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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I believe Color Out of Space is dropping in the next few days on Shudder. Also there's a few others I have heard of like The Beach House that were received well. I just recently watched Revenge which wasn't too bad either.
  2. Really wish Redbox still had games to rent, as that what I have done the last couple years with each iteration of CoD merely to experience the campaign over a weekend and return it.
  3. Reading that put a huge smile on my face!!! Next show will be Oct. 23rd just as a heads up!
  4. For those of us in NY or California...can we start a support group or something to try to work through how thoroughly fucked we are getting with regards to not being able to go back to movie theaters!?
  5. No, she's the retarded one. Wiping away all that existing content and calling it all just "Legends" instead of really utilizing it to create a new cinematic world to explore for all the fans that have been with Star Wars since its inception. Also, full retards believe TLJ is good.
  6. Big fan of Hawkman (and also Hawkgirl) and hope we see their story told in a film down the line.
  7. Really need to have more of you D1P'ers get on the Shudder train!
  8. So NOW she addresses the fact that decades worth of material exists, wow ffs someone smack that dumb B!
  9. I, too, am subscribed to all those channels @GeneticBlueprint(from your OP) and they always put out fantastic content. Lately I've hopped on board John Campea's channel as he has a solid show updated weekly talking about many current movie topics. Being that I'm a horror fan, Ryan Hollinger always delivers really quality stuff as well. As for a character doing movie reviews/analysis, one that I have fallen in love with is The Critical Drinker who, if it wasn't for the fact that he's a Scotsman, it may not quite be pulled off as well as it is. However, he IS and just happens to pull of the drunken movie buff shtick with brilliant precision while also firmly, adequately, and intensely critiques films & TV shows with snark but also praise at times. Finally, just one more addition at the moment that deserves a solid shout out would be Filmento's Channel, since you're a fan of "Movie's with Mikey" & Patrick Willems, it's right in that wheelhouse. That being said, I feel the need to share Patrick's most recent video right here as his breakdown of time loop movies in the age of Corona really struck a chord with me ... (just don't pay attention to Charle, even if his theme music slaps!)
  10. Genuinely did not see @GeneticBlueprintthread, if I had then I would have gladly added to it. That being said however, this is more or less specifically about action flicks that just happens to have a few nods to certain YouTube channels as well as more specifically talking about Chad Stahelski in the opening post.
  11. I've been watching his channel for a few years but Rossatron puts up just some of the best stuff when it comes to breaking down & discussing the genre. Most recently, he just uploaded an in depth conversation with Chad Stahelski and I'll share that here: Meanwhile, unbeknownst to me, apparently Scott Adkins has recently crept up with his own Youtube Channel and he has an even meatier interview with Chad as well! Anyways, just wanted to share as its apropos of the fact that we recently had the news of both John Wick 4 & 5 filming back to back, figured I'd share some solid action content out there for those that want to enjoy it!
  12. Came in thinking this was a NKOTB show...I'm disappointed.
  13. Cast looks solid, the setting is intriguing. That said, still have to hop aboard the Orient Express first prior to making a decision.
  14. Nothing like a last second drastic shift...keep it up DC ffs! I get WHY they're doing it but you waited until now to do this when it's been in planning for at least a few months time. Furthermore, why not just have it be a weekend event where the films & games are showcased day 1 while the shows & comics and whatever else are day 2? I swear, it's like the 3 blind mice running things over there.
  15. I think it's a 65/35 shot she ISN'T going to AEW ... now perhaps some how she shifts to the JAX Jags in some capacity however ... Seriously though, it isn't like AEW couldn't slot her in for sure & totally utilize her but I feel in a way it would pigeon hole her but also put a slight damper on Jon to an extent. Renee going out on her own and finding a lucrative gig doing any number of other things is a far better possibility as she truly is talented & would be a welcome addition anywhere.
  16. I'm intrigued about the premise of it, preying on our current fears with the political climate & Russian influence...and yet I cannot help but see it as its own form of propaganda as well.
  17. That sounds extremely disingenuous towards not only all auto makers, but also any and all individuals who appreciate vehicles & driving.
  18. How exactly is it that these businesses are losing billions of dollars when they have so many drivers in the first place & they are both nearly ubiquitous with the mere idea of ride sharing? Furthermore, considering the individuals essentially pick & choose who/when/where/how they provide the service via the app as an independent entity initiating the point of contact with the service, that itself would not classify them as independent contractors? I feel perhaps some sort of middle of the road type of approach could be reached wherein if you work X number of hours/miles/days a week then that would force Uber/Lyft to initiate some sort of feasible insurance coverage upon that specific driver. I have to go back however to that first sentence, how are these companies losing BILLIONS when they provide no real service themselves other than the app/platform. A 3rd party could be in charge of background checks (I'm not sure about how all of that works) while the individual fares are being split by some per-determined percentage (which didn't exist prior). Aside from that, I see that there would probably be a need for an IT department to ensure the apps run well at all times, yet aside from all of that...where's the cost of operating? *EDIT* Wrote this prior to a previous post...but Research & Development of WHAT exactly? Should the "infrastructure" already exist between Google maps/GPS systems!?
  19. Locally as well as nationally, overdose rates are higher than they have been in years which is quite disconcerting to be sure. Personally, while I have been drug free since 2008, while my beer consumption is down significantly on the weekends, it's been usurped by my affinity for neat double pours of Anejo tequila which I'm doing my best to be mindful in just exactly how much I happen to be consuming.
  20. Take a look at how well WB planned the DC Fandom event & there you go! Also, Remarkable made another good point.
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