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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I should just use those two gifs for any asinine and/or disingenuous thing that comes out of the right wing/Republican space.
  2. "Such respect for a brave man!" - President of the United State Donald Trump on his ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort going to jail on 8 serious counts of white collar crime where he will serve out the rest of his life in actual prison (barring a pardon from said President). Oh, he has a second trial coming up to.
  3. Would love that movie. I'm one of the few that thought the first 2/3's of Spectre were an incredible Le Carre-type spy movie and then the movie shits the bed when Bond gets back to London at the end. So I'm excited for a follow up with Craig but it'll all depend on the director. I was excited for Boyle. We'll see who they get instead before I decide I should still be excited or not but I'm glad Craig is back.
  4. His mandate is broad because the criminality of the people involved is wide and far-reaching, so of course it's extending way beyond what its original focus was given the pervasive criminality the investigation has uncovered since it started. That's like saying: "I've gone beyond the scope of the thing I had to do because I found more things I had to do while doing the first thing I had to do, but now you are telling me not to do the additional things, even though the additional things are also illegal."
  5. Erik Prince can go fuck himself. I see, instead, he's decided to fuck over Afghani's, American ideals, and the rule of law. Cool.
  6. But most Marvel movies do that - I agree it's not great storytelling but it's not unique to Infinity War. Anyone going into these movies must assume that the movie will end with some cliffhangers. This may have ended more open-ended than most MCU movies, but it's hardly surprising.
  7. Director Peter Berg and his muse (?) Mark Wahlberg were on a great run with Lone Survivor, Deepwater Horizon, and Patriot's Day. Mile 22 looks like 99 cent Michael Bay by way of 99 cent Michael Mann through a shitty version of Sicario 2. It looks awful - I imagine only Trump voters would enjoy Mile 22.
  8. Yeah but that's a semantics issue more than anything.
  9. Correct, but they'd appeal on grounds of jury bias or judge misconduct or some other legal technicality that would allow them to potentially re-litigate the case's facts and charges again. See above. More or less correct.
  10. WOW. Welp - that's that. We don't like helping those whose lives are the hardest, and we make false equivalencies between an entire work force and one family. This is fine.
  11. I'm the same. We're millenials, I think, but on the oldest end. I agree, millenials know what VCR's are and what VHS tapes are. Maybe the youngest millenials don't?
  12. Yeah, some of the evidence of some of the crimes is incontrovertible. This will be appealed if he gets off completely, and they prosecution will win on appeal.
  13. Bingo! Though kids currently in high school are not millenials. I'm 31 and people tell me I'm a millenial, and I do not believe I am in the same group as kids currently in high school.
  14. Actually, I'm not surprised she's the one going scorched earth. She has nothing to lose in terms of her reputation, she's just as much of a lying snake as Trump is, and she knows his reality TV ways and methods. She probably weighed in her mind she could make more money and gain more influence through rejecting the $15,000/month offer and doing this book/tapes song and dance instead. Says as much about her as it does about Trump. This woman was on the Apprentice and lost 3 times but Trump kept her around because she was his evil wild card on the show. Or, if we want to get somewhat racist about it, Trump should know (in his mind, presumably) when you piss off a black woman what's gonna happen. Does he work in stereotypes?
  15. The wedding ring gives it away, when he's wearing it vs. when he's not wearing it. It's never really been a mystery.
  16. 25th Hour and Inside Man are both fantastic films and great Spike Lee joints. I wasn't even aware 25th Hour and Inside Man weren't loved. Even when they came out I remember most critics liking them? I like em either way.
  17. That is indeed quite the hot take. I wonder what they'd say about Hitler: "He held the highest position in Germany, commanded great armies, led incredible generals on successful military campaigns, and he could have ruled the world but no one would let him! He was a man ahead of his time." Like, what in the fuck?
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