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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. 8 episodes is perfect. It's already renewed for a season 3. The first season was surprisingly good (technically was meant to be a movie that was simply split into 4 parts instead). I look forward to this! Warren Ellis is a great writer.
  2. The Cold War wasn't that long ago. Have these Americans forgotten?
  3. Absolutely. For some people it's a base: "fuck you, I'm so counter-culture" when they are the ones in fucking power. And they know it and they still don't care. It's a lot of hate all wrapped up into one stupid fucking hat. I hate that goddamn unsightly thing.
  4. I am fully on board them being the "I feel bad and I've changed" bandwagon. It's best case scenario. If they mean it, then I say accept them with open arms and continue to educate them out of their hatred, etc.
  5. Same. Season 2 has also been excellent so far, if spinning its wheels too much. Everyone should be watching this show.
  6. When the country created laws that tried benefiting people to one degree or another. Laws that Trump is repealing or eradicating, which shows we were better of before than we are now. Did we reach the ideal I described? As I said, no, but it was bending in that general direction, and that's enough.
  7. Link? Just out of curiosity, I'd like to see who is and isn't hitting the 2% target and how much less than the 2% target each are actually contributing. If all true, then I do agree that everyone should pay, but Trump is trying to get NATO allies to do that in the worst ways possible. Bigliest negotiator eh?
  8. From my understanding though NATO allies pay proportionally respective to their GDP's, correct? Are any actually in debt to us over that? Are some not contributing proportionally to us but relative to their GDP?
  9. You're so cute. I mean that in the most genuine, nicest way possible. No condescension. This story fucking should be. If only . . .
  10. Sorry, I didn't fully understand that. What do you mean? This is the loophole I'm sure would be used when and if possible. But you can't pin like-for-like crimes in every instance, or even similar ones to force a re-litigation. It's something though.
  11. Eh, I don't think so. We already have appellate review, I don't think it's hard to imagine allowing a state court to re-open a case using an appellate review process to re-litigate a case where something extreme happened that can't be re-litigated at the federal level (for whatever reason). I think it's dangerous to make the argument you're making because the need for re-litigation at different judicial levels has happened before and I like at least a window to remain open for that possibility. I doubt it could be abused, if legislated correctly. Highly suspect judicial cases do exist.
  12. No, I agree. I think extreme miscarriages of justice is a highly unique exception though. And with any rule, you have to account for exceptions. Nothing is 100% anything. With that being said, yes, for 99% of the time, the law should be changed for that to be the case.
  13. While it is actually statistically rare (comparatively) in legal cases that the women falsely accused a man of sexual misconduct (usually they are found to be right), of course it does happen. And here's an instance.
  14. Hey, I granted we've never achieved those ideals, but we had them. People believed in them. As I said, I've always been critical of the US. But there was a bent towards something resembling a positive direction. Now, we're actively in a negative direction. That is a big change, even if it seems small when written out.
  15. To be clear, my issue isn't with double jeopardy. I actually agree with TwinIon and SFLUFAN that on its face, it shouldn't be possible (except in cases where an extreme misappropriation of the law or justice has occurred). But it's the timing. That's what gets me. Like with approving the Muslim Ban, it's like saying it should be legal "normally" so we'll make it legal "in this case" even though "in this case" IS THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. Meh. Fuggit I guess.
  16. I am 100% sure that I am 0% proud to be an American. I used to be when I thought that to some degree we were the liberal, progressive ideal in the world. The "shining city on a hill". The "bring your meek, your poor, your huddled masses". Not overly proud, I've always been critical of America and its policies. But since Trump? This is next level. Nope. We're an actively "shithole country" now.
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