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Everything posted by Comet

  1. We Are Not Your Kind is the fucking tits. Also, my brother said the orphaned baby's family requested to go back and meet with Trump. Not sure why all the baby Trump stories haven't been updated with that. It still doesn't negate Trump's lack of social awareness to anything.
  2. It's funny how the Allen High school stadium was more expensive than many many many college stadiums.... and they fucked it up and had major foundation issues within 5 years and had to redo a lot of it. Fucking football and this state.
  3. Let’s not forget that Trump still owes the city of El Paso over $500k.... https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/06/04/beto-orourke-paid-bill-el-paso-rally-donald-trump-still-owes-city-470000-event?fbclid=IwAR0gHecM9uXWZF3aSE4CA51J6zlS5MKbMQ0MTtJex564VNsCbLaJwioB9tQ
  4. Seems like we are at 22 now https://www.kvia.com/news/el-paso/el-paso-police-confirm-another-victim-of-saturday-s-mass-shooting-has-died-death-toll-at-21/1105412624
  5. I guess America is the only country that plays video games.
  6. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/05/watch-trump-laugh-over-a-comment-about-shooting-migrants.html
  7. I like to shit on Cornyn as much as the next guy, but I follow him on Twitter and he reposts allllll sorts of articles from research and event regarding Texas. He’s even shared a few that have made me raise an eyebrow due to the liberal leaning topics. Here he’s just sharing the Texas Tribune’s article without, in my opinion, much more of a nefarious aim.
  8. Probably not, if they were I know Mexico and Brazil would be higher. Still far from triple digits though..
  9. From what my brother described it sounded like it would be at least 20-30 from the outset. Hopefully it stays at 19, but doubtful.
  10. The kid is from 2 miles from where I live in the Dallas area. Just crazy. That manifesto makes sense to me and was my hunch when I first heard the news break. El Paso is incredibly safe and has been resistant to most types of violence like this. Even the right wingers in El Paso are so tightly integrated to the predominantly hispanic culture there that they have a pretty different view of immigration compared to other right wingers in the country.
  11. Joke’s on you, the Wannsee Conference was a mental health awareness conference.
  12. If there was more than one, thy probably were killed. There’s footage of a dead person near the Walmart entrance which people were saying was a shooter, but that’s Twitter so fucking knows.
  13. It was Tax Free weekend. Outside of Black Friday, this is the busiest time of the year for Cielo Vista Mall (and of course the Walmart there).
  14. Back down to only 1 suspect arrested per police chief.
  15. My wife’s aunt who lives there is a nurse and her and many others are being called into hospitals for added support. Ugh
  16. Don’t have a source other than what KVIA reported on air just now, but multiple suspects arrested. I thought the same thing since every shooting has those reports from the echoes of the shots. We will know soon.
  17. This is breaking news, close to home (it was my home). Early reports are as many as 18 shot. For those who don’t know, that area is where all the Mexican tourists go to for shopping. My brother is a journalist there so I’ll post as I hear anything new. edit - my brother is going live on the scene and he says it’s horrific. Not sure what to make of that. edit 2 - confirmed multiple shooters
  18. I totally agree. Living in a grotesque cement jungle such as the Dallas metroplex is really cumbersome at times. Thankfully I now get to work from home permanently, but even driving from my suburb to my office on the other side of the suburb is 30 minutes of traffic, pollution, frustration, but some good sports radio though. Taking the rail into downtown was some of my most relaxing time as a commuter though. I'd be okay getting taxed up the ass if it meant we go all in on better public transportation and the elimination of clogged roads.
  19. If Mueller was in Game of Thrones, he'd totally be Jon fucking Snow. zzZ
  20. Sully is right, literally anyone going into any meeting with him is likely out-preparing Trump regardless of the topic.
  21. On the one hand, that is an amazing thing to do. On the other hand, I've worked at two of this guy's equity companies and they're fucking ridiculous with mass layoffs. Nope nope nope.
  22. No, they want off this rock so they can colonize the next rock before other billionaires/governments. Status quo for humanity. i.e. East India Company
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