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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. I wonder with Halo Infinite & the F2P multiplayer if, when they launch, that it will be two separate files so while you may play through the campaign, you can delete it but still have MP up as an option under your pins at all times? Would significantly reduce the download size for sure.
  2. The fact that Golgo has gotten SO much love in such brief a time pleases me. Yes, those first person mazes were abhorrent but watching a walkthrough recently, it dawned on me ... was Golgo 13 actually the FIRST FPS as it predates even Wolfenstein 3D!? Also, yes it should totally get remade into not only a new title across all platforms, but also a Netflix exclusive anime series!
  3. Somerville is at the top of the list due to the fact that it's Playdead's next title. Limbo & Inside were just appetizers to what this game can potentially be in my humble opinion. One thing I was shocked not to see anything about is "The Last Night", WHERE IS THIS GAME!?
  4. Good luck trying to predict what films will be showcased this week then, his credits are gargantuan!
  5. I posted this genuinely thinking Sunday had been Father's Day, was a week early, so my apologies chaps for the panic induced anxiety I may have brought upon you all!
  6. No, I'm a puss because I am what I eat!
  7. Food nerd? Babish approved! ...that's how it starts! I myself have 9, mostly horror/comic related and a crazy whimsical idea of "a good idea" having the Evil Monkey from Family Guy pointing at my dick!
  8. May I present to you a friendly reminder of the blissful nature of fatherhood!
  9. Was let down by Ubi this year, let's hope that Microsoft brings on the heavy later today!
  10. Clint Howard is a fucking treasure & that musical number at the end was icing on the awesome cake this week (with a surprise cameo of his brother Ron no less, fucking EPIC!) Only 1 week left of season 3 but they're already hyping it up a bit so can't wait.
  11. Watched when it first aired then when I finally got home from a long week of work early Friday morning, I implored my wife to watch. She was all "but I don't know ANY of this, I don't know what anything is going on at all!" to which I said "Hunny, just watch this episode objectively and if you enjoy it, say so." By the end, she was just as enthralled as I was rewatching it and that lit up my heart! Tom is perfectly cast as Loki, this show (of all that had been initially announced) was THE one for me to watch & as of yet, has lived up & surpassed my expectations. I'm just surfing the whole vibe of this show & am eager to be taken along for what looks to be one hell of a ride!
  12. It was a Friday morning when I got off of work 3 years ago, I happened to hop onto Twitter, I see the news & I fucking lost it. I yelled, screamed, cried ... like ugly cry sobbing uncontrollably. His passing hit me harder, deeper, just to my absolute core & shook me. I have come to both love & dread June since because while I have to remember the fact that he's gone, be reminded of WHY the fuck he is gone, it will also be a cause of celebration as his birthday is at the end of the month. So really, as bitter fucking sweet as it is, June is a month to commemorate, remember, & love his legacy. In all realness, whenever big moments or things happen, I find myself always having asked "What would George Carlin have to say about this?" except now, in the passing three years, I find myself saying "What would Anthony & George say about this?" Their voices, opinions, points of view, darkness of humor just resonated with me. Coincidentally, I had had opportunities to have met both & told myself each time "Oh I'll get to that chance again, no worries." only to kick myself for having never jumped at those chances for just a moment. I shall look forward to the 25th, and share in the celebration of his life. I feel like now perhaps I can allow myself to revisit at least a few of his episodes ... it hurts just ever so much less. That documentary that comes next month is going to fucking gut me all over again, but I consider it a cathartic pilgrimage to purposefully go to a theater and watch. I loved & I miss that man very much & I'm not afraid to say that about what some deem to be simply & merely "just" a celebrity, he was so very much more than that, those of us who heard what he really had to say, to know where he came from, to know the demons he fought until the abrupt end. Experience, strength, hope ... abso-fucking-lutely!
  13. How cathartic was that weapon!? Like if they could meld Sniper Elite's X-ray death system with that taser ... flub me sideways!
  14. One thing to add actually, when the freaking Hitman franchise has put out their "World of Assassination" trilogy to phenomenal success, why the hell is Ubisoft not taking a page out of that specific playbook & begin to spin out a new iteration of the Splinter Cell series. Maintain the essence of what the original IP & it's first 3 entries that are beyond beloved by the community while having elements of say Blacklist in there for an "updated" iteration. Have it be set upon a non-linear mission structure wherein you both earn, but also can have the ability *somewhat* to monetize loadouts/customization options/etc. (NOT A PAY TO PLAY BUT ENHANCEMENT ONLY - STILL ALLOW FOR NATURAL UNLOCKS TO GIVE THE PLAYER THE ABILITY TO COMPLETE ALL OBJECTIVES WITHOUT A BARRIER OF ACCESSIBILITY DUE TO DIFFICULTY). Have the story play out piece meal, seed after seed being planted. The option to replay earlier missions once new unlocks are made available to revisit & gain access to new areas to unlock more of the overarching story. Eh, I'm not a game dev, who knows what I'm sputtering on about?
  15. Meanwhile the Syphon Filter franchise has laid dormant for far too long...can we please get a multiplatform re-introduction to this series PLEASE!?
  16. Why do I feel as though, at least in the larger, more heavily populated cities, this will become more & more the norm going forward in the next number of decades. We are at a point where the wealth gap divide is SO lopsidedly in the favor of those w/ money that their respective curve is only going to skyrocket upwards in towards of wealth while all the rest will probably fall off of an economic cliff. How is this even sustainable? Like wtf anymore seriously!?
  17. They have many of his previous shows that have aired on Shudder in that apps archives, as well as even to go so far that they have JUST his bits of banter, gab, & facts about each project without the film which is kinda cool. Shudder is totally worth the price of admission, hands down!
  18. Ended up putting on An American Werewolf in London about 30 minutes into the first ... "film". After that, threw on AEW as I did ever so briefly tune back in to see the 2nd movie and my god just no! Unfortunately however, we only have 2 more weeks left ... then hopefully an end of summer/Labor Day sort of special perhaps?
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