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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I think you're conflating the show's tone, which is positivity and optimism, as a criticism. The show is meant to come off the way it does in season 2 - I thought season 2 was fine for a superhero CW show, no better or worse than The Flash or Arrow. That might seem inartful and blunt in terms of its tone but that's intentionally part of it, for better or worse.
  2. Better late than never, you dumb motherfuckers. You got American citizens killed with your ineptitude and stupidity. THE BEST PEOPLE
  3. Holy fucking shit that is the dumbest thing I've seen/read all day. GLORIOUS. PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY = UNDER GOVERNMENT FIRST SPEECH RIGHTS
  4. Is it to play 12D chess like he allegedly was by financing Republicans? So Saudis take his calls so he can influence pro-America policies on them (presumably)?
  5. I agree with the substance of your post, but I think that it's important to educate everyone, not limit perhaps less educated peoples' options from serving in their communities. I understand why you think that would work and why it's necessary but I'm concerned by the potential placism with those kinds of hiring practices. I think one doesn't need to go that far to fix the problem, as tempting as your solution is. The backlash to it would also be enormous. The rest, however, I agree with. I think it's a cop's job to go above and beyond the call of duty, but I think that should be the case with every job if a person is going to bother at all.
  6. LOL at anyone who gets their news from John Oliver. But he's a great gateway into doing more research, and it's not like the facts he presents are wrong. Getting people interested is the first step to getting people informed.
  7. The perfect song to go with my scotch. I can't believe we were thinking of the same song - so weird. Great fucking film though. You get all the upvotes good sir.
  8. Right? Hah. The intent and manner of the comedy being delivered also matters a lot too. Yeah, I don't know what people mean when they say that about comedy like your example. I think the blackface comparison sort of ends the conversation.
  9. In retrospect perhaps it was a good decision at the rate the US is going . . . Pakistan by comparison just elected Imran Khan, who is fit, can at least speak words coherently, and seems to have some moral compass of some sort.
  10. Good policing shouldn't depend on the politics or educations of the people who go into it. Regardless of who goes in, police training and education should make every police officer at least equally capable at a baseline to do their jobs well. That's the problem with cops, in part - terrible training where "shoot first" and "freak out" are first responses. Also, I think it's dangerous to push a narrative that you're trying to "balance" things. There is a difference between neutrality and objectivity, and you are pushing for neutrality, implying that all sides of an issue are equal. This is not always the case. You can post positive cop stories if you want of course (in a thread, I should note, that is meant to mock cops in the title because obviously we're only posting bad things in the thread itself). But let's not pretend that there are equal sides to this issue. Of course there are cops that do good things every day - that's their fucking job. We should never hear about cops except the good things they do. It's part of the job: to protect and serve. Did you find a story where they protected and served us? AMAZING. The fact that good news stories about cops aren't the only news stories we hear all the time indicates how deep the problem runs, and how distrustful of cops so many people are. Of course I am happy when cops do their job and it's not an easy job in the least and hooray for cops but there is a sickening underbelly amongst cops in this country, a cancer, and we should beat that drum hard and loud until something is done about it. Please don't try to "show the other side". That's a false equivalency. The blue brotherhood is fucked up right now in many parts of the country, a lot of people aren't happy about it, and "more liberals as cops" is a terrible and hilarious solution. The solution is complex, and the only group think hurting anyone on this issue is the group think of the cops themselves.
  11. This might prevent my wife from getting a green card. These motherfuckers man. It's currently in the system so we might sqeak through but whatever the living fuck. Not surprised, I guess.
  12. Well, it's been fun everyone. Not enough people who can do something care enough to stop or curb this or fix it. So let's all grab the oldest scotch we can find, sit outside in a chair, sip slowly, and watch the world burn. It's been a good run.
  13. Or it's exactly the tool we need to see the truth: idiots are running these countries and we need to get the right people in.
