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Everything posted by SoberChef

  1. First of all, THIS! 100% THIS THIS THIS! Match of the fucking night without a shred of doubt about it. Also, the fact that the Lucha Bros went OVER as well, just out-fucking-standing! Add to it, Penta's shoot crying & hugging his familia was so touching & genuine. When Rancid's music hit, even I marked out a little but on screen you could tell that not only the crowd was in love with Ruby but that she was already over in a way she hadn't ever felt before & not dissimilar to Punk's return, the moment was soaked in & a few tears were shed & it was astoundingly beautiful. Speaking of Punk, he was definitely the in ring general for this, and he also worked in a way that was far slower that I recall but I enjoyed it immensely & the story they got to tell was solid, as well as Sting/Darby/Punk all being there together in the end anyways was again as beautiful as it was on Dynamite last week. Love him or hate him, Kenny Omega IS a star and jesus flub me sideways that man can wrestle his fucking ass off ... and Christian Cage was there to meet him at every juncture & make this match stellar! As for the obvious shenanigans that ensued, yeah ok that tracks but then my oh my did the train pull into the station. Deep pull from BTE where they had "killed" Adam Cole (BAHBAY!) only to swerve the crowd & viewers in that moment as everyone thought D.B./B.D. was gonna show was a stunning reveal, only to swerve again when he kicked Jungle Boy in the face AND THEN the Ride of the Valkyries hits and Bryan Danielson shows up for yet another swerve ... GTFO HERE OMFG NO WAY! What transpired last night was a continuation of all the last couple months' worth of momentum but charged with a fucking flux capacitor. History was imprinted upon & you could just FEEL a groundswell of change in that glorious moment. I am beyond elated that in just a few short weeks in Rochester, I legit haven't a clue who in the hell is showing up, what the story's are going to be, what I shall bear witness to and it makes the fact that I had to wait 18 months for the event not hurt even a little bit because the wait was OH SO WORTH IT!
  2. So in case no one was paying attention, Jon Moxley just won the GCW title over Matt Cardona & will face Brian Gage Oct 9th for the strap (however seeds are planted for Gage to show up on AEW between now & then!) That said, who's stoked for All Out later tonight? Punk's return against Darby, Britt v. Kris, Bucks & Lucha Bros in a cage! So many great matches alongside with the looming allure of the potential for both Daniel Bryan and/or Adam Cole to make appearances!
  3. Didn't know that there was an Xbox theme on here, I always used the dark theme personally.
  4. I have to admit, that's a thing that I find wonderful about Hulu. For those who don't have cable, just wait a few extra hours (maybe stay off of social media if necessary as well) and you have the ability to see it the very next day, it's awesome! I'll watch it that night at work for sure though, totally!
  5. Summer between 2nd & 3rd grade my folks sat me down to tell me I'm adopted.
  6. Can't wait to get home Thursday morning & download this while I'm catching up on AEW Dynamite. I'll probably beat this by weekends' end.
  7. Often when I'm bored and/or prior to attempting to obtain sleep.
  8. So it's infinitely better & far more coherent than the 2016 debacle. Lots of laughable moments that were enjoyable & the characters were, for the most part, quite likeable & personable. The style that exists isn't in lieu of substance, but enhances it. Always have been a massive King Shark fan & that character delivers in spades. Cena may have found THE perfect role in Peacemaker & I'm anxious to see that show whenever it airs. Idris killed it as always while David "Dat-Small-Chin" is sublime in everything he does so that's an automatic win! Overall, I'd give it a solid 7/10 (maybe 7.5) & it does have moments that I would totally enjoy watching again.
  9. Meanwhile you can load up HBOMax right now & watch (apparently dropped around 7p EST tonight)
  10. I'll get outta work at 8am EST tomorrow, get home, throw on my robe, and turn this on to enjoy, laugh, and have a rocking good time!
  11. Watched this over the weekend & I have continued to have it dance about in my mind! A quiet, contemplative, reserved film that deals with loss, grief, suffering, coming to terms with ones' own place in the world. Very moving and downright infectious as it grips hold of you & doesn't relent as Cage's presence just captivates you to see how everything plays out & others' responses to his presence in each scene. I highly recommend.
  12. Not since December & even then it was merely a week off from work, didn't do all that much. To the best of my knowledge, I won't have another until the end of September for sure.
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