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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. Death of Superman 


    It's funny that this is WB's 3rd Crack at this but they finally nailed it. This may be my favorite Superman story of all time just due to Superman not quitting knowing what's at stake but what makes it so great is the people around in his life and seeing how much Superman means to them and Metropolis. Superman:Doomsday and Dawn of Justice failed at all of this. The set up for the real Return of Superman with the 4 copies coming is something that can be done right with the Man of Steel's inevitable return.



  2. 4 hours ago, TheLeon said:

    I was visiting some old friends of the family last fall. I hadn't really spent much time with them since I was a kid, so I didn't realize how... out of touch they are. At some point the topic of James Bond came up, and the dad of this family mentioned these call for a black Bond, laughing like it was a ridiculous joke. "Oh yeah, I've heard that. Idris Elba. Dude is talented, charming, super British, and happens to be black. He deserves to be a bigger star and would be a great Bond." His response was muttering something about Martin Lawrence with a bad British accent, and I just rolled my eyes and changed the subject as quickly as possible. 

    Yeah, unfortunately a whole lot of people would flip their shit with a black Bond. I wonder if the Broccoli's and the studio are ready to defend their decision? Would Idris be fine with both the positive and negative attention? would seriously be like Jackie Robinson all over again, sadly, in modern times. 

  3. On 8/8/2018 at 3:32 PM, GeneticBlueprint said:

    The Spy Who Dumped Me - 7/10


    Awful title? Check. Made for TV premise? Check. But I'll be damned if I don't want more of McKinnon and Kunis joking with and teasing each other. And more R rated comedies. I thought it was fun and genuinely hilarious in a lot of moments. It's not all brilliance but that doesn't matter since Mila Kunis is one of my all time Hollywood crushes.


    Also, weirdly, there was a lot of genuinely good and fun action in this movie.

    If Kate Mckinnon is in a movie, I want to see it.

  4. 23 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    That's dedication. As much as I loved the games, it was just too much of a chore. If I'd only had, say, 50 or so riddles left by the time I beat the game, probably would have gone for it. Because I do a lot of side stuff throughout the course of games like that. I go off and get distracted from the main quests a lot. Just too much, too much of a hassle and a chore to finally get to Riddler. 

    It is, lol. Maybe a little obsessive but I had fun doing it but other games like Assassin's Creed to collect feathers or the Spider-Man games to collect comics issies, hell naw. I think I was initially turned off to them in Batman until I learned you could go back after the main story completion and get them. By that time, Batman is able to manuver and get to spots easy. Whereas compared to AC and Spider-Man, the collectables were in odd places that required more trickery to manuver than I had patience. But those were needed to see a portion of the story like the Arkham games so I get it.


    If Rocksteady is working on a new DC game, hopefully they will have learned the lesson and reduce the collectable searchnausea if they are working on Superman, I can easily see Mr. Mxyzptlk serving as that character or reason to have Superman search for collectables.


    But I don't see myself doing collectables like I did with Arkham again. Well..........maybe, lol.

  5. Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I forget how many they had in each game, but City had 400, right? I think Origins and Knight had fewer, but it was still too much. I enjoyed finding them throughout the game, but some were just ridiculous and even after finishing the main story, you've got like over 200 riddles to solve, it just becomes a chore. 

    If it was any other game that had collectables, I skip them. I can't remember any other game or series that had annoying collectables that I got them all but I'm that big a Batman nut that I've collected all the trophies for every Batman Arkham game. 

  6. Just now, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    The problem with the Arkham games is that there's waaaay too many Riddler trophies. Asylum was fine, I actually found all of those. But after that, it got ridiculous and I just didn't have the willpower to go for them all, which kinda sucks, since you need to get them to catch the Riddler. :/ They're enjoyable to a point, but you feel overwhelmed after a while. Even when I went back to play all the DLC for Arkham Knight, I tried trophy hunting for a while, but got bored of it again, because there's just so much.

    As I played Arkham City my 2nd time, while I loved collecting them, I can admit it was too many. I never complained about it but I can understand the gripes especially when it's a key piece to the story. 

  7. I've thought about this and as much as I hate that the Oscars don't recognize popular movies, this is dumb and won't fix people not watching the show cause there is a token cataegory. 


    I've come to accept that movies I like won't be respected by the academy and that's fine. I will continue not to watch until they start taking movies that deserve (I repeat, that deserve) actually nominations and wins in the categories they already have.


    Oscars can continue to kiss ass.

  8. 2 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Was the game very hard on new game plus? I believe that's the last trophy I need for Platinum. 


    It does pick up in difficulty but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Some parts were challenging but I think if you played the game already, you know those parts already to be mentally ready for. I came in with my reflexes warmed up though cause I had just finished the HD Return to Arkham: Arkham City and was just so in love with the story, I felt the urge to jump on Arkham Knight to revisit the story and to earn that platinum as well which I did. 


    What was really good though was that you did not have to find and search for the Riddler trophies in NG+. I enjoyed searching and solving them my first time thru but not doing them really made the story mode fly quickly.

    • Thanks 1
  9. This is a very excellent question. 


    When I was younger, like in the NES and SNES days all the time because my mom bought the games or the allowance was only enough for a new game every so often. 


    When I started earning my own money and started buying games all the time (which would become my ridiculous backlog building), I didn't play too many games over with maybe the exception of Metal Gear Solid 1. 


    But over the recent years whether due to having a need to revisit an old game with my son or an HD remaster, I've been replaying quite a few games within the past couple of years. The most notable ones are:


    God of War Series

    Batman Arkham Series

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma

    Gears of War Series 


    Honestly the games have tight stories interwoven with great game play along with modes outside of the single player that keep these games in a healthy steady rotation in my consoles. Plus they probably have inviting and attainable trophies/achievements that I will hunt for after my initial first play thru. But these games I have probably beaten at least twice. It's not telling how many times I've beaten the first God of War and Ninja Gaiden Sigma but it never feels old when I replay them.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Rodimus said:

    Well I tracked one down yesterday. I had a co worker tell me they saw a Pro at an HEB plus. It was kind of a drive out of town but they had one and I I got it. Booted it up and installed Horizon Zero Dawn and started playing it for the first time. So far the game is great. Looks beautiful as well.

    Great news. Glad you were able to cop one.

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  11. On 8/6/2018 at 2:24 PM, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    Hall of Fames are dumb. Football won’t even be around in a 100 years.

    100 years? Hell, I think it will be done in our lifetimes if not sooner with how rules are being implemented for safety that's fundamentally altering the game making it less entertaining. Hell, some football summer camps I know are having less numbers in attendance and some high schools are having difficulty putting whole teams together for a season in my home town as parents are not letting their kids play the sport. I'm not knocking the sport I like to watch but I often wonder what football will look like in the next 10 -20 years?

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