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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I just wanted a sequel to Blacklist, Ironside returning to voice Sam, and there we go. This, nobody was asking for whatsoever.
  2. I just cannot even begin to understand the corruption that has leeched into every facet of our government. Just give us gasoline & matches, burn it all down with those in power residing inside said burning buildings and let us retry all of this.
  3. As long as Better Call Saul & What We Do in the Shadows win their respective categories, I don't care otherwise!
  4. Of course there's Last Dragon & the NoES series but as I was perusing his credits (which are immense) it's just really great to see how long and varied his entire career was. At some point this week I'm going to make a point of rewatching Masters of Horror "Pelts" because GEESH that was gruesome! RIP to a true talent and an actor that really just knew how to bring it. One of the last of his breed honestly.
  5. What got me was the announcement that it is EARLY in development, so we may not see another FM until perhaps 2022?
  6. It looks great. I had missed the boat on the first Mafia but enjoyed the hell out of 2 & 3, so I may very well pick this up (is it full price or not?)
  7. What I love about what M$ did ahead of this event is set/lower expectations by stating its only an hour and will be nothing but games. That way, they can either deliver exactly on that premise alone with the close out being "Tune in August ... for our final launch reveal spectacular." or they could totally blow the proverbial roof off and announce a date, the price, acquisitions, Lockhart, etc. I'm pumped to watch & see what gets shown off in and of itself, but the undercurrent of mysterious "what ifs" is pretty awesome as well!
  8. Not sure if anyone else had made mention of this but there is no Game+ mode rather unfortunately, so keep that in mind.
  9. Of all those things, only #9 applies to me especially in stark contrast to #'s 1, 2, & 4 lmao
  10. I've slept naked since I was like 13, wearing clothes when I climb into bed is freaking weird!
  11. Fantastic news dropped today about Shudder renewing for a 3rd season, an August 14th "sleepover" marathon with Adam Green & other surprise guests, as well as news that we will get multiple other marathons throughout the rest of this year! I am full of all the happy's right now!!
  12. Yeah for some unbeknownst reason, I had initially thought (or perhaps more likely, optimistically HOPED) that the embargo lifted at 3am EST. Oh well, I'm getting this either way so what I should be more excited about is getting off of work at 8am Friday to pick this up!
  13. I just read this on Twitter, FUCK!!! He was in a way the heart & soul of Mythbuster's and always found the parts with him some of the best. Freaking brain aneurysm, just a shame.
  14. Just a couple more hours until the embargo lifts for reviews to begin flooding out, can't wait to hear people's thoughts about it!
  15. Buy a bigger cut and mallet the fuck out of that slab yourself to get the same effect!
  16. Skirt steak prices were on the rise over the last 3 or so years as it became so notably popular in the food scene for being diverse, quick to cook, etc. There are alternative cuts that are comparable but I recommend seeking out your best local butcher shop and having a good conversation with them, what you intend to prepare, and build a rapport with them. Also, visited McCann's Local Meat Market in Rochester, NY (they have a freaking MEAT MACHINE!!!) last week and bought some amazing liver wurst (beef), beef mortadella, and a fan-freaking-tastic 50+ day dry aged bone in ribeye that I slathered on this amazing soy & fish sauce lacquer while cooking on offset heat on my grill over the weekend. That steak changed my life, it was like butter!
  17. While I'm curious to hear & read reviews, I don't think I'm going to allow them to sway my opinion of making this a day 1 purchase for me!
  18. 50 - 60 typically, almost exclusively overnight shifts (as I post this while at work currently for another 5-ish hours to go)
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