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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. He's officially praised, at least, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, Rodrigo Duterte, and now Recep Erdogan. It's fucking ridiculous.
  2. That's the dumbest tweet the alt right has made yet. How can they STILL not tell the different between coding a group of people and coding a specific person? Trump taking it up the ass from Putin is funny not because it makes fun of gay men but because it makes fun of Trump - especially since he sees himself as such a heterosexual alpha male. They just don't have the intelligence to understand the difference.
  3. As much as I love M:I II, it's barely a real movie. M:I is very easily the better film. They are so different as to be barely comparable though.
  4. That would be my preference as well, but I'll take whatever I can get in this post-Citizens United, pro-Citizens United world.
  5. *Assuming a rational actor is at the helm should be at the end of almost every post we all make.
  6. I think we're in agreement. I like Google, and I'm a huge proponent of open source and having options. What I don't like is the bullying and exclusivity arrangements part is all. You seem to agree there. If the Commissions lack of broadness or inability to penalize all offending companies I would agree with you but to say not going after Google because the Commission didn't go after others, that I'm not so sure about. (if that's what you're saying).
  7. Is your issue that they are going after only Google or that they are doing it at all? Because I'm all for going after all of them if possible. I have no problem with pre-loads, but bullying it into existence is not something I'm a fan of, which is how this read to me. And anything that limits monopolies and trusts, even arguably benign blocks such as this one (is it really bad they pre-load their stuff? no) because they are already running loose and drunk on power.
  8. It's dumb for Google to do it anyway - are they really worried people won't immediately download their apps first anyway? C'mon now. This is a good thing by the Commission.
  9. If you do check it out again let us know what you think! And yeah, I actually follow him on Twitter too. Smart, cool guy.
  10. Trump's worldview: being a treasonous advocate for the Russian Federation OR nuclear war. No middle ground there eh? And why so tough on our allies then compared to Russia? Surely it's important to get along with them too.
  11. I just suggested it because you seemed to say you don't remember them well. I'm sure you'd still think they were only decent.
  12. Hahaha yeah, that's the one with Jake Gyllenhaal. Jones' direction really elevates a pretty mundane screenplay into a really good (but not great) movie. Moon is better but Source Code is good. Maybe both are due for a rewatch for you?
  13. I really enjoyed the new King Arthur movie, but a lot of that was thanks in large part to veteran auteur director Guy Ritchie. I hope this is good, but I don't think it will be as it has two completely unknown and untested writers writing it (not a writing duo either, separate from each other) and a TV director making his very first feature film. We'll see I guess.
  14. This was my biggest issue with season 2 as well, though I did enjoy the season overall (it's been so long I don't remember a good bit of season 2 lol).
  15. Warcraft was pretty average/bad (I haven't seen Mute) but Moon and Source Code remain fantastic. I do now question Duncan Jones' skill, however.
  16. I didn't say it was his fault Trump became a candidate or anything like that. I'm saying he didn't help his own party enough throughout his years as President which helped Trump and the Republicans, so no, his mere existence isn't the "only role" a major President of 8 years has leading up to the immediate election following his tenure. That's ridiculous of any president. You don't think any president has an effect on the election proceedings of his successor? C'mon now.
  17. The most unpopular candidate the Democratic party could have reasonably selected to go up against Donald Trump in 2016 given the context at the time. Obviously, I don't (and I don't think anyone else) literally means she was the most unpopular/worst candidate in history. The entire Republican primary candidates from 2016 shows that's simply not true, obviously.
  18. In no way am I absolving the American electorate by saying that Obama played a role in Trump's ascendancy and presidency due to his negligence and lack of resolve. That's flatly true. I didn't say he played the biggest part or even the second biggest part. But he played a significant enough role. Obviously, at least the 40% base/alt-right American electorate that keeps approving of Donald Trump's presidency in polling are a bunch of dumb ass fucking morons who want to burn us all down, including apparently immolating themselves while cutting off their nose to spite their own stupid faces, in case anyone needed me to be clear about my opinion on the subject.
  19. Most unpopular candidate, perhaps not "worst" in an objective sense. In fact, I found Hillary Clinton very qualified for the position, despite my disagreements with her.
  20. I can blame a number of factors at the same time, and that includes Obama and the American electorate, which is why I emphasize "in part" constantly. Obama did a lot - especially given the Herculean task the Bush administration left him at the time. But he still did a lot of things wrong, especially at the end, and I do hold him responsible for that part in this absolute clusterfuck of a situation we have now. Obviously, I blame Trump himself first and foremost.
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