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Everything posted by Greatoneshere

  1. As a Pennsylvanian, the only thing I have to say is this: Replace him with a Democrat if at all possible. What? I'm from Philadelphia. Fuck this bozo. I'm done playing patty cakes with people who perpetuate the worst of the virus in thought and action then expect me to care when they recklessly get it and die from it? Hah, yeah, okay.
  2. This is a very underrated film by the Spierig brothers (who did Daybreakers) with an absolutely phenomenal Sarah Snook performance (Ethan Hawke is good too).
  3. What a great website. I really will miss it, like 1up before it.
  4. I felt the same way. Soul was good, but it felt like I could see all the strings in the Pixar formula. I had this problem with Coco as well (but not Toy Story 4). It feels like a remix rather than something new and fresh. I mean, Up and Inside Out floored me. This film barely registered. It was all well done, but I was ultimately not moved by much.
  5. I dunno, there have been some stellar parts of the game that will certainly remain with me, particularly certain lines and story content. Is it The Witcher games? No, but it's so different it was never going to be. I don't forgive the bugs and jank, but this is still a game like few others. I definitely have issues with the game (the pace of story content, the disconnect at times between characters and plotlines, etc.) but this is still a pretty crazy game.
  6. I just turned off most of the HUD and UI elements of the game using the options/settings menu (as I do in most games) All you really need is the quest tracker and gun/ammo and minimap. When I'm in exploration mode all I have is the minimap on the screen.
  7. Well, it is at first. You gotta level up your gun handling skills and get better guns and the handling gets better, because that's the logical RPG progression of gun handling and gun mechanics in the game (as you know). But it is definitely floaty at first because you aren't supposed to be that good at guns at first. It's intentional since as I leveled up I definitely saw improvement.
  8. I mean, for sure that's the real reason, and Joss Whedon wanted to hard pivot to a Natasha and Bruce pairing instead. But it could be implied, yeah.
  9. I feel like some on the left forgot Biden is a corporate centrist democrat who literally said that "nothing will change" to wall street groups if he became president given how shocked or chagrined some people are at his decisions, which make perfect sense if you know Biden. He's more referring about going back to Obama era gradualism and incremental change. Once Biden is in office, holding him accountable has always been the next step in the battle to help Americans. Step 1: Fucking save everyone by getting rid of Trump Step 2: Vote in Biden to at least bring competence and some semblance of normalcy and some sense of fairness/norms/whatever to government Step 3: Hold Biden's feet to the fire for 4 years while we make as many progressive strides as possible Step 4: Elections 2022 Step 5: Elections 2024 That's the pathway I see that slowly gets our asses out of all of this mess. Obviously, I need optimal outcomes every step of the way for me to even see a potential future for us long term. So far, slowly the left is realizing we are transitioning into step 3 because Biden is not even liberal, much less a progressive.
  10. I agree with you ultimately, was just trying to help out Kal's argument that there are ways to create a head cannon where they did, though I do think it's highly unlikely since Steve's just not that kind of guy (as you explained earlier). But maybe he is. Either way he's certainly protective of and critical of her throughout Winter Soldier and since then.
  11. I don't think Captain America and Black Widow had sex, but the way Steve talks about how Bruce shouldn't just let Natasha go during the party scene in Age of Ultron definitely has some: "I'm her best friend, and while she was working through shit I was with her" and it reads as maybe sexual, I've always thought, but chalked it up to them being soldiers having gone through shit together.
  12. I'm playing on PC - all graphics are maxed out at 2K/1440p but with no raytracing or DLSS and my framerate hits a locked 60fps more or less. Game hasn't been all that buggy or glitchy except for three side missions so far where the enemies were hostile but simply not go into combat mode (nor could I) so I just walked around and picked up all the items and did the objectives and moved on. Otherwise though, not been too much jank for me.
  13. You have it pretty much on point! I haven't practiced law in a few years now, but typically with a case there are a few hurdles you have to clear just to initiate the case, stuff like whether the case is moot, has standing, etc. As the Supreme Court said in the Texas election fraud case, Texas doesn't have any right and has no place in speaking for PA, MI, etc. So they didn't have standing. Regardless of evidence, a case won't even bother to be heard if it doesn't have standing (meaning, you have a right to be the aggrieved party, you aren't stepping in for someone else from someplace else). The issue is absolutely as you say: the issue is no one has standing - states, not the federal government, conduct elections so groups across state lines can't file suit on behalf of states they aren't even a part of. Their best bet, as you suggest, is to sue their own counties they live in - that's about as far as it can go. They could sue the states they live in to, but they would not be able to make it a federal case by tying it to multiple states because then they are suing on behalf of states they aren't a part of. Even if it did get through on standing somewhere, the evidentiary bar is so high to overturn a presidential election and we all know that evidence simply isn't there. The strictest of scrutiny would be applied to the case (something Rudy Giuliana had forgotten I guess), and it would get tossed out even if standing was reached. Honestly, judges may even say the cases are moot at this point since the electoral college has already confirmed the results. What's funny to me is that is what initially happened - election cases were being brought up in the swing states the fraud was allegedly happening in - and the state courts heard those cases because they had standing, and then they lost those cases 1-59 and counting because they aren't even alleging voter fraud in their suits and when the evidence is looked at, it's all junk that doesn't even reach the legal definition of evidence, it's all just hearsay or vague implications, etc. So once those legal remedies failed, Trump/Trump supporters are just becoming more and more desperate and are now trying hail mary nonsensical legal moves to see if some Trump ass kissing judge will disingenuously let a case through. But it would be appealed and fail at the state court of appeals level and if not there at the state supreme court level. Texas tried to bypass this system to get straight to the supreme court by making it a federal case but that didn't work due to standing (and I doubt it had merit on the evidence, as you say as well). I hope I answered your question, I probably stated a lot of obvious things but needed to lay down some groundwork.
  14. Yes I agree, my only point was it doesn't exonerate them from future crimes (they probably think it does) and it doesn't exonerate them from state versions of federal crimes, so they can still get screwed (though they probably won't). And others pardoning you is different than you pardoning yourself, I would think, but perhaps not (as you explained). I'm just saying, being pardoned isn't per se a good look even if you pull it off. But most won't know or care, but that's the case with most things.
  15. DLSS improves performance but it does put some additional stress on the system too right? But nice - I'd seen the article but not the link to the video from DF, much thanks.
  16. If they aren't running at a locked 30fps on PS4 Pro/X1X that's pretty sad since those don't even do DLSS or raytracing. Without those, they should be able to do a locked 30fps at 1080p at least?
  17. Because of the existence of the Xbox One X and Xbox One S and now the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, I had totally forgotten about the original Xbox One and Xbox One Elite. As I recall, the power of the original Xbox One and Xbox One S are essentially the same, while the Xbox One X is a good bit more powerful than both of those as a mid-generation upgrade, a bit better than the PS4 Pro (whilst the base PS4 was a bit more powerful than the base Xbox One/Xbox One S). Am I correct on that? In terms of for Cyberpunk 2077. Not sure what Eurogamer and others have said about PS4 Pro/Xbox One X's ability to run the game, just that the base PS4 and Xbox One (and Xbox One S) run like dogshit. How does the PS5 and XSX run it? How about the XSS?
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