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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. 1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    I wonder if more single player games, and games in general, will suffer because preorder discounts and bonuses like are going away. I couldn't find a single bonus for this game.

    I agree. I remember when pre order bonuses were truly something that were special and enticed me to pro order game. I feel like in the past 2-3 years, the pre order bonuses are not really good at all.


    I'm going to pre order Spider-Man cause its one of the rare instances I don't mind paying the day one price especially since I'm good for it, I know it will be worth it, and I really want to start the game with another costume cause the new costume they created annoys me with the white spider. I'll use the Infinity War costume happily until I can unlock the original costume.

  2. MI : Fallout.


    Just came back from seeing it. It's amazing that this series still keeps it fresh even when we know certain elemen's are likely to happen but the question is how will it be presented to Ethan and his team this time? Wow. This was such a good movie and it had a few things in there for longtime fans of the series. Tom Cruise is crazy. I know he didn't do all that but I know there is quite a few stunts he did do and he keeps pushing the bar. Henry Cavil was just a damn beast in this movie. Angela Bassett always bring a regal class and no nonsense to her characters and it's just the same here. Such a good damn movie.



  3. 3 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    They were totally upfront about it prior to the release of the game, just look at the Deluxe Edition details - the issue is putting out a trailer before the main game even comes out. It's just nutty, IMO... like, wait a week, jeez! :/ 

    Yeah, that totally makes sense. It is off putting when DLC  trailers and ads are released before the game releases. Some other game, I was interested in, did that a while back. I don't jump on new stuff too often so I have no idea if it's that prevalent of behavior or does it happen every so often?

  4. I can't say that I do anything for this cause. I like eating meat. I guess with clothing, I don't buy too many things that are made of leather outside of the coat I may purchase every once in couple of years when a coat gets worn. I not a shoe guy so I only buy shown when they are visibly badly worn or start to hurt my feet.


    I'm more conscientious about reducing waste so I reuse a lot of thing and take my own bags to the store for example. 

  5. 16 hours ago, vaxick said:

    Yeah, that was a bit displeasing to see. Thanks Sony for advertising extra content you want us to pay for before the game is even out.  

    I go back and forth with my feelings on DLC but I rather companies be up front about the season pass content like this instead of a season pass like Tekken 7 where the content details are very vague and almost blind.

  6. 21 hours ago, johnny said:

    Emelie 2.5/5


    its got some interesting stuff. Basically girl babysits these kids but the babysitter isn’t who she says she is and she’s crazy. Some of the stuff she does with the kids is a little jarring like the bathroom scene and the video scene. Never really comes together and kinda devolves into every other evil babysitter movie. 

    I was curious about this but I think I will take a pass.

  7. I was able to play the tutorial while the game was copying. It may look the same but I felt the difference as I played it. It plays a lot smoother, crazily interesting, and you have to be extra careful with passes or they will get picked off easily. My son and I have a real bad habit of kicking out a pass in a jump shot attempt and it worked for the most part in 2k18. I tried a few times in 2k19 and stop that quickly. I'll actually dig into the prelude later this evening.


    @ohioguy24 - Have you played the Live 19 demo? Dude, I think Live is the truth this year. I am loving that demo. 

  8. 16 hours ago, silentbob said:

    BLADE RUNNER 2049 (4K) 5/5


    one of/if not the best movie of last year. Plus this 4K disc kicks ass for picture and especially if you have a Dolby Atmos setup to take full advantage of the track. Just remember to nail/glue everything down to the walls because the subwoofer action will knock that shit off with ease

    That has to look crazy amazing in 4k. 

  9. I've only played exhibition, been in the editing mode, and played online. I don't know if the game has a ton of options or features cause the menus are rather plain and my comparison would be to the WWE games which I know are  very feature heavy. I haven't dug in but I don't think so but I'm a Fire Pro Newb at this point so it may be feature I haven't looked at but the menus are plain as hell.

  10. I have identified one issue, it's online multiplayer. I played the online Battle Royal twice. The first time was very responsive. The 2nd time I played one, ugh. Somebody had bad internet and it SUCKED. Fire Pro requires precise timing and if the connection is off, it sucks!!!!! The good thing is when somebody internet is that bad, the game will allow the CPU to take over to allow the match to continue. 


    I've played games with bad internet and a few are unplayable while a few others can still be played a bit but this game is unplayable with a bad connection. 

  11. On 8/26/2018 at 12:19 PM, Mercury33 said:

    I don’t see how Tropic Thunder doesn’t get made today? It wasn’t made all that long ago and it doesn’t go as over the top as movies like Blazing Saddles and Bad News Bears

    I don't know. We live in such a ultra politically correct world now that most of the jokes in Tropic Thunder would have some body complaining. It is sad cause Tropic Thunder is not that old but the PC thing has ramped up so much in that short time. Even if Tropic Thunder is made today, it's a straight to DVD release, just my thought. I love this movie.

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