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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Pro-lifers only care about your "children" until the baby leaves the vagina. Then they immediately stop helping or caring. And god forbid that child becomes LGBTQIA+. Then the pro-lifers will want to kill them. Also, they love guns, which kill a lot of people. Also, they are pro-death penalty. Not sure how pro-life these people are. I think they are pro-semen, pro-ovaries, and pro-fetus but after that they are anti-life.
  2. They can only care so much about brown people, surely they need to cover another Trump tweet for 10 hours and then ask Trump voters how they feel about Trump (they still love him) and then the news acts stunned that a voter can still like Trump. Rinse. Repeat.
  3. It's alarmist to be worried about the DSA as a real threat to our country's government or values. They aren't a real threat. As I said, the closest to the DSA we'll ever get is European-style democratic republic socialism, which is a good thing for us.
  4. Well, we all know he's really good at Jedi mind tricking his own stupid ass . . . Remember, he meant to say wouldn't instead of would, but it's not because he's a complete imbecile. He's, like, a really smart person. A stable genius. He has like the highest IQ.
  5. Nick Mullen isn't on IMDb (I mean, he is, but not in the way you're thinking) . . . if you want to know who he is, please, google him. Just do it. You'll love the joke, maybe.
  6. I definitely would but I haven't seen season 2 or the movie yet. Heard season 2 is garbage, but I've heard the movie is pretty good.
  7. Good. Hit them where it hurts, the only thing they care about: their money. I hope it does hurt their money at least . . .
  8. I mean, for fuck's sake, they want to fight the progressive left harder than Trump. Where is any of this verve elsewhere? Democrats: where they'd rather shotgun themselves in the face than do anything, but to spite no one.
  9. Yeah but, like, I actually want to know how she explains it away to herself. I want to know her reasoning, even if I probably wouldn't call it reasoning.
  10. That's definitely red PA state country for sure. I went to Bucknell in Lewisburg, known people in Harrisburg, State College, Williamsport, Reading, Allentown, Pittsburgh, some others. So I'm with you. I'm from Philadelphia though and currently live there (thank God). Let's hope it goes blue?
  11. We gotta get the money out of politics. Simple as that. Constitutional amendment. Get the corporate super PAC money and dark money and donor money out of politics. An anti-corruption campaign, more than anything else right now, resonates with voters too. So we kill two birds with one stone. We gotta get these hucksters out and get people in who actually represent OUR interests.
  12. Exactly. Goddamn. Which, of course, is bullshit, as you know, heh. But hey, working to create nice things for the public and collective good within reason through government - crazy talk, amirite?
  13. I went to college in central PA, deep red state country and while some are pretty bad, there are a lot of nice people out there too. I mean, we'll see. In all special elections between Trump and now PA has gone increasingly blue so . . .
  14. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. That does border on parody. I don't understand one thing though - if it sounds good, then why not believe in it? How is she so convinced it's such a pipedream that she should instead live her shitty, destitute, sad life instead? What's the reasoning?
  15. I doubt it. But between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia is Alabama, so maybe. Obama did take the state in 2008 and 2012, I believe.
  16. That's completely alarmist. I'd be very surprised if America got anything close to where your concerns lie. The best we'll achieve anytime soon is European-style democratic republic socialism, and that's a good thing this country clearly needs.
  17. This is going over my head. Is Luke Savage on the right? And saying this conservative is hilarious for changing her mind on things, or . . . ? I must be missing somethign here.
  18. Donald Trump should never speak of Pennsylvania again. The Eagles don't want you and this state doesn't want you. We don't want your fucking cronies either.
  19. Yeah - bad policies, which still makes them idiots. But they are in that dangerous spot, I agree. Too stupid/evil to make good policies, but not dumb enough that they can't get their bad policies passed. They can, and that makes them dangerous.
  20. I may have not been completely clear. All good. What I'm basically saying is if a guy shoves you to the ground and you pull out a gun in response, that's not reasonable in this context. In others, the exact same situation may be reasonable. That's the distinction I'm drawing. Either way, it wasn't reasonable here. And firing it? In this situation, that's murder based on what I am advocating for. In another situation, pulling out a gun and having to kill them really may be in self-defense as proportionate force. That's not the case here so let's stay on target everyone.
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