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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. My rechargeable battery only just last week finally died and I've had the Elite controller since it debuted, so it's perfect time to get a new one. If I can design & customize it, all that much better. As for another studio acquisition, always exciting news going forward. Today is Microsoft's time to shine, to take the opportunity of being the biggest game in town this year and using all the momentum of the last few years to blow us all away with what comes next and I couldn't be more excited about it!!
  2. https://smile.amazon.com/s?k=bidet&i=tools&ref=nb_sb_noss_1
  3. So let's charge more for nutritious foods that are fresh and farm raised being brought into the country in high demand due to record flooding in the Midwest farmlands wiping out a years' worth of crops ... ohhh right and also around the corner will be all those wondrous wildfires further devastating our crops. Meanwhile, those in the shrinking middle class pay even more for groceries and goods now being imported, completely off setting any "tax triumphs" we may have had swayed in our favor in the last fiscal year. Also, lets continue to vilify Mexico instead of focusing on the fact that America is the greatest user of recreational drugs and even acknowledge that at the very least, legalizing marijuana on a federal level would help tremendously both the states & the country as a whole with a vast surge of monetary gain in taxes and further stimulating the economy with spending, in turn curtailing at least to a point, the demand of black market "goods" smuggled through the border no matter how wide or high the walls may end up being.
  4. So how exactly is it that Amazon, Google, etc. are being investigated for Monopolies however Disney is not...how much of the government does the mouse own by chance?
  5. I cannot help but wonder if this, the culmination of the series, ends on the anniversary of Tiananmen Square, is a condemnation on Communism as a whole (the cynic in me wants to believe it as such.) However, the words spoken about lies coming around to essentially bite us in our collective asses and the lies spoken about this travesty, the tragic event that continues to claim lives today either with our fellow man or by beast, weighs more heavily now that I am actually cognizant of the cost. This is only further emboldened by the cost that those under current Communist rule continue to suffer. Whether blind allegiance, ignorance, lack of education, or the blindfold of so-called "Capitalism" in the current state of China ... makes me ponder the "reality" the rest of us hold toward our own collective governments. I understand "what is good for the country over what is good for the man" however there are certain truths that override all of that, and it is there in which WE as a whole need to look out for humanity and not stand idly by but for our allegiances towards a piece of pretty fabric in spite of ourselves. One thing is for certain, this series brought with it much contemplation, reflection, and a renewed sense of recognition in how things are vs. how things should be. That, in and of itself, speaks volumes for what art, in any form, should and must always strive to do, no matter the form that it arrives in. I'm so very grateful for that.
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