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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. Had a total blast w/ my buddy & I! Made smashburgers on my griddle on my grill that turned out amazing AF & getting to see Lustig's works on Joe Bob's show while Bruce joined in, just the freaking best time all around! Side note, there's a Drive In event in July for the 40th anniversary of Evil Dead in which Bruce Campbell will be there in person, gonna be a hell of a good time!
  2. I didn't hate it, so that's something right? No seriously though, fun time, turn the brain off and just ohhh & ahhh at some of the kills. I do have to say I enjoyed the supplemental material as to the making of & behind the scenes of it all & wish that Netflix would incorporate this into many more of their projects!
  3. So beginning Friday, August 13th, a new AEW show called Rampage will be debuting on TNT while AEW Dynamite moves to TBS in 2022.
  4. Bruce Campbell & William Lustig coming onto the show this Friday! More than likely at the very least Maniac Cop (with the potential for it to be a Maniac Cop double feature!)
  5. A Rick Baker designed Gargoyles film aimed at adult audiences ... flub me sideways! WHY IS THIS NOT A THING!?
  6. As someone who grew up at this time, being in his mid-late teens in the latter part of the 90's, a huge part of me felt like by the time this was mainstream alongside the likes of boy bands v.2.0 (post NKOTB), Brittany & Christina, the litany of Cash Money artists, all the Puff Daddy productions ... the "nu-metal" scene was what it was in spite of all the rest of what was being put out & pushed down the throats of the masses. I couldn't help but get swept up into it to a point & am to this day a long time fan of Korn, Rammstein, SOAD, and a few others. Also, just listening to a few tracks & albums here & there just brings me back to a much easier time in life, as well as a far simpler version of it in far too many ways. Because of that bias, I won't lambast anybody who either doesn't quite get it or just outright despises the bulk of what was out at that time, as it has been well over 20 years (FML THAT HURTS ME TO SAY) since that whole wave hit. Call it nostalgia perhaps, or rose tinted glasses even. That said, I'm sure in 20 years, a lot of people will have similar takes on SO many popular music that is out today.
  7. I don't have much faith w/ Bonaventura either to be fair, but if not for him, we wouldn't be getting any G.I. Joe movies ... so it's a double edged sword on that account. I understand the gist of attempting to reboot, focus small, & expand from there but FML this truly does look generic as all get out & that hurts. No, I am not championing the whole "but Snake Eyes should be white" however I will absolutely stand by the fact that that character had been one of few words to begin with, then lost his ability to speak after an awful mission went awry, not to mention his good looks ... but considering the fact that Larry Hama himself worked alongside the team of this, & states he's happy with what they are presenting, then I'll have a few pinches of salt for this when it arrives. This is merely a teaser, maybe/possibly when a full length trailer comes in the next month or so, it will better show the how/why of it all & what this is going to truly be about.
  8. Between all the goings on with Disney & WB...perhaps those few film studios left standing should understand that big corporations shouldn't swallow up film companies, no matter how lucrative of a business deal it is...but there we have it, the greed of the few in direct opposition for the good of the many.
  9. This stems from the following article at Variety John Campea went on a deep dive about this as well:
  10. Used to use 1800Collect ALL THE TIME BACK IN THE DAY! "Please state your name" "Come pick me up at ... " "Thank you, connecting."
  11. Game has been on my radar since its reveal 2 years ago! Ryan McCaffrey did a 6 minute preview recently on IGN & states that the project director states they are in polish which hopefully means this should release soon!
  12. Mess with our oil via state sponsored hackers & karma can be a bitch! No seriously though, doesn't matter where in the world shit like this happens, it is 100% a fucking tragedy.
  13. Didn't D1P used to have an app to access the boards on mobile at one point? Personally, I use a desktop and its mostly when at work that I'm on here haha
  14. I remember a bit on G4TV where, I believe it was on X-Play, they went in to interview Ken Levine & insinuated he would make people's heads implode with the power of his mind, it was hysterical!
  15. I couldn't help myself & watched a few deep dives into the comics' run as a whole. The major story beats sound intriguing to be sure and I don't hate myself for spoiling matters as it actually makes me more excited for what is to come down the road! Kirkman himself stated that he has grown as a writer versus where he was when initially writing the book, on top of that, the way the medium of a cartoon is versus a book & the way things should be plotted out & told, this leans into the how's & why's of things playing out the way they did in this initial season.
  16. Huge fan of Ginger Snaps (and also Katharine Isabelle!!) so I stuck around for that. As for the second flick, I'm good on all that considering my day job & also the fact that I have been working a significant amount of OT on top of that, just needed to catch up on sleep as it is. 3 weeks down, I believe another 6 Friday's to go!
  17. 'Don't Breathe 2' First Look: The Blind Man is Back This August WWW.SLASHFILM.COM Here's the first official image from Don't Breathe 2, which is due out this summer. August 13, 2021
  18. Just finished and HOOOOO LEEEEEEEE FUCKNUTS! I have this ability to put myself in a characters mind frame to really feel what they feel in moments, and I genuinely teared up during that fight in the finale. Never mind the harrowing experiences of seeing the true brutality of it all. Just struck me at my core, only B:TAS & SW: TCW have ever really had that sort of impact upon me to react so emotionally from a cartoon. I would say the gruesome moments ring similar in nature to elements of The Animatrix in a way, especially The Renaissance parts 1 & 2. I'm glad that I had at least *some* awareness of the IP prior to going in, but to be so completely blown away by the quality on every single level, astounding to be sure! I had heard about a season 2 being given the go ahead, but that it's seasons 2 & 3 ... oh hell yeah, give me so much more of this property please! For those with intimate knowledge of the comics' run, roughly how many issues were covered over the course of the 8 episodes? Do a lot of the looming plot lines come to rear their ugly heads down the road or had they been more multi-issue runs in their printed versions? Love the litany of seeds planted going forward for sure!
  19. That sucks so much. Being just on the other side of the border of Ontario, well aware what's going on & yowzers!
  20. You won't be able to get to one by month's end? Why not, where are you & what's the status? As for this flick, SO worth the wait indeed!
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