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Everything posted by Hurdyb1

  1. Definitely agree that not a lot of those games hold up. In all honestly if I was playing and enjoying them then, I most like got a collection or HD remaster on a later system.
  2. I usually a one game at a time gamer. The only times I can play multiple games at once is if I'm I corporation a sports title or a fighting game. My focus is usually on the game I want to complete.
  3. You sound like me. If the costumes don't look right in the world, I just stick to the default. I rarely used the extra suits in the Arkham games outside of extra the fighting and the stealth levels.
  4. I have so many games for it and I don't play it often. Hell outside of this last time we just hooked it up, I don't think I played it in maybe 2 years but every so often I or my son get an urge to try some old school stuff and we had some fun on it when it worked during the time.
  5. Some great suggestions above. Some I would suggest would be: Heavenly Sword - PS3 The Order 1886 - PS4 The Force Awakens 2 - PS3/360 Those are the 3 that I can remember off the top of my head that can probably be beaten in 2-4 sittings that I enjoyed. No more than 6 hour games each at most.
  6. Sad news. Truly seemed like a real cool dude even just from TV. RIP Burt.
  7. I need a new or newer PS2. My son and I plugged it in a few weeks ago and it needs to be taken out to the shed.
  8. Thank goodness. I do expect some initial patches with games nowadays but sometimes these patches can be crazy before I am able to press start on a game. Thank you
  9. I saw some of the hearing on twitter. What a damn joke! I don't believe he acted like a tv sitcom when he pretended not know how to answer some questions. I thought Ashton Kutchner was going to come out and say somebody got punked cause I could not believe this was going on.
  10. Brosnan still is my favorite 007. They can kick rocks. How the hell they call him cheesy and not mention Roger Moore's place as the captain of 007 cheese. I'm not hating on Moore, he was the 007 that got me started on the franchise, but let's keep it real. It was a short article so I continued on. As a comic book reader, I'm tired of the "kill'em off and bring'em back" gimmicks so this is turning me off already. Bond kick ass and gets his ass kicked as well but lives to fight another day.
  11. I also wonder, now, what other costumes are in there and what did Sony and Marvel allow for Innsomniac to access to? It would be cool to see his Fantastic Four costume that was white. That idea of content and access is what honestly made me get the game early cause I know people will be spoiling the hell out of the game so I want to see things develop myself in front of my eyes. I know that even when I bought God of War day 1, some of it was already spoiled by you tubers and other individuals, grrrrrrrr.
  12. I know I'm gonna have fun looking for them. Let me know I can get all black Spidey, that's the suit I'm rocking all the time!
  13. 4 patches already? Oh damn. Might be a late gym night for me cause its no telling how long that patch downloads will take.
  14. I'm so glad I'm not alone, lol. He already has a bright, but iconic, costume. There is no need to put an extra target on it, lol. I was so happy when I saw a video with the original costume but then I learned last night the game has over 20 costumes to unlock.
  15. I did not come in here to say this but I can't like comment enough. SO DAMN TRUE!!!!!!! I can name countless games that did this. I love cut scenes. I don't think I can ever get tired of them but I better have an option to skip them.
  16. They could but many trailers for big movies are attached to some movie people are anticipating to be big and I believe Captain Marvel to be highly anticipated.
  17. Maybe Venom? But I know there may be some attempt to try to separate Marvel Sony films from MCU films but that's my guess.
  18. Very nice! More movies that need to introduce images of costumes and characters should take note of this. Every image and costume is clear and looks GOOD. Nothing is questionable and nothing is how can I say, nothing it bad looking. If anybody is hating on any of these images or costumes, it has to be a hyper Snyder defender DC lover that just hates Marvel just for the sake of hating or somebody that is just hyper critical of everything to a fault. These images look great.
  19. Avengers Age of Ultron I have not seen this since i saw it opening weekend in the theater. I liked it but didn't enjoy it as much as the first film but I in no way thought it deserved the critical criticism it got. Upon 2nd watch, it's a very good movie and I enjoyed more this time around especially knowing how this movie has some foreshadowing to Civil War and Infinity War. As much as I want to go in a huge diatribe about what made this movie so good, I will just point out a few good things. - James Spader is absolutely perfect as Ultron. I don't think he gets enough credit as Ultron is probably the most forgotten villain of the MCU so far probably even more so than Yellowjacket in Ant-man. While I think we all may have been a little miffed that Tony and Bruce were the creator's of Ultron but Spade made Ultron a psycho type Tony Stark which was cool. Which moves on my next point......... - Tony is very obsessed about making mistakes and doing what he can to not lose lives which we see play later on in Homecoming and Infinity War. We know that Ultron later becomes a mistake but he's willing to make certain risks cause he believes the reward is worth it. And he's still hilarious. - Cap is taking charge and really leading the Avengers in this film. - I love Quicksilver's characterization. Wants to take care of his sister and he's hot headed with a bit of impatience which is a key trait . - I just love the Hulk in Hulk smash mode. He is the epitome of team muscle and this movie shows it. - Hawkeye is fucking awesome. Renner nails him. I can go on and on about the good. I think the major issues I have is that somethings could have been explained better, espeically the Thor water scene which has an extended scene on the Bluray and just that the Avengers are fighting drone type minions again. Great fighting choreography but it's drone minions again (which we also get in Infinity War). 5/5
  20. Damn really? Awww I wanted to see it. I guess it's not on the top of the list to see now.
  21. I just preordred it and will have it by 9pm tomorrow. I think this is my first store launch pick up in years since Batllefront 1 or MKX.
  22. I couldn't even showcase with my entertainment center hence why I never go for these consoles. Only themed console I have ever bought was my Super Mario themed 3DS XL since people can actually see it.
  23. I didn't watch the NFL last year due to my feelings about the NFL but after a year of trying to get my football fix thru college football, I can't wait for the NFL season to start. I am just ready to see the Bears make some strides.
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