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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Now it all makes sense, Xbob is just a curmudgeonly old man, just like me! I'm just not quite to his level ... YET!
  2. We need to normalize watching international films WITH SUBTITLES. Learn to read ya'll!
  3. As amazingly fantastic as Red Cliff is (and also being a HUGE Dynasty Warriors fan to boot), I love that film. However, I have to say that Takashi Miike's "13 Assassins" ranks higher up the list for that genre of film.
  4. Between @Fizzzzle's recommendation as well as the point that Shudder has 3 options of live streaming films at any point you load up the app, there are a number of ways streaming as a whole can be innovated across the board for all content providers. Also, I would adore a setting on Netflix to stop that preview function as you scroll through things to watch (unless there is one already & I'm just now going to learn about it ... "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!"
  5. You just HAD to slap a metric on it didn't you!? In all seriousness though, I'm fairly certain that it will be well worth the wait & they'll put on a hell of a show. Also, 2CW is having a huge event paced over 2 nights that coming weekend in Syracuse which is pretty cool. Wouldn't be entirely shocked if we see numerous AEW talents show up there!
  6. Genuinely curious, was he an incel in which these establishments would not give him a happy ending? Bad hygiene perhaps?
  7. Tom Segura's last stand up special "Ball Hog" came out on the 14th of March last year & I've watched it at least half a dozen times, one of the best I've ever seen!
  8. I mean I think the chances of THAT happening are about 0.00000000000000000000369% of happening but it would be total insanity! Considering RVD isn't signed at the moment, I'd happily go with that being far more likely!
  9. Well there were 3 core Nintendo DS models, that's not counting the 2DS & 3DS, so ... Always a market for their stuff, that's why Nintendo is always marching to the beat of their own drum.
  10. "What is grief ... if not love, persevering?" LINE OF THE FUCKING ENTIRE SHOW!!! I felt that so deep within! These next 167 hours need to fly like the wind, I must know how it ends!
  11. Legit, like everything the community had been up in arms about, Bungie just came out to thwamp their dick on the table and say "WE ARE GIVING YOU ALL WHAT YOU WANT WHAT YOU NEED!" and drops the mic knowing full well they did the right things here. Bravo & applause to you Bungie!
  12. Looks like good dumb Zombie blasting fun to me!
  13. "...and that Fry’s had eliminated most full-time roles even before the pandemic hit, in order to save money." Sounds like Best Buy as well.
  14. Well the Agnes reveal was inevitable but the real question I want to know is ... ... are the waits each week seemingly taking longer as each passes by for you guys as well because this shit is agonizing! I want the last two episodes NOW NOW NOW!
  15. Hey, it's all in a playful FRIENDSHIP until ya'll be getting all BABALITY up in here (yep that whole thing did not go as smoothly as I had envisioned it in my head) Seriously though, I was highly skeptical all things considered. While I am wavering with cautious optimism, I cannot help but being totally hyped for this to the point of RIGIDITY!
  16. Sanada & Taslim are exceptional! Also, Kevin Tancharoen was who I was thinking of who was behind the Legacy series. Why wasn't he brought on board for this project, as he was more or less responsible for bringing back serious interest in a new MK film in the first place!?
  17. I have not been able to get this movie out of my head since seeing it on Shudder Friday night!
  18. See, absolutely nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree. Now, onto waiting for the next episode of WandaVision!
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