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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I almost always watch everything I watch with my wife, she's an actress/director so I guess I lucked out that way. However, I watch a lot more things than she does so I do end up watching plenty of things by myself, which I'm perfectly happy with. I love watching things with her too, though she has a bad tendency to be on her phone a bit too much while we watch things and she will quickly check out of things that she isn't enjoying (even when it still deserves a chance, I think) and she doesn't like to do rewatches much, whereas I love rewatching things I really enjoy. So it's all a bit of a mix.
  2. I'm a big Spike Lee fan and this has always looked really good. An @sblfilms recommendation seals the deal. Jeremy Jahns really loved it, and he doesn't usually like heavy dramas (even with some comedy, as this movie seems to have some, thankfully).
  3. I lean more this. For all that was happening, the film felt like wheel-spinning most of the time.
  4. To be fair, Avenatti has done a good job getting coverage to hate pile on Trump in the media, which is always a good thing. He's savvy, and I don't think we should criticize him per se for being a savvy person. But self-aggrandizement I cannot abide. Avenatti is going full on ego trip if he means this.
  5. Make sure to watch out for MS-13 and Antifa. LIBRULS GET THE BULLET TOO. There are good people on both sides of the Nazi debate, so don't worry about the Nazis so much. BUT MS-13 AND ANTIFA GUYSSSS
  6. Saw the news earlier this week or last week - I agree with you. Fargo is money.
  7. Yep, this. Sad how things went. But I guess evil "stability" is better than the shit storm war it was? I dunno.
  8. Oh, I agree it's a far greater moral sin of omission. I simply meant the culture around it generally in this country is more toxic overall now, so we have even more reason to call to arms than we did before. MSNBC's hands are stained with blood either way, in my opinion. I should have been more clear. Their lack of coverage bothered me long before Trump came along, I just wish they tried harder now if they're going to act like they aren't just like Trump is all. The cognitive dissonance is starker now than it was, basically haha.
  9. Because redsoxfan said that this sort of thing has "always" been ignored, and I responded with even if that's true, that it being ignored now is worse than it being ignored back then was, so it bothers me even moreso today than it did then, basically. That was it. Then you responded by saying what I said was stupid and made no sense. So I felt I needed to explain what I originally meant further. I meant MSNBC ignoring US-Yemen now is an order of magnitude worse than it used to be because of the context now vs. then. I didn't mean that literally the war itself is an order of magnitude worse than it used to be. Sorry if that was the misunderstanding.
  10. In terms of proportion are you saying it makes no sense to say that the culture of hate today is an order of magnitude worse than it used to be? I mean, I think it pretty clearly has gotten worse than, say, during the Obama years, in terms of tolerance and attitudes towards brown Americans. So ignoring US-Yemen now, in this climate, is, ostensibly, worse than the same ignoring was going on during the Obama years due to the context of each situation. Context colors the gravity of the situation.
  11. Only a select few times, no doubt. But there is a sliding scale here in terms of racism/badness, and what it is today is worse than what it was before. That doesn't mean before was good either, but that something REALLY ought to be done about it now, given how bad it's gotten/getting.
  12. How doesn't his base ever get tired of this? Like, Jesus Christ man. Even if this was something that didn't matter from a real friend in real life I would be telling them to shut the fuck up about it already. I'm tired of this. What more is there to even say? How are they not tired of this? Even if anything he said was true (which, almost none of it is) I would be tired of how often he beats these drums.
  13. I think everyone here agrees with that sentiment, just that it's now an order of magnitude worse than it used to be.
  14. That's true but those are the GOP goal posts, not the objective goal posts. I understand why the perception is where it's at, it just boggles my mind people can't see through/past it to the objective truth. Then I remember Trump has a solid 40% base after 1.5 years in office.
  15. It amazes me that the mainstream media narrative is so centrist, yet people tell me CNN and MSNBC are so "liberal". Sometimes I wonder where people think the goal posts even are, in actual reality.
  16. I think this is a fair description of the show - I enjoyed season 2, but I simply stopped all CW superhero show watching after that heh.
  17. I already platinum'd this game on hard on my one playthrough. Like others, who has time to replay new games when there are so many other, good games to play? Dayum. Happy the game has the feature now though.
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