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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Just to address this - you are creating a false equivalency here. A person can be mentally ill - an indication of which is an inability to manage their finances. Many people who murder scores of people can manage their finances. Thus, at least in that respect, they are showing no indication of mental illness. You seem to think, inherently for some weird reason, that killing people inherently means mental illness. It does not at all. But not being able to manage your finances is a clear sign of mental illness (or something), which is different and unrelated since many killers can manage their finances. Is their overlap? I'm sure some, but not noteworthy. Many people who have killed a person (or more) can manage their finances well enough and have no (or minor) mental health issues. Why is that such an unbelievable proposition? If someone doesn't meet the medical or legal definitions of mental illness/insanity, then they aren't mentally ill and thus, are just bad people with little moral compass, etc. Latin America are not "westernized" or "industrialized" or "first world" countries, which is what @sblfilms meant. If you have to cite Latin American countries as an example of a "western" nation that has higher gun violence than the US, then you missed the point of sblfilms' post. He's saying that in actual westernized countries like Japan, South Korea, Australia, and western Europe, that all of those countries have social media, video games, drugs, mental illness, and more, in the same proportion as America does, on average. Yet, our gun violence is astronomically higher than similarly situated countries as our own (so Latin American countries don't count). Why is that? Can't be because of all the aforementioned things, because those countries have those things too (mental illness, video games, etc.). So what could it be? The only clear difference on this issue between those countries and our own is the availability and prevalence of guns and the gun/violence culture associated with it. That's the logically biggest and clearest difference to explain the difference in gun violence between those countries and our own, no? Of course it is other things too, but this major factor cannot be denied, no? So it's guns. Guns first. Does everything else play a role, like mental illness, etc.? Of course. It's all worth talking about and considering. But the biggest factor - the prevalence and easy availability of guns, seems to be the only factor that the right doesn't want to talk about, which is strange, because it's the biggest factor to consider. No one on the left is saying ignore mental health illness or the acceptance of violence as part of American culture, art, and media, but why ignore the most important factor? You can't, especially given the disparity between our gun violence and other similarly situated countries. If we're like Latin American countries, we should not even attempt to proclaim we're westernized, industrialized, or "first world" then. And if that's the case, all the more reason to fix this issue because it's clearly quite bad if we're being equated to Latin American countries in this respect.
  2. Agreed. Agreed - that was my entire point. Kevin Smith isn't even fat now, so we wouldn't have to worry about that. My entire point was there are ways to be heavy and stylish, just not per se wearing form fitting clothes. That's why I said better clothes earlier, not form fitting clothes.
  3. DAYUM. I thought the second trailer looked really cool too. That is a shame to hear. Shane Black has never made anything outright bad so this is surprising. That bad?
  4. See, this is where you and I disagree I think. You see it as a "don't antagonize pro-gun culture with far left crazy ideas" as being the problem in the culture that needs to change first but any kind of gun control has historically been seen as antagonization by pro-gun culture. The far left crazy ideas have now come out because pro-gun culture has blocked any offered half measures as being just as insane as repealing the second amendment. Pro-second amendment repealment is as a response to the pro-gun/NRA culture that has bred here for centuries, not the other way around. While I believe in always bridging gaps I'm not sure we should care so much anymore what the pro-gun culture has to say except insofar as we need them to get changes made given their complicity in this problem for so long.
  5. I think mclumber's point isn't that there are calls for gun control/regulation in general, but that certain members in far left groups like The Young Turks (which is true) are not just calling for gun control/regulation, but a repeal of the second amendment. To be fair, other members on The Young Turks do not believe we need to go that drastic. He fears that we will go too far. I think, personally, that's incredibly alarmist - change would be gradual/incremental regardless of how drastic some leftist voices might be given how glacial any change has been so far. Given that our default right now is that the country is super into guns, I think worrying about the far left when most calls to action is to do anything (as opposed to something specifically far left) seems like cognitive dissonance to me, no offense @mclumber1
  6. I certainly see that being a major contributing factor. As a major gun user/owner who understands that world far better than I do - real, reasonable solutions from your POV? Because the culture has to change, clearly, in this country, toward guns. The laws too.
  7. He's talking about the country's narrative on guns which influences people across the country. Limitation and aversion to guns are good teaching tools here. It's not about what's allowed elsewhere and what isn't (though it is important to look there for the legal side of how to legislate our own gun problems). But the bigger problem is how okay and sanitized gun use is. I'm not per se against guns flat out, but America has a problem, and to point out that in this case there was no way to catch him with current Maryland (or otherwise) gun laws ignores how bad our laws are, not just the people like David Katz.
  8. Your breakdown seems accurate. If McCain was too old or too thick-headed to see the obvious logic that using a racist term because you hate your captors is a bad thing (because the racist term is applicable to the entire group, not just your captors) I'm not sure why the immediate response isn't to default to more neutral yet still harsh insults like "those motherfuckers" or whatever. Logic should always win. Adults are stupid, news at 11.
  9. Oh, for sure. I'm 6'2" (also broad shouldered) but 170 lbs. When I'm 185 lbs, it's a lot harder to find clothes that fit me well than when I am 170 lbs (depending on if I'm an out of shape 185 lbs vs. an in-shape 185 lbs, and I've been both haha). It can be tough. I hear ya brotha heh.
  10. She should absolutely be stripped of the award. I've wondered why that hasn't happened since I first learned of the genocide of the Rohinga Muslims in Myanmar. Yet, here we are. A damning UN report and little actual action. Cool, business as usual, let's go help Saudi Arabia destroy Yemen and let's go to war with Iran instead.
  11. I always assumed those were the kinds of clothes 400 pound dudes wore (mostly the only kinds of clothes I've ever seen them wear at least). I take your point though.
  12. Ehhhh - form fitting clothes on fat people is not pleasing to look at. I agree getting stylish clothes helps regardless of body type though - he should have shopped for better clothes for heavier people, but not form fitting clothes, per se. Obviously, confidence in how you carry yourself in the clothes matter too. Sure, he can wear form fitting clothes if he wants to, but it's not pleasant to look at.
  13. I think if he thinks that's "style" he may have suffered more than just a heart attack. I'm sure he could afford clothes that "fit" for a 400 pound man back when he was one, but I'm sure he was insecure about his weight and wore over-sized clothes to hide it, as many heavier people are wont to do.
  14. Those aren't pants, but jean shorts, if you can believe it. As a fan of most of his work, I'm really glad he lost the weight, but will he update his clothing style? Because my God dude, you're an adult, and you don't have fat to hide anymore. Let's go shopping.
  15. I'm sad to hear about the issues between first two episodes of season 3 director Jeremy Saulnier (Blue Ruin, Green Room) and writer Nic Pizzolatto (who also famously butted heads against all episodes of season 1 director Cary Fukunaga) but we're still getting two episodes directed by Jeremy Saulnier. And Pizzolatto has taken his time again this time, which is good, and one episode was even co-written by David Milch (Deadwood). All starring Mahershala Ali. There's a lot of potential good there.
  16. I'm curious to see if Trump paying for abortions is a red line for evangelical Christians. They probably won't even believe it anyway. Or go the King David route again.
  17. I thought we had a full deal signed and in place for North Korea to denuclearize? No? Pretty sure Trump said that.
  18. I saw this yesterday and my first thought was: "what a piece of shit". Then I thought: "what if he didn't know, and she got him gud?" In which case: she's loving this.
  19. Well then they're stupid to vote red because Trump is not in favor of cows, given how many burgers he eats (he ain't going to Chik-Fil-A). Which perfectly describes the Trump voter who votes against their own self-interest. Who knew it was cows?
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