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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. That's harder to say - I'm genuinely unsure if their disapproval would be strong enough to be okay with the alternative. I hope so. If not, and Trump theoretically pardoning Manafort, firing Sessions, and ending the Mueller investigation doesn't get enough of a majority of the country to come together to get rid of him, then there really is no hope.
  2. I agree about GOP lawmakers, but not the average Republican. You can see that even in interviews with them. Oh, for sure. But as more evidence comes out, the more average Republicans don't want to see Trump end the investigation.
  3. Not surprised at all given wage stagnation. Probably time for another millionaire and billionaire tax cut me thinks. Republican GOP: hold my beer.
  4. Yeah, that's weird, I agree. He just recently gave a speech where he came out clearly for pro-kneeling in the NFL where he went on a tear in general about how useful and important non-violent peaceful protesting is which was pretty fucking baller.
  5. Polling seems to indicate that the right has more and more "disapproved" of Trump if he fired Mueller or ended the investigation. So it's my hot take, but that has been the case.
  6. I never watch miniseries' week-to-week because their structure has always lended itself to binge watching better. I can see how The Night Of would not have been as good if I hadn't binge watched it. I watch plenty of TV (if I'm caught up with a show) week to week, but anthology shows or miniseries specifically, I wait until the full season is out to watch it. I think there is a distinction to be made there. I waited until all of American Crime Story season 1, Big Little Lies season 1, and The Terror season 1 were out before fully watching them and I think that helped enormously with enjoying all of them.
  7. What's interesting is that slowly but surely, even the right are beginning to support the Mueller investigation more and more as the evidence starts to become undeniable. So while I agree with you that Trump may do all those insane things, by the time he does the nation will turn so hard against him that it won't matter. We'll see, but that is where things are starting to trend for the right.
  8. Gillum is a huge fucking win for progressives. But please, everyone tell me how progressives are in the same spot they've been in for the last ten years . . . We're making gains people, because the logic is there and people are finally listening (well, some are). Then again, a dude who killed his own mother narrowly lost their primary. So, you know, people are idiots.
  9. That's because Don McGahn refuses to let Trump pardon Manafort, so Trump has been mulling for awhile replacing McGahn with a lawyer who will help him with that. Won't matter because Manafort had a mistrial on 10 other criminal charges which will now be tried in state court which Trump can't pardon him from and Manafort faces a second trial in mid-September that Trump would also not be able to pardon him for as the optics on pardoning the same man twice, especially within months of each other, would be untenable, even for Trump. So . . . Manafucked.
  10. I think it's great but I know many who hate or dislike the film. By comparison, the rest of the movies I listed of his are pretty unanimously loved.
  11. I binged The Night Of and thought it was pretty good, though I think Sharp Objects may be more in line with something like Big Little Lies, which was fantastic, since they are both fully directed (every episode) by Jean-Marc Vallee (also directed The Young Victoria, Dallas Buyers Club, and Wild). Like you, I plan on binge-ing it, with my wife. Word of mouth is that the show is really, really good.
  12. Regardless of The Predator's quality (which Shane Black is still credited as both writer and director), Shane Black solely wrote: Lethal Weapon 1, The Last Boy Scout, and The Long Kiss Goodnight as well as writing and directing Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Nice Guys, and, yes, Iron Man 3. If you haven't seen any of the aforementioned movies except Iron Man 3, please go rectify that immediately. All of those movies are excellent (to different degrees). That's a hell of a resume. But, if the movie is bad, it's bad.
  13. I meant since the hurricane happened until now, rather. I should have been more clear. Like, this should have been blared on every news station 24/7 every single day from when it happened until now.
  14. I just don't understand why this isn't getting more media coverage. I don't want to say it's just because of racism, but I think that has its part to play here . . .
  15. Wouldn't be surprised if it was Trump. Didn't he do the same thing to his doctor awhile back, seizing medical records?
  16. The optics on that alone are so bad I can't even . . . much less the lack of actual empathy and humanity.
  17. If it helps their side, as it currently does, and them knowing the left would never silence them because we actually believe in the ideals that they only care about when it benefits them, the answer is, absolutely, yes, that's what conservatives want the US government to do. Surely this is the default we should all be operating under at this point?
  18. "Becoming one of the leading GOP voices against President Trump." WHAT FUCKING VOICES? ARE THEY THE VOICES TRUMP HEARS?
  19. Anyone who says that McCain "resisted" Trump has a really low fucking bar. Didn't he still vote pro-Trump legislation like 80%+ of the time? Yeah, "resist".
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