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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. Obviously I agree and it's great to see someone's mind can genuinely change about something! That's always cool regardless. Everyone knows I find Man of Steel to be a really good movie (but not amaze-balls great) so I probably don't need to keep repeating myself after all these years but it's nice to see more on this board like the movie than I remember.
  2. She's the one chick (the prostitute) from Blade Runner 2049. She was one of the main stars of the AMC TV show Halt and Catch Fire. She was in The Martian and the hit Black Mirror episode San Junipero. Even if someone doesn't know who she is, she's always been a woman and not transgender. Some posts in here seem to be confused on that.
  3. He doesn't use protection elsewhere so it can't be much of a surprise.
  4. His picture used to work, not sure what has happened since since it isn't working for me now either. It did look good though!
  5. There's a new season of the show on Netflix, just in case you may not be aware.
  6. Create my robot body that I can upload my brain digitally into and I'm all in for dat sweet immortality and assimilation. WHERE IS IT LEGEND
  7. I can confirm Mueller seems to be handling this shitty gate like a goddamn pro and Don Jr. looks like he's calling airlines to whine like a baby about why there aren't sexy stewardesses he can perv on (recently divorced!) at all times on all planes.
  8. Bro, reading actual newspaper is the new hipster thing. Mueller is woke. Also how cool is it Mueller is just sitting around with the rest of us plebs in a normal airport seat and Don Jr. thinks he's too good for us. Go Mueller.
  9. Impossible, Trump doesn't know what mancala is, he probably thinks "it's a black thing" and he probably can't even say the word. Once he finds out something about, he'll say he knows the best mancala players.
  10. Robert Mueller looks like an adult at the airport, Don Jr. looks like a big child whose family is so rich he never grew up the way secret service is surrounding him and blockading him off there separately from everyone else whilst he waits for first class, I'm sure - OH SHIT WAIT THAT EXPLAINS SO MUCH.
  11. Trump claims it's not actually even his son, it's Obama and Hillary's love child.
  12. Huge M:I and Chris McQ fan here. The ratings for this one are nuts and people are equating the action to Mad Max: Fury Road levels. I'm all in. Also: gun arm reload.
  13. Well then wouldn't a Democratic Congress and President be a step in the right direction for someone like you?
  14. Where do you lie on the political spectrum, do you think? If it's just a different company/industry, that makes sense. A different country once Trump is out of office? That seems silly. If there was a time to leave, now'd be the time unless one thinks things will get better haha.
  15. Word. I mean, moderation in all things to their own degrees, as Aristotle says.
  16. Who drinks soda anymore other than as an extremely intermittent treat or in a mixed drink? Ew.* *Not actually judging anyone. I just don't drink much soda in my diet anymore for general health reasons. I love soda.
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