  14. But that's basically what sblfilms, SFLUFAN, and myself are saying. "Probably not hard enough". I agree with the rest of the substance of your post. I'm happy he did something but I'm disappointed he's not doing all he could do given how upset he seems to be. It's about what he's stated vs. what he's doing. Nothing more. This has nothing to do with what I would do in his position (I probably wouldn't be as upset to begin with, maybe) or that he needs to do more. All I've said is I think he could do more, he sounds like he wants more to happen, but won't take the next logical step of that thought process himself (or can't, but won't say why he can't). That's a fair criticism to me given someone in his position (plays perhaps the second or third most popular Guardians character and is a big hit within the MCU overall) and the hard ball they could play to get what they want in this situation. But why? I'm not upset about this. Bautista is upset about this but isn't doing everything I think he could be doing given how upset he seems to be to me (see my post above). That's disingenuous, or at the very least disappointing and lazy. This is fantastic news, if true, and I'd say I'm very happy if he means it (and Bautista has always been a genuine guy, so I believe him). I think you need Gunn the director, not just first draft of script of Gunn the writer, feels like a bit of a compromise given the shooting script, even in Gunn's hands, could have been very different than this first draft he just handed in but that is a legit promise he's making and maybe it makes Disney re-think things, who knows. While I otherwise totally agree, James Gunn himself has said the Guardians movies are literally about him having changed in his 40's and how he grew up (the arc of the characters in Guardians is the same). So he actually has changed and grown up, to the point actresses are defending him because he's the one who pushed them to come out about their own abuse. James Gunn has become one of the kindest, nicest people in real life from the self-aware faux asshole he tried to be even until he was 40 and this firing feels unjustifiably punitive when you know his story, telling people it's wrong to change and become better because your past (with something pretty benign here) will haunt you forever. While I agree (see SFLUFAN's comparison to blackface) with your post you can't deny that the entire point of comedy is to make light of pain. I've laughed at some pretty harsh jokes aimed at situations I very much relate to (being bullied when growing up, etc.) and the entire point of jokes that "make fun" of the bullied were often very funny to me, despite relating to it as a victim. Like I said, I agree with you, and it's a very delicate line in comedy, and for me personally I like that we can be okay with making fun of anything, including myself and my pain. I think that's the entire point of comedy. But, there's comedy and then there's being mean-spirited or needlessly cruel, and I think it's usually easy to tell which is which. The whole point of 2000's "edgelord" humor was to be the latter, not the former, so I agree that I'm not sure it qualifies as comedy.
  15. Except . . . This. Bautista himself is changing the conversation, but then his actions aren't rising to the words he's using to weaponize his argument. That's disingenuous to me. And as sblfilms explained above, my issue isn't the mix-up, it's that he's factually incorrect - he can always leave his contract. He would not be able to leave it if he was "legally" unable to, but that's not possible in contract law. So it matters. Even if he misspoke, he should come out and correct himself then because that's a big difference between being forced to work on the film vs. simply choosing not to op-out if you are going to say all the things he's been saying.
  16. I never suggested he stay silent, and I'm certainly not saying he has to do anything. But it does come off as disingenuous to be as upset as he seems, have power to do even more, not give his reasons why he won't do more, claim it's because of legal obligations rather than contractual ones (which are not the same) but then continue on a soapbox but not do everything one could. That's my assessment. And as much as he can do what he wants, I can judge him for what he does. He may not have to do anything (and not have to do more) but it is disappointing.
  17. Except . . . This. It's just strange for me to see someone who seemingly cares so much about this not do everything they can about it (when they could, in theory, actually do more to effect change), that's all. I don't think that's a strange position to take. I'm sure he has his reasons, but he should be forthcoming about them if he's going to ring this alarm bell so much.
  18. Shouldn't matter. This is about his principles for himself based on what he's sharing with us. Based on all the info I have, I'd quit if I were him. It doesn't matter whether it makes a difference. It's about living with yourself. He seems to care more than what he could actually do and that discrepancy bothers me, especially in this day and age.
  19. If it matters so much to him, YES. Precisely. Again, tired of people with power doing little. I'm happy he's voicing his displeasure over doing nothing, but please. We have one life to live, stick to your morals and principles all the way through, at least. That's all.
  20. I actually agree. He should just walk away if it matters so much to him, and if James Gunn is the close friend he claims (as well as co-worker/boss), then he should leave. Unless he really did have a problem with his original stuff and didn't know but that doesn't seem to be the case. If I were in his position I can categorically say I would leave. I'm tired of people with actual power (unlike us) never doing anything when they can when they say they "care".
  21. But apparently a big enough one to make a big stink about the whole thing for awhile but actually do nothing substantive about it. And I like Dave Bautista but this is like a child flailing their arms with futility at their parents.
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