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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. It's certainly possible. That or Manafort expects a pardon from Trump. Or he's Manafucked.
  2. I think it's disingenuous for the article to say progressives aren't winning. Given the amount of traction they've gained in just the last 5 years means they are winning. People don't go from 0 to 60 mph in half a second, this is a gradual process, and the process is showing success. Furthermore, the more important reason for progressives' existence is to shift the policy debate, which is so fucking imperative. Which the article mentions but fails to emphasize how useful and important that is. And they are succeeding on that end too. That headline is typical mainstream media bias that neutrality equals objectivity. CNN still calls Rudy Giuliani "Mr. Mayor" like I'm supposed to take "Mr. Mayor's" shit seriously. Mr. Magoo or Ghouliani would be more appropriate. Article headline is bullshit. Article itself is solid except it's subconscious bias as per usual.
  3. He clearly cleaned up his act because he cleaned it up before he was ever considered for Guardians of the Galaxy by Disney/Marvel. His previous two films, Slither and Super, are small/indie hard-R rated films so I don't think he was getting any bigger at the time he apologized, etc. You can also clearly see his evolution as a person in his films. If you go from Tromeo + Juliet to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, there is clearly an evolution in there, at least as an artist, that I presume may also reflect on him as a human being, which is backed up by all those around him, men and women alike. Let's be very clear here, James Gunn didn't sexually assault anyone. He committed no actual sexual misconduct on anyone (as far as we know). He was doing a bunch of weird, "edgy" shit, no question, between bad jokes about rape and pedophilia (jokes, not actual actions), weird blog articles about hottest female superheroes he'd want to fuck and then objectifying them, and weird (but not for Hollywood) costume parties (presumably all with adults, just dressing like kids in some cases . . . ). This is not the same as actual sexual misconduct, just to be clear. Weird shit and bad jokes: worthy of shame? Perhaps. He's apologized repeteadly now. A fireable offense? Debateable. Worthy of scorn and derision at the current James Gunn? No.
  4. It would certainly frustrate me. To relate to you though, my wife can binge a TV show endlessly but can't binge a single movie series or just binging on watching movies. She simply can't do it. It's the strangest distinction to me. The same amount of time is put in watching the TV, what does it matter if it's a film or a TV show playing?
  5. Please - they are just pushing for higher pay - and they'll get it. Pine and Hemsworth were nothing (particularly Hemsworth) when Star Trek '09 came out. Paramount probably approached them both recently for this father/son storyline with Star Trek '09 salaries offered to them and they were like: "guys, 9 years have passed, we're big shit now, pay us more". This isn't news . . . yet. We'll see if they really stand their ground.
  6. I'm really sorry. I heard you can sell those to other crazy people for a good bit of money if you still need a way out. I think everyone here would understand.
  7. Are you specifically talking those who associate themselves specifically with the hashtag or meme #resistance or anyone who considered themselves part of the group trying to get things back to normal? I assumed you meant the latter, not the former, which is my mistake if so.
  8. Hope isn't a feeling in this case - it's speculation on my part. I'm saying I have hope, based on the evidence I see, that things will, eventually, get better through, primarily, changing our elected representatives to the "right" people. Redsox doesn't think so. I simply replied that if he truly doesn't think so, why even bother with any of this? I think it's a fair question heh. Surely you see the irony in his statement? I agree that sitting around hoping is a pointless waste of time, but hope is also a great motivator - certainly greater than a hopeless person is. True hopelessness means you don't expect anything to change, so that isn't helpful at all. You're right that it hasn't stopped you from active engagement, but I don't believe you when you say you truly have no hope, I think that's just your contrarian nature and a desire to not allow yourself to care or hope like many do as a way to cope, myself included. Again, my speculation. I think everyone here knows, deep down, you care because you aren't a monster, no matter how much we joke about it. It is kinda/sorta fun to watch, I guess, until we keep remembering that this is having a real toll on real people. But I digress - I didn't mean to imply anyone shouldn't try to find some fun in all this mayhem to cope, but to dismiss all Resistance because "we'll all be disappointed" strikes me as a dismissive attitude (referring to redsox's post).
  9. Depends on the nature and goal of the grift. Often times good plans require grifting the masses. That's ridiculous and you know it. It's not binary - saying I have some hope doesn't make me a hopeful person, but a hopeless person in this dire political situation we find ourselves in truly is useless. A hopeful person at least has the potential to contribute. I think healthy skepticism is the way to live life, but if one truly feels this is a completely unsalvageable situation - why continue to live in America then? That makes no sense.
  10. From the tweet or in general? As @SaysWho? says, guess we should all just fucking kill ourselves lawl. I think there's some hope or I'd move out of the country to a better one, obviously. Anyone who truly has no hope should stop bothering and move out of the country, at the very least. Put your beliefs where your mouth is. If you've already moved, good (speaking generically). Hopeless people are useless.
  11. I was just speaking generically. Avenatti specifically? I have no idea, but I don't like the idea, as I've said before in the thread heh.
  12. So long as it actually produces positive change overall for everyone, I couldn't care less if the masses are being grifted or not. I'd prefer it not be done that way, but I'll take that over most other options.
  13. Well Clinton was even less qualified than Obama so shows what you know! Yeah, I agree, but to be fair . . . This. Lawyers are legislators despite how dumb all the laywers in the news have been recently lawyers can certainly be Presidents, I think. Lincoln was a lawyer, guys. And it was his legal skills that helped him get abolition through. Not saying Avenatti is Lincoln or the Founders though, lolol.
  14. Best thing I've read all day, thank you. Anyone still championing that idealistic BS (me among them, I thought that would be good enough back in 2016, look at me har har) is an idiot. We gotta fight, hard.
  15. The ability to read and write at a graduate level is a prerequisite needed to qualify to become President. Trump, despite going to good schools, cannot read or write at a graduate university level. Avenatti can. Thus, Avenatti is more technically qualified to be President than Trump is. Case closed. Neither should be President or run for President. But if this is Sophie's choice than yeah, I choose Avenatti. Or have people been asleep the last 2 years?
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