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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. And yet, still better than all other candidates that were presented, so what's it matter? It's an incredibly positive change compared to what we've gotten for decades. Not just in terms of policy, but personality and behavior and ethics and morals. You can't just ignore those wins.
  2. Spec Ops: The Line was an absolutely phenomenal game - I have to give it a shout out, as not enough people played that wonderful game. Agreed. I'm not sure why everyone forgets they also did the Devil Mary Cry reboot, DmC though. That game, especially the remastered version, was just as legit as Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.
  3. Right on point. It's amazing the lies societies and civilizations tell themselves when the truth is right there, staring them in the face.
  4. Well put. It is indeed a medical condition, just not a mental illness. And the body is indeed the "flaw", not the gender identity.
  5. This is actually a big win for trans people - just ask one of them. To be acknowledged that what you are isn't a medical condition but "natural" in the same ways straight or gay people are considered "natural" makes them feel validated - as they should. It was the same with homosexuality. And it does given the alt right less fodder if they can't point to science (they rarely can these days anyway, but every little bit helps). So this does help, though what you say is also important with regard to acceptance and understanding. And yes, mental health disorders can be based on their destructiveness. That's how many of them have been discovered - it was hurting themselves or the people around them. Transgenderism doesn't hurt anybody. Destructiveness is a key factor in determining mental disorders (not the only factor however, of course). Narcissistic personality disorder, for example (a mental health disorder our very president suffers from) is only diagnosable through its destructiveness on and towards others, as all its symptoms only exhibit themselves from how the person treats others.
  6. That is FUCKING BALLER. Best news I've read today - thanks for that. All the news is so godawfully shitty that this was a nice change for once.
  7. That tweet is something I've been saying since law school - every "incorrect" supreme court opinion almost universally ignores some clear contextual fact. It's ridiculous. It's "political correctness" at its truest definition.
  8. My parents and both my brothers are doctors; one brother is a psychiatrist. I'm personally no expert, but you have a presumption that the "function runs counter to the design" but there is no "design" that is presumptively built into the human body - so long as it can keep living, that's really it's only function (that, and to procreate, which is a choice), and arguably even death is a choice. I absolutely agree if someone's chemical reactions or genetic traits are hurting themselves or others (or causing them to do something egregiously illegal in some way) then yeah, call it a mental disease or disorder. But no, the same logic could not be used for more destructive beahviours because, as you said, they are more destructive, thus making them different than this, thus using the same logic is impossible because they are entirely different contexts. Transgenderism isn't destructive, rape and murder are. Anti-vaxxers? It's not the same at all, since the choice not to vaccinate actually affects other people, like second-hand smoke. Transgenderism isn't anything like those.
  9. How does one argue when a chemical release or genetic trait is simply "different" vs. "bad and needs to be corrected"? I think transgenderism is the former.
  10. Welp, Trump's ruined this now. It's not funny when it's true. He IS that.
  11. You speak truth! This one is a tough call. Tim Miller is theoretically great but a lot is going to depend on the writing, I think, as it did with Deadpool.
  12. That doesn't match either. I saw that earlier in this thread. Pretty bad, not sure how they didn't catch that one during pre-production.
  13. Usually when one isn't informed, they are surprised! Denis is great, as it sounds like you now know. Check out his other movies if you haven't yet, they are all universally great. I do grant knowing too much about a movie hurts my ability to be pleasantly surprised which is why these days I rarely even watch trailers. I just look at the behind the scenes talent and word of mouth and personal interest and go from there hah.
  14. I was going to say the same thing. My wife and I both get clothes from Zara and that jacket does not match their general style. Also, the optics on that jacket are terrible. I have to wonder though: Is this Melania giving a "fuck you" to her husband on TV (a "secret message") to him saying I care about these immigrants, I don't care how you feel about it, do u? kind of thing. Or she doesn't care about the immigrants. I really don't know which it is.
  15. It's written by the guys who wrote and directed the first movie. The guy who directed this one, J.A. Bayona, is a fantastic director, but no one can save a terrible screenplay. Even I'm surprised how bad it looks though, but you add Colin Trevorrow to something it's gonna be bad.
  16. It . . . could be. Who is writing it hasn't quite been sorted out yet (too many have come through, need to wait until official credits come out for that) but it is being directed by Tim Miller, whose sole previous directorial credit is Deadpool 1. That's not a great metric for a completely different kind of movie like Terminator, but he did direct Deadpool 1 pretty well, so this could be good. Linda Hamilton looks good in those shots at least. I'm always wary of films though that choose what counts as canon and not canon. It starts diluting the stories and confusing the mythology of that series and can ruin some of the things you liked about some of the movies since some stuff is never picked up on again (I for one enjoyed Terminator Salvation and like where Terminator 3 and Salvation took the Terminator story after Terminator 2). Predators ignored Predator 2, the AvP movies wrecked the Alien (and Predator) mythos (and we have no idea what Prometheus and Alien: Covenant consider canon or not canon). The new Halloween movie counts Halloween 1 and maybe 2? But not the others, which also starred Jamie Lee Curtis, which this new one also has. It's like . . . she was in ones that don't count for this one? It's just annoying. I get why it's done, but it can be annoying and hurt the story being told.
  17. Atlanta: Robbin' Season (aka season 2) - 5/5. Donald Glover and his creative team continue to do phenomenal work in this show. The episode "Teddy Perkins" will stay with me for quite awhile. Mozart in the Jungle: seasons 1 thru 4 (aka the whole show) - 3.5/5. My wife and I binge watched this Amazon Prime Video original series and it was quite good actually! It's fun and funny and you gain a lot more respect for orchestras by watching the show (if one didn't have respect for them already). It's ultimately a weightless series though, and without a lot of substance the show can only rate so high. However, I'd still recommend it to anyone looking for something more fun and less stressful to watch, the performances are dynamite and it's really well shot and directed. The show ends on both what could be considered a closing point or a cliffhanger, as the show was cancelled after season 4. I think it ends on an appropriate enough note, but fair warning.
  18. Most feel 12 was okay or actively bad (so I know where you're coming from), but I think that's because people view the film as a heist movie, when it's more of a comedy / guys hanging out movie. Seen from that perspective, it is one of my favorite comedies ever, seriously. The movie is endlessly quotable. 13 is just okay - a forgettable but fun imitation of 11. The heist is irrelevant to the film for the most part. Here's one article (from an critic I like) to illustrate (he wrote that recently but I've felt this way about the film since I first saw it when it came out): http://collider.com/why-oceans-12-is-a-good-movie/
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