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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. 5 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    Not really. Keeping the belt on Lesnar + Lesnar being on TV less and less was ALL creative/McMahon’s decision in an attempt to get Reigns cheered. Now there’s a champ that the majority dislike; if anything, the fact that creative will have to constantly make Reigns “look strong” leaves them even more stunted than having a missing champion.

    I honestly think they have a spade to play with Braun having the money in the bank. If WWE is smart ( I know I know ) if the crowd is not feeling Roman as champ, they can have a new champ anytime they want with Braun wrecking him with a cash in. Even with Braun or anybody else as champ, they will have a present champ that opens up story possibilities  that just wasn't there with Brock only appearing a few times a year. Brock really hamstrung story telling IMO and I didn't care if James Ellsworth became the universal champ, the belt just had to come off of Brock. He gave the belt a much needed status boost but WWE needs the presence of their belt holders.

  2. 1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Honestly for me, most game's prior to the PS1 era don't really age that well. I remember being burnt out on side scrollers during the SNES/Genesis era so the shift to 3-D really helped keep my interest in gaming going.  I do remember trying to go back to Perfect Dark several years after it was out and absolutely LOATHING it despite loving it before,

    I never really played Perfect Dark growing up so the first time I truly played it was on Rare Replay on Xbox 1. I could see how it was impact full for its time but playing it now made me realize how far first person shooters have came and made me appreciate mechanics that are just automatic in most FPS' today that was even a though back in the day.

  3. 1 hour ago, Man_of_X said:


    Well, @Hurdyb1, I don't think you were overhyping this issue too much as I thought it was great! 


    - Art was fantastic! 

    - First big "moment" was a bit of low hanging fruit, but the second one was definitely more surprising. 

    - Ending reveal was pretty damn good! 


    All in all, a very good start to this 5 issue story. 

    I hope they stick the landing with this one.

  4. Seems like it will be another weekend of 


    Gears of War 4 horde mode 

    Madden 18, I cannot get enough of playing people online. I am not great but it's not nice to be able to hold your own against people who don't have the greatest of football IQs. 

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