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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. 5 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

    I don't buy multiplayer DLC either.  I also tend to be interested in single player DLC... but typically won't buy games that have it until a discounted complete edition is out.  That's the habit the industry has put me into.

    Same with waiting for sales. Very rarely is DLC worth the initial price it releases at.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    I've never used a guide and honestly have no idea how they were ever so popular. Are these fucking things the reason y'all are so OCD about finishing and 100%ing every game?


    I mean, I've checked a FAQ here and there if I'm utterly stuck, and I remember calling the Nintendo hotline once as a kid, but getting guides with new games? Why? Besides collector's value, I guess.


    I think I remember someone saying they liked the art and presentation of the good ones, which I can get behind.

    Some people just like to beat games, lol. I know how you feel just had to take a jab.


    Never a fan of the Prime guides but as you said, the art is big but how some of the books are put together make it part of the gaming experience. For many of us that grew up with guides, they opened up so much a game many of would have never thought to explore or to think outside the box to get better. I know Street Fighter 2 guides back in the day expanded my imagination of what could be accomplished in that game which in turn opened my mind to a whole new wave of possibilities in games I played but that's a whole different story for another day.


    I stopped using guides over the years cause many of them were just glorified instruction manuals to take advantage of folks who didn't know any better for a cash grab but at one point some guides were necessary for some games to seriously advance. I won't miss Prima but I get the sentiment of this.

  3. I have no doubt it will be a better movie. I liked Black Panther but it wasn't the Earth shattering experience for me like it was many other folks. It laid a great foundation for a fantastic sequel. Now the question will be will Disney some happy with it if financial lightening in the bottle doesn't strike again?

  4. On 11/2/2018 at 12:44 AM, TwinIon said:

    Rewatched Blade Runner 2049 and I’m increasingly convinced it’s a modern classic that may well be better than the original. Obviously it’s not going to be more influential and it owes quite a bit to the first film, but like Mad Max, I think the modern incarnation might just be a superior product. It’s gorgeous, it’s thoughtful, it sounds amazing. If Dune is anything close to this caliber, we’re in for a treat.

    Loved the hell out of this film.

  5. On 10/5/2018 at 11:28 PM, 5timechamp said:


    Whats everyones (or those who watched it) opinion of the change behind the Predators purpose.... apparently they arent just hunting anymore and are here for a different purpose...

    I think its lame, but i guess the "theyre hunting" narrative boxes in the storytelling too much?

    It was different and interesting but didn't hurt my thoughts on the creatures. 

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