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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Nothing to argue about, it's trash in my humble, completely non-aggressive opinion. Surely you jest! I may be strongly opinionated but I'm not THAT absurd. (Yes this includes my hot take from earlier which I stand by.) Thanks, I think? Chalk it up to being curmudgeonly at 40!
  2. My local store just became an "online pick up location" as of today with most PT employees being let go & given severance packages. I don't know what this means for the whole of the company or workforce however.
  3. Best Buy to cut undisclosed number of workers as shopping behavior changes amid COVID-19 WWW.USATODAY.COM Best Buy is cutting an undisclosed number of jobs at stores, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing sources familiar with the situation.
  4. George would NEVER sign up for this day & age's ideals, beliefs, or methods of exacting their pound of flesh at any length, no matter what. That, in & of itself, is tyranny. No, the "bad take" is putting forth ones own personal interpretation & twisting that specific tweet. She wasn't wrong in the analogy. I, again, do not care about her mask/COVID beliefs, or who she supports politically, etc. She was rather astute in articulating the how & why things began to spiral out of control in Germany & with so many just over how the status quo was in Germany, in that time, the way things got turned about via a few who gained power & pushed their agenda forward & outward only in turn for the masses to just cow tail to it & allow it to happen. Sounds fairly familiar in the last decade on this side of the Ocean & then the masses on social media just further proved her point. Wholly original...in like 2003. Just boil shit down to a failed attempt of a non-sequitur.
  5. Yay...cancel culture ruins another career, fan-fucking-tastic. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT HER PERSONAL BELIEFS NOR AGENDAS! Was she a hell of an entertaining fighter that helped bring up the whole of the women's MMA scene into the prominence it now enjoys, YEP! Was she entertaining in the few roles that she's been cast in, and did I as a viewer enjoy those films? YEP! The buck stops there...stop trying to discern someone's personal life from the roles they inhabit on screen for crying out loud.
  6. So THAT door just got opened right the hell up tonight! We still have 4 more episodes to get through, I haven't a clue where the hell all of this is going or WHAT the hell they can pull next but holy OMFG!
  7. Yeah that had shit from like 47 Ronin & the online only Mortal Kombat series made a few years ago which led to this film coming to fruition. Kinda weird that they haven't yet released a trailer for a movie coming in a couple months' time.
  8. ...except fever dreams are far more entertaining. As is botulism I may add!
  9. It was not only confirmed but shown in trailers previously ahead of the show airing @johnny I sort of lost it emotionally those first 3 minutes. To put oneself mentally & emotionally IN that scenario, just the rawness of the moment really just hit me upside the head on that! That all being said however... One thing for sure is if Falcon & Winter Soldier, as well as Loki are both even remotely as good as how this is shaping up to be, hell who knew things could be this awesometacular!?
  10. I'm pissed. I genuinely wanted to do what I could to support the film community & knew that AMC was releasing more stock to raise funds so they wouldn't go bankrupt. At that point it was $3/share...now its nearly $20!
  11. I have a feeling that many of the BIG titles we'll all be playing & talking about have yet to even be really announced. In other words, I am expecting huge surprises for sure. Unfortunately, the next Forza Motorsport will alas not be a part of that conversation for this year I fear.
  12. One thing that I feel has just become "accepted" is that the mid-tier nightfall (currently 1250 LL) STILL does not have matchmaking. What I find fascinating is that I am locked out of Master Nightfalls until I hit 1275, like it cannot even be accessible to me. Why then, is there not a system in place, that once you are of light level, you are able to unlock matchmaking for that level of NF? I understand the 1280/1300 requires A LOT of communication, load management, etc. However at 1250, it's rather manageable and most would come to quickly understand the nuances of how to prep for such an event.
  13. Well the $1B is spread out over 5 years I believe, who's to say sometime in between or just thereafter that NBC doesn't get greedy and begins eliminating & charging for PPVs? Sorry, just don't trust corporations, so I always have to air on the side of pessimism with things like this.
  14. Ummm had there been any announcement or press statement or anything made about this? Also, like @TheLeonsaid, anything about GamePass' price then as well or...?
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