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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!!
  2. Also there are rumors that JDM might play a Thomas Wayne Batman which would be just fucking fabulous (also is it too much to ask that we get a brief glimpse of Lauren Cohan as that universe's Joker!?)
  3. I saw Phone Booth...in a PHONE BOOTH! Sorry, someone had to say it! Actually had forgotten he had directed that, and both Colin & Kiefer were tremendous in it! Also, The Lost Boys is a classic for all time & 8MM is definitely one of my more favorite Cage flicks.
  4. I still haven't quite fully come to terms with the deluge of allegations that have rocked this industry we all love. I'm also not in a mood to really go on a ranting tirade. That all being said, specifically with Sammy, what he tweeted years ago or said on a podcast or really just whatever TF it was that caused all this to transpire, was really & ultimately IN POOR TASTE in the moment. To have him get not only lumped in with some of the most vicious & heinous acts I have read & heard about since Harvey is a whole other ball of wax. Sammy not only came out & owned up to it almost immediately, but then in turn publicly had an amicable resolution with Sasha. Yet far and wide WAY too many outcries of his job, his livelihood, all of it. Meanwhile, he and Sasha spoke privately ahead of this (even had a twitter interaction just a day or two previously no less) and yet still gets a hammer swung down HARD atop his head. I am more than sure Sammy will be back in the fold of AEW before the year is over (I hope so really because they were just getting to some interesting seeds of doubt being thrown about story wise with Inner Circle.) What I find just absolutely ridiculous is WHERE IS THE FUCKING LINE IN THE SAND!? That's all I want anymore, a clearly defined line and not one that is elusive, evasive, liquid, and transparent that keeps shifting and being moved on no less than a daily basis. I don't mean in terms just in the scope of wrestling, but across all fields. Where can we just finally come to a point where "OK right HERE is where the topic can no longer be debated as its indisputable, you go on your side, I go on mine, and end of story. Enough bickering & infighting and complete & total outrage over something that seemingly so many of you aren't even PERSONALLY affected by yet put up as though someone cut your mother." Shit I ranted a little, dammit. I have more but just I cannot even with so much vitriolic hatred spewed back and forth and directly at so many people, all without an inkling of a DISCUSSION, a CONVERSATION, a way to come to terms and elaborate on things as opposed to just "getting one over on someone in the moment."
  5. I loved S1, was at C2E2 ahead of season 2 where Ralph & William were present talking about the show. I never did watch the second season however because, yeah not going to subscribe to that service. I recall Youtube stating down the road the eps would be released for free however that never happened that I saw. I think moving to Netflix is a great move and will most assuredly get even more eyes on the show. Not only does it hit the nostalgia factor for those who grew up watching the original trilogy of films, but the beats of the youth in this new show seemingly hit so many demographics. Awesome news to hear for sure.
  6. Any guesses as to when the July event takes place? Definitely after the 4th however would it be immediately following the holiday or not until mid-month. I would think they'd steer clear of the back end of July seeing as that will be around the time the virtual SDCC is going on?
  7. I hadn't, until JUST NOW, thought about the potential possibility of releasing a new console WITHOUT a controller at all because of backward/forward compatibility within the company's ecosystem. Not having a controller with the console box already shaves off dozens of dollars, add to it removal of the disc drive and if M$ was nuts enough, I could see the Lockhart coming out at a price point of $250-300. What I am curious of, with regards to that however, is what will happen with the One S/One X!? Will they ALSO announce that not only they will do away with the One S and have a digital only One X, but also have the disc drive capable One X at perhaps $150/250 price points? That would be 4 SKUs, 3 of which are new. Meanwhile, IF they decide to mitigate lost revenue by not including a controller with the console(s) EXCEPT for the "premiere" Xbox Series X and base it solely on all prior XB1 controllers work with all NEW SKUs then all of a sudden revealing the premiere console at a $400 price point doesn't sound QUITE as insane. Risky for sure but not as crazy when put in such a way. All this itself would be quite a mic drop actually. What do I get if I'm actually right in this post?
  8. For fans of JRPG's, a Lost Odyssey sequel has had many salivating for years now. I'm not one of them as I don't play that type of game, but it's always one I hear of that so many pine for more of! Also, I would toss Blue Dragon into the mix as well?!
  9. You know I was going to say that but didn't want to get my hopes up lmao
  10. You're not wrong in that statement. While I'm not entirely sure what either an open-world or a fighting game (hypothetically) look like done by those studios without it being the brand that they are known for and associated with, it is quite intriguing as new IP can always invigorate the medium. Then again, isn't Playground Games working on an entirely new IP not revolving around racing?
  11. So AT&T don't want to be in the business of MAKING games, merely profiteering from others' hard work while raking in untold riches and keeping the essence of what makes the games all to themselves. Meanwhile...say someone like Ed Boon for instance, would essentially still be a part of Netherealm Studios however that studio no longer has any real right to MK but would be still working on it even though their head is a co-creator of it. Yeah, I really can not wrap my head around how that is EVEN legal or generally an accepted thing. *sighs with infuriated fervor*
  12. It's a retirement/Father's Day celebration for my dad-in-law so I'm preparing a grilled feast for family! Almond & berry swirl ice cream w/ grilled stone fruits Red miso grilled salt potatoes Grilled mushroom antipasti with Castelvetrano olives Cabbage slaw with a charred scallion lime dressing Honey glazed pepper chicken (not yet sure whole chicken or thighs?) Chile marinated Argentinian shrimp Short rib bulgolgi wraps A sherry & fish sauce lacquered ribeye Coconut lemongrass steak skewers I am totally amped for this menu!
  13. In all seriousness, M$ ponying up would be a MASSIVE play. What's even more is that I could genuinely see them take the high ground and at least for titles like Batman, MK, LotR that they would allow the titles to release across all consoles to "be the bigger man" and really push Sony into furthering the growing sentiment that cross play SHOULD be a thing. Also, if in fact this sale happens, I feel a bit sorry for Ed Boon as this will be his 2nd time he's with a company that gets sold off/dissolved. RIP Midway!
  14. I had sincerely thought about sharing this vid when I watched it at like 9am this morning but wasn't sure if many even knew who Alanah was or even cared about what she had to say. Glad to see others are a fan as well.
  15. @legendI just want to say thank you for bringing me back to nostalgia land and completely encapsulating my thoughts & feelings about RTS' as a genre as a whole because Myth ruined me as well!
  16. Just reading the name Nia Jax makes me question if I tore a ligament or something! Shit...why's my nose bleeding?
  17. IMHO he is totally awesome in anything he's in. By all means seek out the following: The Chicago Code (FOX TV series, unfortunately only 1 season but probably the closest thing to The Wire I have seen on network television) Gone in 60 Seconds Romeo Must DIe The Devil's Advocate (smaller role but still solid and the movie as a whole is tremendous) First Time Felon Get Shorty When I first saw he was cast in this, I was like "OH WOW NO WAY! Where has he been!?" so yeah, the fact that his role in this film is what I have heard a lot of praise for makes me happy to hear as well as eager to watch!
  18. Just because we have the power to investigate & penalize within our own system & borders does NOT remove those outside of the U.S. to not do their very best to seek out the truth. Doing so while now facing such injustices will not only further embolden those wishing to stand firm against any and all injustices done but also further the divide between the U.S. and the rest of the world.
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