuristic" BS.
  7. We had a Quizno's around here years ago, miss their prime rib Philly sub, so freaking good! As someone else stated, we had easily a half dozen Subway's around here up until about 18 or so months ago, now we only have 1 which is weird AF! Got a local spot where Cubans run a restaurant and a church next door and their food is fucking amaze-balls!
  8. Disney already gets enough money, no need to go there for this after what they turned Star Wars into IMHO, let alone all those children...nope not for me or the wifey, not by a long shot!
  9. Watched the prior 4 episodes in the last 2 nights and FUCK ME it is a hard watch at times. I actually had to fast forward through the puppy scene, a bridge too far that. The thing is, my mind hasn't been able to turn off thinking about a great many things related to the Cold War, the fall of the USSR, how this played into that, the gravitas of the whole situation as I was only 5 or 6 at the time it happened and how in a way I view the Russian people (at least of that time and era) in a different light which this show has done a great service to. Absolutely brutal to be sure, that earlier tweet about the final episode being a mercy to someone who read it, I totally second that! I cannot wait to get off of work Monday night to watch this at home instead of on a monitor at work. Phenomenal work, amazing acting by so many, and the accuracy is both stunning and downright abhorrent in that so many of these things happened to so many people, much of the effects still being felt to this day and for generations yet to come.
  10. Still THE greatest tragedy to happen in ring, let's hope nothing like this ever happens again.
  11. What makes you say that!? Personally I say if you are supporting a product just by the idea alone and what it stands to represent to the greater whole, then it shouldn't matter (as long as you have the disposable income, honestly). Always vote with your wallet no matter what! I just don't know why you think $20 is the MAX, like WTF? What year are you living in? Just because streaming is an option now doesn't make it the defacto way to view something. Hell, even though I have ESPN+ and it costs extra for a UFC PPV, I know damn well I'll pay full price for the Cerrone/Ferguson fight! It's when it matters most to you I suppose!?
  12. Except IT WAS! Look, take Mania 2019 for instance. We ALL wanted Kofi & Becky & Seth to win, no doubt...and they did which was fun & great...but now what!? Look what happened at MitB, the fact that women cannot wrestle in S.A. and the company cowtails at the $50M and just accepts that shit. What transpired at Double or Nothing from the onset of the battle royal to the culimination of the night, it was all excellent and far outside anything given to us for a VERY long time in WWE. I mean in all seriousness, the Cody/Dustin match had only roughly a month of "build up" over two promos essentially but those of us who are die hard fans, KNEW the tumultuous nature of what was transgressing and in the match itself, had some of THE BEST story telling in as long as I can remember! Bucks v. Lucha Bros. HOLY FUCK! The pure athleticism on display there, total insanity! Not to mention so many other moments placed throughout the night including how massive of a star MJF is going to be in the future and how DIFFERENT Jon Moxley is compared to Dean Ambrose! He was unchained and it was surreal. Also for those interested in MORE MJF, look below:
  13. I do wish more of you on D1P had watched tonight, but perhaps you can find it some way, shape, or form and watch & enjoy it then come here to talk about it!
  14. I am over-fucking whelmed and over-fucking joyed at what I was able to witness tonight. I lost my mind time and again and by the end...it imploded by all expectations being exceeded! The line has indeed been drawn, not just in the industry but in the HISTORY of pro wrestling forever. Pre-AEW and Post-AEW and FML what a time it is to be alive witnessing this!
  15. IMHO: Best Wrestling PPV (aside from All In) that I've seen since Mania 18!
  16. That match was some of THE VERY BEST in ring story telling I have seen IN YEARS!
  17. Hey @Zaku3maybe down the road, they can get Mauro (which would be awesometacular!) but yeah so far this is a phenomenal PPV event!! Showcasing Hardcore, Strong style, lots of Asian stars, a lot of tag team wrestling (I was SUCH A HUGE FAN as a kid!) Totally loving what's being put on thus far and we are barely into the main card yet!
  18. Proudly supporting these guys and already ordered the PPV! Can't wait to see what they do and what surprises lay in store. Last years' "All In" event was one of THE BEST wrestling shows I have seen in over the last decade!
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