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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. My first post was the correct response to someone like McCain. I agree with you - he's a war hawk who has sanctioned some terrible shit. We can even disagree with how the man should be perceived, fine. But your responses? I mean, c'mon man. Don't be a piece of shit. This isn't Dana Rorhbacher here, where I might enjoy his suffering something since he's a traitor to his country.
  2. McCain and I disagree on a lot of things, but I still respect all the good things he's done, as a soldier, politician, and person. He's also done a lot of terrible things, as a lot of people who have been in power do. Trump will bring down the conversation into the morass though, so whatever.
  3. I wish our President would be torn down by his own party rather than the complete opposite that's been happening . . .
  4. I think you should go and consult your physician immediately, I think you may be suffering a stroke or brain hemorrhage.
  5. I keep meaning to watch Mr. Show (old and new) given the talent involved. Worth it?
  6. I think that's a bit of an exaggeration - Casino Royale is very much a Martin Campbell film, Quantum of Solace is very much a Marc Forster film, and Skyfall and Spectre are very much Sam Mendes films (except for the last part of Spectre - what the fuck was that?). All of them have clear trademarks of their directors - I'd argue with the same scripts those movies would not come out the way they did except for having these specific directors at the helm (visually, etc.). Hell, Campbell might be a journeyman director, but Marc Forster and Sam Mendes have clear directorial styles and talent.
  7. Clean fundraising motherfucker - do you speak it? I hope Beto wins bigly.
  8. Apparently it's amazing. It's by the guy who did Call Me By Your Name. I'm looking forward to it. Will need to rewatch the original before going to see this.
  9. That would be pretty awesome - I'd watch that premise in a heart beat if executed well. Both are great directors, but just to be clear, did you mean Gareth Edwards or Gareth Evans? Director Martin Campbell is a journeyman director - he's only as good as his script and how interested in the material he is. When he's on, he does excellent work like GoldenEye, Casino Royale, The Mask of Zorro, and arguably Edge of Darkness and The Foreigner. But he can also be absolute trash; see: No Escape, Vertical Limit, Beyond Borders, The Legend of Zorro, and Green Lantern. So it all depends with journeyman directors like him.
  10. How I Met Your Mother (a show I loved watching as it came out) is, in retrospect, as bad as Friends is in retrospect (which is to say, they're okay). The broad humor/comedy and obviously and overtly silly romantic and comedic scenarios are more stupid than funny as humor has evolved over time. Some stuff is still fantastic, but the show has absolutely aged poorly and the last few seasons were terrible even when they came out. Seinfeld remains excellent but the laugh track is, indeed, cringe-worthy. It was tough to get through HIMYM the first time as it came out with a laugh track, going back now was awful. The show has high points but, at least in my opinion, the show is . . . pretty just okay. The fucking terrible finale sours the entire thing, to some degree.
  11. The last few seasons have been some of the show's absolute best. Season 9 thru 12 have been a riot. Can't wait for the new season.
  12. McCabe is Comey!! Truth isn't truth. Alternative facts. What you're seeing and what you're hearing isn't what's happening.
  13. Kamala Harris = was a typical hardass prosecutor, as most know. Here it is again.
  14. Let's not forget the second House/Senate politician to originally endorse Trump, Republican Duncan Hunter, just got indicted as well. Which reminds us all that Trump's first and third political endorsements are also under indictment and recusal, respectively. THE BEST PEOPLE
  15. That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen you post. Unless you're kidding, which is entirely possible. Like @CastlevaniaNut18, I took your earlier posts seriously, but I often don't know when you're joking, so it's possible you were earlier (didn't come off that way to me). But this asserstion, that I've quoted from you - is ridiculous. That's a false equivalency without historical context if I've ever seen it. It made complete sense that @CitizenVectron singled out white suburban land owners. Because their feelings towards "criminals" is not the same, or exactly the same, as minority suburban land owners. And given I am a minority suburban land owner, as are my parents (my parents are multiple suburban land owners all over the country, in fact) I can say that amongst that community, there is certainly good reason to single out white suburban land owners' views towards this issue as being different than non-white suburban land owners on this issue, even if there may be some overlap between the two. Given that few non-white suburban land owners are backing the current administration, but many white suburban land owners do support the current administration, it is even more apropo for CitizenVectron to single out white suburban land owners, because it is them (within his base) that Trump will listen to most on what to do next on this issue, given the strikes will have to be addressed (or intentionally ignored, which is what Trump will do probably because fuck criminals of every kind, amirite?), and I can promise you it does not match what minority suburban land owners would say. And that's why the distinction matters, especially now. And while you aren't wrong that legal immigrants, like my wife and parents, have strong feelings like being mad at the illegal part of undocumented immigrants, to suggest that legal immigrants hate undocumented immigrants more than white people (on average), that's a ridiculous assertion. They may be unduly harsh towards undocumented immigrants because of jealousy/envy/spite/whatever, but to hate them more than white people on the whole? Do you think it's legal immigrants or Trump's white base that's pushing current immigration policies? C'mon now.
  16. Oh gosh yes think of the poor consultants! Social media allows these numbskulls to communicate with us directly and they get enough small dollar donors anyway to afford whatever they'd need in terms of getting re-elected. Progressive candidates are out fundraising their Democratic competition without taking dark money, so . . .
  17. It's because corporatist Democrats don't want the Democratic party to go the progressive route, of course. If they did, they'd lose a lot of their donor and super PAC money. Then they'd actually have to WORK for THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. And fuck that, amirite?
  18. Yes - the same one Michael Cohen, Rudy Giuliani, and the rest of Trump's former and current legal team passed, I think.
  19. Plus, we're talking about vastly different degrees of "accepted corruption because it's politics" with each party. They both may do it, as the right constantly loves to project, but not nearly to the same degree and that makes all the difference in the world. No one is perfect, but there's Martin Luther King Jr., the average person, and then Adolf Hitler. That doesn't mean they're all the same, of course, or we all accept or don't accept those individuals equally. I accept MLK much, much more than Hitler, whilst also understanding MLK wasn't anywhere near perfect. The false equivalency and whataboutism is just tiring at this point by the right, and they know they're doing it, and they don't care. It's their commitment to trolling and stupidity even though peoples' lives are at stake that truly bothers me (among other things).
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