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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. But there's an insidiousness to the humor with Apu, that's the difference. Of course a person can elect to simply not watch something and ignore it rather than making the thing you can ignore change for you, but we have a moral responsibility to make sure things aren't at least insidious. A lot of humor is meant to offend (Doug Stanhope is one of my favorite stand-up comedians) but there is a difference between humor and derision and derision isn't a good thing and should not be allowed, especially when that rhetoric is perpetuated by the ignorant people watching the show that don't even know the difference. Does that make more sense? There's a difference between offending some random person and a systemic problem where the "humor" you are enjoying reinforces and perpetuates the systemic problem.
  2. It's not surprising that Republicans and the far right don't think words can incite actions. For them, words have always been meaningless, probably why facts aren't too important to them either. The problem is words aren't meaningless, they have lots of power. Republicans either don't know or don't care, and thus, can't seem to take responsibility for their own rhetoric.
  3. It begins . . . But hey - what's losing everything of virtue and value for a better economy amirite?
  4. On top of that, let's note the fact that this time, after the synagogue shooting, he called the media "the true enemy of the people", implying the shooter is not a true enemy of the people like the media is. Like. Holy shit.
  5. Wow, a lot of ignorant posts (and some good ones!) in this thread. Apu is offensive, and comparing him to other "stereotypes" on the show is not analagous because many of the other stereotypes are not a minority and the bigger issue everyone seems to be ignoring isn't that there aren't real life Indian Americans who have thick accents, it's that Apu is voiced by a white guy doing an aggressive Indian-accented English. This is the equivalent of a white dude putting on black face. I would have had no problem if they just replaced Azaria with an Indian American voice actor, and then phase out the accent. It's strange to me that people think the issue is that the Simpsons have a stereotyped minority character rather than the fact it's a white guy voicing him. That's the bigger problem. I'm not a fan of censoring humor but there are red lines and this is one of them. Indian Americans don't like Apu, and we should defer to them on this issue. Do all Indian Americans have a problem with him? No, but enough do that what's the harm in being more culturally sensitive for them?
  6. Season 2 was even better than season 1. By all rights this shouldn't be a good adaptation but it's better than good.
  7. Geoffrey Rush is amazing in these movies, so I agree with you there. And At World's End is my favorite too - it's the weirdest and funniest one.
  8. Houston Texans for $10,000 1. Texans FG 2. No 3. Eli Manning 4. Philadelphia 5. Detroit, Indy, San Francisco 6. Seven 7. Barkley, 8. Barkley, Brown
  9. Anyone hating on Pirates 2 & 3 seriously need to go revisit them. Director Gore Verbinski (who did the first one) really did some great work there and the writing is witty throughout (same writers as the first one as well). http://collider.com/pirates-of-the-caribbean-2-and-3-defense/
  10. I didn't mean to imply it was a mainline GOPer, just someone on the right, fringe most likely, but on the right all the same. It could be a super fringe leftist, but that's more doubtful to me.
  11. I'm sure they'll make up a pattern eventually rather than seeing the obvious one right in their faces. Occam's Razor is not a concept among the right.
  12. Agreed - even though our Democratic Party option should be better, any D is better than an R and if you choose not to vote because of this fact then you are failing the system. Yeah, I agree - I wish he would change his stance just to win the election like many politicians but he's actually a principled guy. Damned if you do and damned if you don't I guess. I think if he showed more "strength" it would at least help given his gun stance. Agreed - the strategy needs to change - go more far left, go more left populist - and Democrats will win. But right now, in two weeks, you should vote D over R regardless. But to say a populist leftist strategy won't work or isn't working (can't tell if the article is outright saying that) is ridiculous.
  13. Beto isn't the only one not taking PAC money, and many other candidates who haven't taken PAC money have won. Beto isn't winning in Texas because he isn't running on strength, which is key for a state like Texas, even though he's clearly the better candidate otherwise. Beto is just too nice a guy. Now, Ojeda (Democrat running in West Virginia) is a version of what Beto should be doing in Texas.
  14. I love the original trilogy. Have not seen 4 or 5, heard they were both terrible. Either way, my instant response to a remake/reboot already happening:
  15. The first half of season 3 and the second half of season 4 are still the high water marks for the show. There were some good individual episodes hear and there after that but I gave up after season 7 I think.
  16. I love the original anime film. I recently showed it to my wife (in anticipation of the Jee-woon Kim directed live-action Korean remake) and she didn't like it much, but she doesn't like densely plotted films normally anyway. The Korean remake is directed by famed South Korean director Jee-woon Kim, for those that don't know. He's done A Tale of Two Sisters, A Bittersweet Life, The Good The Bad The Weird, I Saw The Devil, and The Age of Shadows. I'm glad to hear the remake is good as he's a fantastic director and I've always been a fan of the original film. Been looking forward to it for awhile now. How did you see it? Is it on Netflix or something already?
  17. Establishment Democrats get paid to lose by Republican and corporate interests. See: Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, etc.
  18. It's crazy how uninvolved (myself included) people are locally. A lot of those people determine super local policy and that has an effect. It's in part because none of us has any time, we're all working because we're winning or something I think. But yeah. Sometimes I think I should run for something but, again, lack of time/energy.
  19. Haha I'm still unsure if it's in a good way or not though.
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