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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. 1 hour ago, elbobo said:



    A movie about grown men who play tag, not exactly going in thinking it was going to be Oscar material. It was fine for what it was.






    Tropic thunder


    I think this might the last of the big release politically incorrect movies that there would be zero chance of making now. Also Tom Cruise's best role.



    Yeah, Tropic Thunder is a creative gem that would not fly today.

  2. 40 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

    I still remember him telling off that woman who dared to yell that Obama was a Muslim during one of his speeches during the 2008 election. He had low hanging fruit that his supporters believed and instead of taking that fruit, he decided to educate his base.


    Mad fucking respect for that alone.

    Yeah, not too many politicians least of all republicans would stand up and do that.

  3. 24 Legacy


    I was finally able to finish it. I loved the original 24 and while I wanted more 24 and more Jack, I knew it just couldn't be right to bring Jack back. Enter Eric Carter. I had both reservations and excitement about Legacy as I believe 24 to be my favorite  show of all time. We'll it didn't disappoint. I was completely engaged. I kinda was hoping that Jack may have popped in for a cameo since Kiefer Sutherland was the executive producer but he doesn't but I think Sutherland's presence as a producer can be felt. I don't know if the show did well enough to warrant a 2nd season but I enjoyed it a lot.



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