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Everything posted by Comet

  1. It is insane, and I always thought 7pm too early as well. But they do it for a reason.
  2. Back then my Facebook was littered by anti-Hilary, pro-Bernie people. Many who were so burned by the Bernie thing that they just didn't vote for Hilary or voted Green/Lib out of principle or some shit.
  3. I really don't think you can have it both ways. Appeal to Republicans who can't stand Cruz, taking a moderate stance in general to do so Appeal to your own values and go and stir up excitement from the disenfranchised voters The ridiculous following Beto has garnered with young voters and politically apathetic people would not really be there if he came out like Bill Clinton circa 1992 trying to appeal to the GOP. It might be a toss up as to which could get you more votes, but at least in the end, he's not necessarily a sellout. Which he would probably care more about being genuine to himself and his mission rather than winning. I wouldn't agree to that, but he most certainly thinks that way.
  4. I'm not so sure. Even with Trump, had the GOP passed a new tax legislation that actually benefited the middle class in a more tangible way than the cuts that were passed, I bet the anti-Trump fervor in the polls would be noticeably smaller. Not a large difference, but noticeable sure
  5. That fence doesn’t look like it’s buried too deep. Must be easy to go underneath it
  6. Straight ticket Dem in Texas here. First day of early voting. All of my family and circle of friends have voted too. This fervor is insane.
  7. A homeland attack can do it, but that's about fucking it. After the results of these midterms, and then after the upcoming recession hits us hard, it's going to get much worse. Just in time for 2020, where if Trump wins again, this shit will get even worse; alternatively, if he loses you know what the alt-right will do. Beyond 2020 I'm not sure what will happen.
  8. Nope. They are both American and Saudi citizens. So when they're in Saudi Arabia, they're beholden to that countries laws.
  9. I'm conflicted by this article. I totally get the malaise people have for voting here. I am an optimist in general, but have developed a pretty pessimistic take on American politics for many of the reasons outlined here. But the thing is, voting is all we have outside of a violent revolt to have meaningful change. Beto is pretty much a Democrat outlier when it comes to campaigning for specific changes and not taking a dime of lobby funds for campaigning. If he is successful, which he likely won't be, then I'd feel better knowing that the Democrats, or hell even some sensible Republicans that still exist, will take an ardently anti-lobbying stance and campaign going forward. But, since I said I'm pessimistic, Beto will lose and the non-PAC money gamble/experiment will die with his candidacy.
  10. I think this is just what the world needs in 2018, major Islamophobia from China giving rise to potential attacks by Islamists in China.
  11. And I bet that motherfucker doesn't have to worry about rolling his ankles
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/20/science/9-cities-to-live-in-if-youre-worried-about-climate-change.html
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