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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Precisely. Abolishing ICE is an incredibly important move. If not abolish ICE, at least separate the two branches of it from each other so everyone knows which branch to really hate (Investigations vs. Immigration Detentions & Deportations). http://thehill.com/latino/394757-more-than-a-dozen-ice-agents-call-to-abolish-agency That would help so much. Because ICE has clearly gone way past its mandate at this point and separating the two bureaus under ICE would so clearly indicate how bad the one bureau is for the people. Trump uses the existence of the "Investigations" branch to justify all the bad things the "Immigration Detentions & Deportations" branch does and it confuses people. Separate them, Trump has no leg to stand on, and the Immigration Detentions bureau will be abolished, I guarantee you. The Investigations side is actually important and I do not think that should be dissolved but I'll take the entire dissolution of ICE if they can't be separated. ICE being under the Department of Homeland Security is also a labeling nightmare because immigration generally shouldn't inherently be under "Security" because it implies that all immigration requires security which implies threats. Immigration, as an idea, is not inherently threatening, but the government wants us to think it is by doing it this way. You see the marketing now? It's ridiculous.
  2. Well, if I could have double-italicized the word something in my previous post, I would have. Not too surprised, but sad all the same.
  3. I think Leia doesn't really count as "someone to kill off" in terms of drama for the film, which is what Ort is getting at, I would think.
  4. He's just saying things now. Of course he forgets to mention that the Democrats (who aren't obstructing - laughable - I WISH they obstructed more) are/would only obstruct because they want to go back to at least Obama-level era immigration. Trump wants it even harsher - he wants to make his illegal immigration policies and executive orders legal by turning them into law through legislation, and he's annoyed Democrats won't vote for draconian immigration laws. Of course they are obstructing! That's like being angry that someone is obstructing your ability to murder people, while you ask them to help make murder legal. Like, WTF?
  5. I don't mind this at all, to some degree, I understand the point. He should be 3x as harsh on Russia though, yet . . . Weird. He chastises Germany for doing a deal with Russia, but then doesn't ever chastise Russia directly? It's like, hate your friends for working with your enemies but don't hate your enemies?
  6. Fake news = doing investigative journalism to make sure whether alleged claims are real or alleged. Okayyyyyyy then . . . It's weird actual adults in important positions resort so quickly to name calling and "fake news" outrage. Like, it feels so childish now I'm taken aback these days that 50+ year olds are screaming things like this.
  7. My first reaction as well. No judgment so long as it remains benign, but definitely weird in a potentially bad way. Like, DIY an anime girl pillow or some hentai stuff is also weird, but to me this is weirder than that because one is much more inherently benign. Both should be legal (in this case) but yeah.
  8. Right, they'll kill her off offscreen, likely between films during a time jump or at the very start of the film. So how is it they "have" Leia for Episode IX?
  9. Either Trump colluded with Russia, or Putin is the luckiest guy in the world. "Hey, totally by accident the American president is doing literally everything I wish he would do." I mean, that's so highly suspect I wonder why that's not what everyone is talking about.
  10. Just make sure you watch the connecting film Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark as it helps understand season 2. It's meant to be watched after season 1 but before season 2. It's not available in the US (may never be) but I'm sure you can find a way to watch it as I did. :p
  11. Been watching the sequel show, 2202, every week. The show is fantastic, I'm sad the old thread about 2199 and 2202 is gone.
  12. I think that's because women playing men isn't in the least bit offensive. But if Cate Blanchett played a black man, then it's a problem. It's all about respecting sensitivities. No one is saying make the movie a demagoguery of trans people or anything, they just want representation about their own kind done by their own kind. Same as how blackface is a problem because of how oppressed they were and what blackface represents. Again though, it's not clear cut, I agree.
  13. Hey, I'm just saying she can, and I've seen employees do it in real life. I'm not saying she should, no pressure there, but she could if it was important enough to her, especially someone in her position. I did indeed suggest the latter earlier in this thread as more reasonable.
  14. If the project was about diversity, probably. I'm a first generation Pakistani-American though, so . . . I wouldn't need to leave but I would say that if I were white.
  15. It does happen though. I do agree it's not the norm, but this isn't a normal situation either. As I said, I don't think ScarJo has to do anything, but it's preferred. At least a failed attempt. Publicize the issue. I don't know - something. We always live in this "me first" culture. Maybe ScarJo should pass on the job, there are plenty of others someone like her could get. Like I said, she shouldn't have to, but it'd be nice.
  16. I mean, I did say major role, not the zoo keeper at the beginning of Rampage (I haven't seen Rampage but it sounded like it's a minor role? lol). But if it is indeed the story of one person, and it can only be funded with a major star in the major role (both are assumptions giving the studio a lot of rope), then okay, cast Johansson. But we all see how only hiring already bankable stars does indeed just perpetuate the same bankable stars preventing anyone new from making inroads. It's a tough situation to be fair.
  17. Agreed, that's even better. Even more "fair" in some ways by avoiding the criticisms of typecasting, possibly.
  18. If that were true, Johansson should push to put a trans actor in the role and take another major role in the movie, if that's what it is about, no? I'm not saying they have to, but they theoretically could.
  19. How is it based on a lie? He personally knows and is friends with the actress. Why would he perpetuate a lie about his friend and co-worker?
  20. He just showed up in the second to last episode of this season for the first time. So, for now, he's not in it much but he's clearly gonna be a major recurring character I think.
  21. While I agree, that's not how it works in reality, so saying it should be this is like saying: "everyone should always be honest". Well yeah, sure they should, but people aren't, that's why we have laws that force/compel people into being honest as best as possible (and even then, the system is highly unsuccessful). Institutionalized lack of representation is a real thing. "Best person for the job" is the biggest lie we tell everyone because that's not how hiring practices have almost ever worked. Especially thanks to subconscious biases and instituionalized biases. Similarly, representation matters since the system doesn't work like it should. So it needs to be forced, similarly, as it does in my "everyone should be honest" example. While I'm not upset ScarJo is playing a trans person at all, I think they should have tried to hire a trans person.
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