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Everything posted by Comet

  1. What is a southern planet? We don't really have a sense of direction in space right?
  2. I am taking notes of which users are currently NOT active in this thread so far - suspicious.
  3. This is just an AI that’s been fed a data set straight from /r/politics and tasked with creating their own political content right?
  4. Maybe we are giving Pelosi to Taiwan as some sort of trade for the CHIPS act. Win/win/lose(for Taiwan)
  5. These aren’t valid usecases for web3. Toss it in a dumpster and solve real issues.
  6. Can’t forget the fading Punisher sticker on the back of a way too large and underutilized gas guzzling truck.
  7. Yeah fuck that. I’m not using the livelihood of my kids as fucking collateral for a losing political fight me and my family have waged for decades. Enough is enough.
  8. You all are describing the difference between moving for survival vs. moving for luxury. Those moving for luxury want to move with luxury: aka movers, having a house bought in the new location, surveyed areas for good school, work situation sorted out ahead of time, connections made in the new area, etc. That takes money and time (and is literally the process I’m going through right now as I am planning a move out of Texas). You can’t compare that to people moving to escape persecution, threat of violence, lack of jobs, etc. It’s completely different, and as a first gen immigrant have seen the difference. Let white people bitch and moan about how hard moving is, but also stop listening to that useless noise. I’ve seen families uproot to Europe, Canada and liberal states to escape this shit. If they truly wanted changed, they’d make changes.
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