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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. If I had to guess, its so they don't compete with themselves essentially, what with The Bad Batch releasing Friday's through July.
  2. @Remarkableriots Now releasing Wednesday June 9th, & every Wednesday throughout the show's season!
  3. I love that we will have a new episode every Friday through July!
  4. Solid call @SimpleGI would argue that the girl/girl fight is perhaps THE best of them all in that film.
  5. Re-Animator Star Jeffrey Combs Joins The Last Drive-In With Joe Bob Briggs This Friday on Shudder COMICBOOK.COM Ahead of this week's new episode of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, a special announcement [...]
  6. Have I told you I loved you lately @skillzdadirecta!?
  7. Watched the first 2 eps and OMFG that butcher knife scene is INSANE!
  8. Yeah saw this trending earlier. The self-professed absolute douche nozzle butt munch is 100% in the wrong to have brought this ... well let's say slightly maladjusted yet also mentally ill individual ... to a point where things could have gone FAR worse than what the poor kid did to himself in the video. The fact that you outlandishly provoke people to obtain such results/reactions directly feeds into the hate that he allegedly wants to stop in the first place. Just an awful POS (Of course with my hot take, in his eyes I am automatically 1000% racist AF ... yet to be fair I just don't like him as an individual because he's a disgusting excuse of a human.)
  9. No, I knew about Nevada but isn't it only certain municipalities/counties in that state, not the entirety of Nevada?
  10. I'll be getting off work in another 12 hours, take my wife out for breakfast to our favorite diner, grab some groceries, head home while I anxiously await the arrival & delivery of my new offset smoker/grill combo & watch this in the interim. Also will be going to a theater on Sunday to see it w/ a buddy!
  11. Gotta make up for being so far behind on medical/recreational marijuana laws in the last decade that perhaps NYS may help lead the charge in legalization of the oldest profession in human history, makes sense to me!
  12. I'd argue it resembles the blood in "Ninja Assassin" which, crazy as it sounds, was actual FX blood and NOT CGI!
  13. It was so cool getting to have Eli's commentary throughout the night. Having Joe Bob, Darcy, & the rest of the crew back for Friday nights is just wholesome comfort food for me at this point. The next couple months is gonna be great & will give me something to work toward, & look forward to week to week.
  14. Well fuck me running, that makes 2 of us then! Damn. Admittedly, I am not fully aware of much of Chi's character. Watching the trailer, while moderately entertaining, in terms of the "bang, pow, boom" of the martial arts, I feel that between Mortal Kombat & Snake Eyes, I will get that fight itch scratched with characters I know & love much more. That isn't to say that I am not going to see this as well, just a bit more of a wait & see type of approach at the moment.
  15. G...T...F...O WOW!!! Add to that the amazing profits that lined the pockets of all those at the true head of the table which was reported just a few days ago. Like WTF
  16. Wow I am just a half hour away from the border & yet haven't heard anything from local nor national news sources (typical ones that is) about this, freaking nuts.
  17. He brings up absolutely valid points citing history of governments & their fuck ups. Not sure how old you were in 2001/2002 but I was 20/21 at the time. Hearing & seeing all the propaganda to get the masses on board with The Patriot Act was successful in their means to an end while numerous individuals, actual Patriots, had to pay dire consequences for shedding light on just what exactly the Act itself purported versus what it perpetrated. I was stoically against any & all interference in Iraq at that time yet let history tell how fucked that got. In my years since, when it comes to policies, bills, acts, procedures put forth by those in power for "the greater good", I learn to look at all sides & angels, and attempt to "play the tape through" to both the best possible outcome as well as the worst. Always utilize critical thinking, question everything, come to your own conclusions. The fact that Brand just so happened to voice my exact sentiments, and echo exactly what I have thought about for the last year & where all things very well will inevitably lead, well I found that well worth sharing. At least he's using his platform to ask tough questions & shine light on the inherent evils brought forth that many of the masses will just willingly give forth more of their personal rights & freedoms & play directly into the hands of those with all the power already, all without hesitation is just heart-breaking in my opinion.
  18. Look, I am by NO means, a fan of the man, never have been. That said, what he has to say is absolutely valid & worth watching & thinking about.
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