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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. 1 hour ago, Biggie said:

    Looks good but I’ve never enjoyed a game based on a comic book hero. So I’ll wait. 



    You know the days of bad super hero games ended a while ago like PS1/ PS2  days? Just joking but not one? We have had consistantly good super hero games whether you are a Marvel or DC guy for a couple console generations now.

    • Thanks 2
  2. Just now, BuckFly said:


    First, Hurdy, I love that you stick to Batman.


    Second,...man...I don't think I have ever played BF4.  If it is on EA Access I will give it a try.

    The funny thing is that I was never a fan of first person shooters that used real people or I should say humans cause it kind of made light or war to me. I've always appreciated fps like Halo or Doom. When I wanted to get the PS4 day one, I had to get a bundle and the one that came with BF4 seemed to be the most attractive. The game has been noted for the issues it had during launch but Dice fixed it and I couldn't put the game down. The visuals, the gunplay, and environmental  destruction makes it a winner.  Do give it a try.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Oh snap! I didn't put my picks down but I bought X-Men  Extermination which was Soooooooooooooooooooo good. OMG! Wow. I'm so glad Marvel did not spoil this one. Or maybe they did but I think I'm avoiding comic book news like movie spoilers now, lol.


    Batman 53 was good. Tomy King dives into Bruce's mind with a recent frustration I am so glad that he finally addressed. The underwear over the costume is back. I'm not a fan of it but it does hurt my love for the character. Creative how King brought it back though.

  4. Finished Doctor Sleep last week. It was so Damm good! I was looking for a little bit more chills like The Shining, which I read in the past, but it was such a good thriller and the rising build up was excellent. I want to see how this turns out into the eventual movie we get but it was so good.


    I need another Stephen King book to read.

  5. I hope this doesn't hurt the Battlefield franchise. To be honest I still play BF4 cause the community is still alive. I bought BF1 due to how fun BF4 was but to be honest, I don't think I've played BF1 for more than 3 hours because BF4 is just that much a good game. I think when the BF4 community dies off whether naturally or EA forces us out, then I will play the game I bought in BF1 that I haven't really played. 


    Like it was said above, it would be wise for EA to push the date of release but putting wise and EA in the same sentence is not logical. 

  6. 10 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

    There’s a spectrum between the typical review style we saw for decades and elitism. I don’t think wade is suggesting we start only writing highbrow better than thou stuff. 

    Not at all suggesting that. I know professional reviews need to be more critical of things for an audience but it should stil be fun for the writer and the gaming audience but with proper writing and integrity. Lord knows I don't want to read highbrow stuff about video games, lol. I read all that stuff in academia.

  7. 21 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    How the fuck do you even wind up in a situation where plagiarism for a goddamn video game review video is even necessary?


    I write like 30+ pages of opinion for every game I play, and that's to people who don't even want to read it! The words flow like water! Just say what you think about the game! It's so easy! Although if I were to do videos I'd probably have to hire an entire team of editors to trim down the bullshit I type up so every video wouldn't be 4 hours long.

    This is exactly how I feel. Give me a couple of hours to play a game and give my thoughts. I'm not writing about boring theories, literature from 200 years ago, or or developing a large report or my supervisor that they may only take a sentence or two out of. 


    Like others stated, maybe he's just a lazy bum looking to make money the easiest way possible. But I get you, when I talk about a game whether I enjoyed it or not, my thoughts flow like pipe that won't stop.

  8. Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation


    I am so late to this movie. I usually see the MI movies opening weekend and I see the 5th installment 2-3 weeks into the 6th movie's run. Life must have been happening big time during the release. It's a amazing how this is the fifth film and it's still action packed and to have scene that are still thrilling for how Ethan gets pit of it this time. The villain was rather generic but everybody else in the film had a pulse that I was so interested in. I was engaged from start to finish. 



  9. 2 hours ago, elbobo said:

    Terminator 2


    First complete watch in at least 15 years but due to the number of lines I knew word for word I watched this movie a LOT in the 90s.


    This is an absolute action movie masterpiece. The last hour of this movie could be a 400 film course unto itself, it is perfection from the time they show up the cyberdyne building till the credits. I talked about it in the in T1 vs T2 thread, the great stunts in this film but I down played how spectacular they are, everything that is mind blowing in this film was done with real people risking their lives or top tier animatironics, they do not make films like this anymore.


    Die Hard came out in  1988, T2 in 1991 and then we had a 25 year gap till Fury Road. I honestly think for everything T2 did right it set the stage for all the over used CG in the 90s and 2000s, T2 used CG only when it was impossible to do it for real, following movies did it when it was easier and it ends up looking like an easy out. Why is T2 awesome because that is real semi dropping 20 feet into a concrete runoff, because 5000s squibs were used in the cyberdyne seige, because an insane helicopter pilot did the best flying that will ever be filmed, because Stan Winston is a god, they did it for real until they couldn't, everyone else did it CG because it was easier. 


    My only real complaints about this movie are the villain disappears for an hour and I want to slap the sound designer for using suppressed gun sounds all the time when the guns are clearly not suppressed. 


    Those a quibbles, this is a top 5 all time film for me.



    Hell yeah! It's a serious masterpiece of cinema that has damn near a perfect beat for what a movie should consist of. 


    Lol, I so agree with as well about the disappearance of the T-1000 there but the story is so engaging you don't think about it until your discussing it well after the film. 

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