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Posts posted by Hurdyb1

  1. I had to rebuy Star Wars Battlefront as I got rid of it when I got Battlefront 2. Luckily Battlefront was only $3 at Gamestop but I had to get it cause it had a X Wing VR mission and I really enjoyed it. It lasted 26 mins for me and I can see myself playing this when I'm having a Star Wars itch to scratch which can be quite often.

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  2. I was at work and a coworker learned I was a gamer and asked if I had tried VR? At that time not really outside of the $20 set I bought from Best Buy to put my phone in. I told him I was impressed and have wondered what a more expensive set would do. Then a conversation with my brother about buying a new toy every once and a while is not bad. So I looked at a lot of you tube videos about PS VR reviews and for the most part they were all positive. Then I looked in the PSVR library of the PS store which I never venture into. I did not realize how many games were available for it. So I made the decision to get a bundle that game with the move controllers cause I saw some games I wanted to try need them. 


    So I took it and my expectations are low and GAAADAMN was immediately impressed with the menu of the demo disc alone. I tried Battlezone. Daaaaaaaaaamn! I was immediately sold on this. I could look up down and even behind me and I'm in a fucking tank in this world having to look everywhere to aim. Then I tried the Persistence. Took a little bit to get a hang of the controls but once I got it, it was like playing Dead Space in VR. Cool and scared the shit out of me.


    Too bad I got home from the store to late last night because I had to call it quits to go to bed for work but man, I'm home after work right now and cannot wait to play this. While I am excited now, I want to see how my excitement continues or will it pass like motion controls? For right now, I'm sold that if VR can become more affordable, This could be the New path for gaming. People were right, unless one tries it, you really cannot get what VR does thru video advertising or just game play clips.


    Any game suggestions? Can you watch movies with this? Any tips? 



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