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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Huge M:I and Chris McQ fan here. The ratings for this one are nuts and people are equating the action to Mad Max: Fury Road levels. I'm all in. Also: gun arm reload.
  2. Well then wouldn't a Democratic Congress and President be a step in the right direction for someone like you?
  3. Where do you lie on the political spectrum, do you think? If it's just a different company/industry, that makes sense. A different country once Trump is out of office? That seems silly. If there was a time to leave, now'd be the time unless one thinks things will get better haha.
  4. Word. I mean, moderation in all things to their own degrees, as Aristotle says.
  5. Who drinks soda anymore other than as an extremely intermittent treat or in a mixed drink? Ew.* *Not actually judging anyone. I just don't drink much soda in my diet anymore for general health reasons. I love soda.
  6. Why would it be a Democratic Congress and President over Trump that would get you to jump ship?
  7. Completely unrelatedly, I have always been skeptical about marriage (everyone should be) but if you really look for the right person and you get lucky enough to find them marry them! I've only recently been married a little over a year now (dated her for a few years prior) and it's been pretty amazing. It can be stressful and difficult, but it's been better than remaining single, especially since I'm now 31. I had my fun. But definitely make sure it's the right person for life. Otherwise, being single is easily better. Have you ever been married? We're not talking about any marriage. We're talking about Donald Trump's. And I pointed to a litany of actual evidence that shows that in the aggregate their marriage is far more likely broken than not. I have no personal interest in their marriage, I don't care. So them having a bad marriage doesn't matter to me. It's only further evidence to me that Trump is a bad person, nothing more. I've pointed to lots of evidence that supports the interpretation that their marriage is awful. Direct counterpoint? Asking genuinely.
  8. So fucking well put. And he acts like we have no immigration laws at all, not that we have already strong and strict immigration laws and that what he's calling for is more draconian than what already exists, not less. And let's all ignore the fact that asylum seeking is a legal process.
  9. The dumbest part is that Michael Cohen was surprised. The way he acted for your kid's event where he showed up late, etc. should have been evidence enough.
  10. But he isn't "fringe left" on everything - but I see what you're saying.
  11. His next film is actually directing the Hobbs/Shaw Fast and Furious spin-off film, then he's supposed to be doing The Division with Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Chastain. That one I'm intrigued by. He last said on the topic that The Division was aggressively moving forward so he may move to that quickly after the Hobbs/Shaw movie. Or he could leave that project and do this. Or do this after both other projects. Unsure, we'll have to see. I'd like to see him do that Division movie over an Enter the Dragon remake, to be perfectly honest.
  12. I'm not a photographer, but my wife is, so I don't know much, but that picture you took is damn fine and crisp!
  13. No no, I agree with most of your post here, I was just tempering concerns was all. However, describing Bernie as having moved Democrats to the "fringe left" is humorous to me. At best, most of even the progressive far left is European-style democratic republic socialist at best and that's where Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are, in my estimation. The DSA is another thing entirely though.
  14. Pretty much. His approval will never drop below 35-40% nationally unless something that can even hurt Trump (whatever that is) happens. Which may, we'll see. To be clear, a 35-40% approval rating is abysmal.
  15. What sense does that make? She avoids holding his hand, rarely makes public appearances happily alongside her husband, hasn't publicly commented on any of Trump's problems or issues, and Trump treats her like trash, forgetting her name on Twitter, failing to treat her with respect or love, and being upset she watches CNN. And she always looks miserable/like she's been kidnapped/taken hostage. It's because they hate each other, or she at least hates him. She didn't even move to DC in forever and they now sleep in separate hotel beds. Sometimes I think you're willfully dense.
  16. It's not that I want it to be the case, it's all the compiled and aggregate proof and evidence of their marriage for the past 2 years, this fact just being the latest in a long line of facts. Almost everyone here would agree with me. Yes, I'm speculating, but based on a lot of evidence. It'd be harder to prove me wrong than right at this point.
  17. Pro-lifers only care about your "children" until the baby leaves the vagina. Then they immediately stop helping or caring. And god forbid that child becomes LGBTQIA+. Then the pro-lifers will want to kill them. Also, they love guns, which kill a lot of people. Also, they are pro-death penalty. Not sure how pro-life these people are. I think they are pro-semen, pro-ovaries, and pro-fetus but after that they are anti-life.
  18. They can only care so much about brown people, surely they need to cover another Trump tweet for 10 hours and then ask Trump voters how they feel about Trump (they still love him) and then the news acts stunned that a voter can still like Trump. Rinse. Repeat.
  19. It's alarmist to be worried about the DSA as a real threat to our country's government or values. They aren't a real threat. As I said, the closest to the DSA we'll ever get is European-style democratic republic socialism, which is a good thing for us.
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