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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Taking another wait & see approach for the next few days up to a week just to ascertain what the community at large has to say about this new season before deciding if I want to dip my toes back in. I do have TLoU2 next Friday to look forward to, maybe that alone will end up being the thing that gets back into gaming more, who knows?
  2. Exactly this as well as my job in a social residential setting, I have been nothing BUT exposed to numerous people for the duration of all of this. IF Tenet opens next month in its original slot, I will absolutely be there opening weekend! *EDIT* Also, the last flick I saw was Bad Boys 3 (STILL the #1 box office hit of the year! )
  3. The only thing stopping you from doing it and using this as the platform, is you. What I wrote is exactly as you said, just to GET IT OUT OF ME! It was SO incredibly cathartic. Since doing so, I've spoken aloud to a few friends, family, co-workers and the like and it's lead to some intense conversations and tears but afterwards, just a feeling of a weight removed from my head, shoulders, and chest.
  4. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/03/amc-has-substantial-doubt-it-can-survive-coronavirus-shutdown.html
  5. I'm curious how seat spacing goes if you happen to be there with significant others/kids?
  6. I really appreciate it @Remarkableriots& @Mr.Vic20 Actually had the opportunity to openly discuss this during a meeting this morning which helped alleviate it somewhat, along a text convo with a good friend for a bit. Like a pressure cooker, need to hit that release valve every now and again or else it gets to be just too much for us all. Don't ever hesitate to use this as your own way of sharing what's in your head & heart as well. I think we could all use a calming catharsis in these trying times.
  7. I'm just curious when exactly Jeff's contract expires? By all accounts, either the end of this year or beginning of next (pre-Mania).
  8. What's everyone's thoughts on the HERO's Act by the by?
  9. Not just on a day to day physical basis that comes with age, wear & tear on the body, stuff like that. Mentally & physically in my heart I find myself aching at this very moment. For months, I've tried to stave off ruminating on any real empathetic level to fully encompass the enormity of suffering going on in the world over the last nearly half year. The loss of life suffered on a mass scale, the inability to mourn those lost, loss of job security and along with it income leading to reduced resources while confined for the most part in our own walls of a domicile if those are lucky enough. The day to day uncertainty of so many things while heart-wrenching aching for what once was and very well may never be again. Add to all of that what has gone on in just the last week and how tonight I find myself questioning just all of it. My own benefits of white privilege with regards to the life lived thus far, what I have been fortunate enough to have since childhood. The grace of the family who chose me via adoption and the gift that miracle was to the suburban life and insular nature of not being face to face with a lot of facets of how the world really is. Even via legal issues in my younger years and how I was afforded opportunities where those of any minority would have faced a far stiffer, most severe alternative. I find almost a sort of self-hatred in my mind that as grateful as I am, how awful it is that it isn't that way for so many others and I cannot come to terms, nor accept that that is the way the whole of the system is set up from the jump. This moral obligation that I feel so deeply & desperately even to find just SOME way to do some small part to help but having this sinking feeling that it would never be enough. Then atop of that is this feeling of it doesn't matter because those legitimately pissed off just decry that my own thoughts & feelings aren't as important. Social media being both "all or nothing" but also "my version of all or nothing, NOT YOURS YOU ARE WRONG!" I'm feeling as though I'm nearing a point of apathy about all of how things are because "what's the use anymore?" while yet still dealing with the shattering conclusion of just "fuck it, burn it all down and start again!" righteous indignation. All of this macroscopic insight is matched by my own small world of things personally & professionally that just don't at all seem to be going the way I thought they once should be and I am not entirely sure how to cope, deal, respond, or react to any of it. I am littered with a litany of questions both small and far too large all having to do with CHANGE on some sense of the word. Whether it is policy on any scale aforementioned, coming to conclusion that the life lived these last nearly 40 years is done and very well won't ever go back to how it once was, just so much doesn't make any sense to me any more whatsoever. Some may read this as "woe is me" or "poor you" but I post this not only as a sort of cathartic measure to get out the multitude of thoughts and emotions even just to stymie the noise however briefly, but also as a platform for the rest of us to share where your head and heart happen to be at all without bias, or fear, or censoring oneself.
  10. I concur that I too, would LOVE to see him reprise the role so long as the script is good.
  11. I noticed that @TwinIonvoted yet didn't express themselves nor position. Would love to have your $.02
  12. That whole sequence was intense AF...then highlighted with "Today Was a Good Day" by Ice Cube Seriously though, I need to play this NOW!
  13. Isn't he filming like 3 or even 4 of these? How is the next sequel STILL in production via principal photography? One would think at the very least, THAT would have been taken care of and perhaps it would be Avatar 3/4/5 that would have halted?
  14. I suddenly feel SO very vindicated in my eternal hatred of all things Potter!
  15. I work in a residential setting (halfway house) wherein the clients have been on a mandatory self-imposed quarantine since mid-March. Staff still has to be here in person, so I have worked during the whole time. Multiple other areas of my company however work from home and do a lot of phone sessions. No pay increase (nonprofit company while also stating we are healthcare so do not qualify for hazard pay.) Wife works for Spectrum, that was run business as usual until middle - end of April before being told to socially distance and wear masks. After that, in lieu of a pay increase, they just had to work 3 days a week and have 4 off. How this company was deemed essential is beyond me but they were allowed to stay open just like Best Buy (buddy of mine worked FT with $2/hour increase) as they work with phones & computers also. My wife & I both received $1200 (no kids thankfully); I do believe by being directly put into interaction with the public that we should be compensated at some point, even if it isn't until next tax season with some form of kickback by state and/or federal funding.
  16. Genuinely interested in what the community at large has had to deal with over these last two and a half months as it relates to their employment status & pay. Furthermore, I'm hoping to spur on a good discussion about whether or not those who put their lives on the line day after day throughout all of this (many in the public sector, health care communities, food service, transportation, etc.) who were not given any type of monetary compensation when compared to so many others (aside from the pittance of $1200), if they should be considered to have some finally as a way to not only reward their work & efforts, but also as a means to further stimulate the economy going forwards?
  17. I think it has now been well over a month at least since I have watched either RAW or Smackdown. In fact...aside from the Taker "Last Ride" episodes, I believe Mania was the last WWE thing I watched most or all of.
  18. They're taking a page out of the video game playbook wherein remasters/re-releases/re-imaginings are released constantly.
  19. Does the GTA sales relate to it being released for free on PC...no wait, that just happened this month right? Hell, what day is it?
  20. I could see either a limited one season series, OR an animated spin off happen down the road.
  21. I too would thoroughly enjoy Ayer's true vision of what he intended with this film. *EDIT* Also if he could include all finished scenes that necessarily didn't make his cut, but were still left out of either version!
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