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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Bought & watched Promising Young Woman last Saturday. I have since not only rewatched it twice more but also once w/ commentary, all the supplemental materials, multiple review videos & talk/think pieces, and have absolutely not been able to get it out of my head. None of the award ceremonies were on my radar for this last year because, well you know. That being said, I am pleased to see how many nominations this film has, well deserving for sure & I have nothing but the highest of hopes that all those involved & nominated, continue to win their respective categories. In earnest, I truly believe that all men should watch this intently & with eyes wide open at what it is attempting to articulate & showcase, just amazing!
  2. Was she/him/that piece of human excrement not charged with manslaughter or something for killing a pedestrian? Or just got away with that too?
  3. @Brick The Suicide Squad Cast Adds Taika Waititi and Nathan Fillion COLLIDER.COM James Gunn is set to reunite with Nathan Fillion and director his MCU counterpart Taika Waititi in Warner Bros.' DC Comics movie, 'The Suicide Squad.'
  4. I believe I read its rated for 100,000 hours or just over 11 years. So you too can pay just about $3500/month for 11 years financing!
  5. Was always aware of the comic even though it was never on my pull list, however it was consistently ranked high month to month throughout its run. Then all the praise heaped upon the initial release of episodes garnered a peek from me a few hours ago, just by the first two episodes, I am completely on board with this show & hope it gets a full run to tell the entire story! Also, quite a fantastic voice cast for this to coincide with excellent animation!
  6. https://www.cseed.tv/en/indoor-tv/unfolding-tv.html Weighing in at over 1300 lbs, 81" tall & over 140" wide ...
  7. I mean I'd happily take a bit more Ana de Armas as well but yeah, good ole Benny B holds it down for sure. That being said, I'm dying to see Ransom get out of prison some how & come for revenge ... then we can get more Ana that way!
  8. OK ... I'm gonna catch SO much flack for this BUT yet, hear me out. Red Cliff could have used some of the color coding for factions the way that this ... *ahem* "Film" presents our heroes/villains. This looks astoundingly awful yet as a life long fan of DW (first ever PS2 game I booted up was Dynasty Warriors 2 and have loved the series since...or well up until the last game which was atrocious!) I have to at the very least check it out.
  9. You're Next & The Guest are two of my favorite films from the last decade for sure, how can I not support this flick as well as cheer Wingard on for Face-Off & Thundercats!?
  10. Definitely sounds like something I would have said. The world IS overpopulated & unsustainable.
  11. I personally have been offered, and politely declined getting vaccine just because I do not feel fully comfortable yet with it whatsoever. When it is "optional" yet then you are inundated with constant updates about who's available to get on the shot list now ... like I know it's vital information for the public & yet I cannot let go of the very real feeling I have deep down that its mass propaganda. Chalk it up to being less than enthused with my government & questioning them more & more in the last year + with how they completely flubbed the ball with the whole damn thing. The untrustworthy sensation I have to all of this is quite real to me. Meanwhile, I cannot help but wonder, why is it when so many other vaccinations have the actual thing you are being vaccinated against, inside said inoculation, yet the myriad of versions out there for the masses do not? Canada just halted all shipments of Astrazeneca (due to blood clot issues). Then there are the multiple varying strains that is more & more sounding like further inoculations will be needed for those variants as well. I'm not coming at it completely conspiratorial, and in fact I would state that dismissing my concerns as such is just further propagating the way all things are done nowadays versus having an actual discussion. There shouldn't be anything wrong with someone wanting to take a "wait & see" approach to how ALL of this shakes out as things continue to change at least weekly if not even daily, bringing up more issues & concerns in my book. Now we have, in New York State, an app made in conjunction with IBM for this passport while Biden says on a federal level, they will be enacting the same thing soon. Again, it is allegedly "voluntary" as is the vaccine, yet I know full damn well that while a law cannot necessarily be passed stating you HAVE TO HAVE THE SHOT OR ELSE, when private companies & corporations institute mandates that further this agenda of "BETTER PROVE IT OR NO ACCESS TO OUR GOODS/SERVICES", that is well within their standards & is legal to do so. I understand that from their point of view, it IS in fact to ensure safety. However, if those that are like minded as myself, willingly continue to do what we have been doing for over a year and instead socially distance ourselves & wear masks, that should be good enough. Yet I fear that it will eventually (and quite honestly, I feel it to be much sooner than later), it is going to be an all or nothing type situation. More & more impetus against those still wanting to wait & see, while being vilified in the press and through social media because how dare we attempt any type of critical thinking that goes against the masses, we are less than because so? I welcome any & all to share, contradict, or have a cordial conversation about what I just expressed.
  12. When COVID first hit, Hasbro's Youtube channel just threw up all of their G.I. Joe episodes on a constant 24/7 loop and I couldn't help but watch from time to time. It's crazy looking at the episodes now, seeing each season evolve, showcasing all the newly released toys for each of those years.
  13. The feather in the cap is that Taika Waititi is heavily rumored to voice freaking Starro! This is going to be so much fun!
  14. This 100% ... but because too many people get their feelings hurt, corporations are instead editing out history (regardless of context, the aforementioned content warning should be well more than enough) ... god dammit.
  15. Did I just see Reptile at the 9 second mark!?
  16. Well looks like a fun time, a little post-mortem for Post Malone! Seriously though, this is in Guy Ritchie's wheelhouse & it feels good to see Statham in another of his movies!
  17. Kept the Clone Wars aesthetic which is awesome. I'll always, happily & gladly, take more Filoni-verse animation & story telling!
  18. Just hear me out ... what if that comic becomes a reality on film in a few years time?
  19. Yet again, that $30 rental is atrocious. It should guarantee you owning the digital copy & preferably with supplemental content to be released alongside the film if not once the physical media version is available for purchase. I'll just wait until July & head to a theater to scope it out.
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