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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. While nothing as of yet has grabbed me to "MUST SEE ASAP" levels, if say something like Bond 25 were to get released this way, I would definitely pull the trigger on it with one caveat however. That being a tiered system where it is one price for a one time rental or another for a guaranteed copy to own in perpetuity with extra features etc. to be uploaded when available on home releases.
  2. The more I see, the more I am absolutely convinced it IS in fact Dr. No ... fml.
  3. *shrugs* Here I wanted to see him play Ryu in a Street Fighter film done right!
  4. Is M$ going to have a brief press conference to finalize details to the public about the payment options, what's going on with Live/Game Pass, a sort of catch all final event ahead of pre-orders going live next Tuesday!?
  5. Good job for Miro/Rusev for coming to AEW, definitely a solid addition to the roster & I can't wait to see him in action among all the tremendous talents AEW already has!
  6. I'll be honest, the original film I watched maybe once as a young child, never read the novel this is based upon either. I'm absolutely clueless about what this is all about. That being said, between the cinematography and THAT FREAKING STELLAR CAST as well as a hell of an accomplished filmmaker, I am a little hype for it. However, I wasn't that big on his version of Blade Runner ... pretty, of course but without much substance in my opinion. Perhaps I just don't "get it"!?
  7. Having done the math, you ultimately save just under $1/month vs. buying the Series X outright & paying for Live/Game Pass month to month (based on that potential $500 price point.) The thing that M$ can hang their hat on is this: "Here's your brand new, most powerful console on the market with over 100+ titles to play right out of the gate for the low price of $35/month locked into a 2 year contract." It's a solid approach and, as the following video by Alanah points out, is no different really with how cell phone plans have been for years. In their own way, Phil did exactly what he said he would do, which was seriously undercut whatever Sony would slap as a price tag on their new console ... from a certain point of view. If I am already reconsidering strongly and really wanting this now, I'm more than sure plenty of others are weighing the option just as well. Take into further consideration the dreaded (and quite inevitable recession we will soon be mired in), a "paltry, measly, $35/month" plan option isn't really breaking the bank for most gaming consumers.
  8. Tweet of the year right here! Also, I went from having no interest in getting on the next gen train as it left the station. However, if they are really offering their top tier console w/ Live & Game Pass included in $35/month installments, then you definitely have my attention.
  9. At this time, considering how restrictive NYS is with gatherings (even though gyms, restaurants, & shortly casinos will be open), more than likely I will not have the chance to do essentially my one favorite past time of viewing a film in theaters until who the hell knows when, I have more or less accepted that I will end up viewing this flick at home whenever I can obtain the 4K version of it. Perhaps by years' end then, but who knows?
  10. I totally marked out for seeing Matt Sydal show up and I was both concerned & sad for that 1st impression to those unaware of his time in wrestling. I'm glad he's safe & didn't injure himself. Just hope that AEW utilize him again & soon & give him the opportunity to rectify that botch while also giving him a platform to show how he not only still has it from his WWE days but has evolved to be even better!! As for Matt Hardy, just glad he's OK ultimately after being scoped out at the hospital. Sucks that Sammy gets the brunt of the heat for sure but he does have learning yet for sure, just a lot of raw potential there with him. Maybe put him on the back burner, let him train others who are up and comers while biding time for hopefully Jeff's contract to run up within the next year or so (that goddamn injury/personal time off clause that Vince flexes with talent now that there's competition makes me so mad!) and have the Hardy Boyz have one final & earnest run that ultimately puts over via a fantastic rivalry another tag team when all is said & done!
  11. I dare say that that new trailer looks far & away, much better than the one prior to its initially planned release back in April (for which I had just bought tickets 2 days prior to corona shutting EVERYTHING down!) Looks like a rollicking good adventure story in the vein of old school Bond. Hell of a way to say good bye & adieu to Daniel Craig as my favorite Bond!
  12. I'm curious, has anyone checked out Nebula by chance? If so, how is it and is it worth it?
  13. The fact that we'll have SOME kind of crowd for All Out on Saturday versus that awful piped in audio the last 2 weeks ... you cannot put a price on that!
  14. I am this old... Also, why don't they have prizes & toys in cereal anymore!?
  15. @skillzdadirectaif there's any chance you could share that with us, that would be great. As soon as I had heard last night about his passing, I immediately thought of you because I know how much the character of Black Panther meant to you, how much you looked forward to and enjoyed that flick and also Boseman's portrayal. I'm sorry you're hurting as much as I am that the world lost someone not only tremendously talented, but SO VERY GIVING of his time & heart & soul for & towards others.
  16. Only posting so I can see how many I happen to have...
  17. Fucking FLOORED. Didn't see that coming whatsoever and totally stunned. Fuck cancer, fuck 2020, holy hell that sucks.
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